
My Fated Alpha

This is a book where readers Decide what Rave's next move will be so it's better to read it side by side. Rave is an omega who is struggling through life but still does her best to remain positive. Her family was wrongly killed yet she chose to not pursue revenge and live her life quietly but fate keeps testing her.

_Chickennugget · 现代言情
45 Chs

Raven’s life intro


In our world, werewolves make twenty-five percent of the population while the rest is filled with humans.

In all honesty I wished I was a human, away from the troubles of heat, pheromones and mates but since fate wanted to be cruel to an innocent orphan like me I turned out to be an Omega. The lowest in the werewolf hierarchy.

Gladly, since the world has advanced and we live in the 21st century, Omega's are also treated as decent human beings but like racism still exists, hierarchy does as well.

Fate was cruel by making me into an omega but it did a good job where it gave me awesome friends.

I lost my family when I was ten and had to run away to avoid the people who killed the rest of my family.

With nowhere to go and no one to confide in, I somehow ended up in an orphanage on a rainy day. The owner was a sweet but old woman, Martha, who took me in and so I had a place to stay.

My birth name is Raven but when Martha asked me about it, I couldn't speak properly because I was scared and cold and somehow instead of saying Raven, I only managed to get out Rave. It wasn't on purpose but at that time, it was hard for me to speak.

I've been Rave since then, it became my new identity and now if I think about it, it happened for the best. I've been safe from the people who killed my family and so far life is going fine.

Not smoothly but fine.

I'm seventeen now and attend a private high school where I have five amazing friends.

Mia, Carlos, Andre, Noel and Jayce.

All five of them belong to rich families but I get along with them all since none of them are like the other rich snobs I have encountered.

There are times I even spend nights at their houses and I quite enjoy my time with all of them but since Jayce, Mia and Andre are Alpha's I also make sure to never miss taking my heat suppressant meds. I would never want anything bad to happen between any of us.

Honestly, for a person like me, attending a private high school is out of question since I'm an orphan with no background.

The only reason I am here is because I'm a scholarship student.

Usually people don't expect omegas to be smart but to hell with them. I have to make a future for myself and graduating from this private high school will serve as a very strong base for me.

But in the end, I can't forget that I am a commoner and need to earn for myself if I want spending money.

So I also work as a maid for a rich family, The Brights. The funny thing about them is that they are a family of four with one daughter and one son.

The young miss and master are of marriageable age but since the young miss, Luna, is older, The Brights have been throwing luxury parties for her so that she can choose a mate for herself.

Luna Bright, along with her mother, Mina Bright and her father Demian Bright are all Alpha's.

I've never seen the young master though. His name is Calix and he's supposed to be a year young than Luna but since he has been abroad for many years I never got to see him.

Luna is the type people like me would hate a lot. She has her head high in the air and her head is full of the fact that she and people around her should only associate with people that are on equal standing.

The good thing is that I never have to deal with her since I either work in the kitchen or the laundry.

I've met with Mina Bright though, she's a decent person and the reason I'm working in their family mansion.

Whenever there is a good occasion, Mina has the habit of giving bonuses to the employees.

Demian Bright though… I never had an interaction with him, I'm just an employee after all but he has a very fierce aura and I think I prefer staying away from him.

Demian and Luna share the same mentality of looking down on people like me but luckily I have no reason to cross their path.

I mostly work on the weekends, friday, saturday and sunday but there may be times when I'm called in if some extra staff is needed for something but I really don't mind, we all are paid accordingly after all.

I have the weekdays to myself, so I always make sure to have my studying done before the weekend.

This is how my life is and I was expecting it to go just like this too but then something very unexpected happened.

I crossed paths with a person, I never should have.