whom we love is just in our fantasy will we be able to meet him someday beyond our fantasy and if we meets. My sudden encounter with my Powers and with my fantasy lover is someone I hate the most and he becomes my companion with supper power
Then I realise he's not lying ,he telling truth now ,I have to do this if I have to control my powers no I don't need it but what will happen if I didn't let him help me what if I got so much trouble what if I unintentionally I harm someone .
Have to found Cure of my power that I have to ask help from him ,
Now you realise how important I am to you so you better listen to me otherwise I am not gonna help you it doesn't concern me if you harm someone its your business
Will you be my drinking partner,
Actually I don't feel like drinking alcohol today but drink on your own I will be a partner but not alcohol I will drink some juice , okay
Then I bring Out some alcohol from refrigerator, &Jeonhoon has took out some apple juice
We start drinking , after a while seeing me drinking a whole bottle he drink two glass remaining wine so he also has took some alcohol
I got drunk so I started saying some random things one of which was about that guy from my dreams
Jeonhoon asking about that in details I don't know what I'm saying maybe next day I will not remember anything,
Black out suddenly then Jeonhoon too me to my room and laid me on my bed
In my dreams that guy appears and start telling me to wake up he was forcing me to marry him in my dreams to get my all powers but I was begging for help to leave my family and me alone
He promised if I do as he is saying he will let my family alone all he wants is me ,
I said yes because I want my family to be safe,
I started to murmur and suddenly I cry out hard
Jeonhoon came and asked what happened mihi ,nothing just a nightmare ,
What kind of nightmare
I don't want to talk about it,
You seem so scared that why I asked
Will you be able to sleep alone here
If you say then you can sleep in my room with me I have two bed in my room so you can sleep on one I will sleep on another,
What these dreams meaning is