

Author note( mature contents + 18 plus)

Anna:" really can we I would live too I haven't been to one of the underground race tracks in a while cool" she smiled at her this crazy brother he was a crazy as her they were going to get on really well and get into trouble together their parents would have their hands full with these two.

While they were in matching mode the dance came to an end. Ed walked over and took over.

Anna looked up all these guys were so tall she was gonna strain her neck at the end.

Ed:" hey boss enjoying your self it's been a while since we danced hasn't it"

Anna:" yeah Uncle how are things back home have you, moved over into your new place"

Ed:" yeah we've moved I think it was for the best Hazel doesn't know our other identity I would like to keep it that way for now" he sighed he had a lot on his plate.

Anna:" okay if that's what you want we will keep it that way but not seeing you in the morning is going weird it will take a while to get used to" Anna was sad.

Ed:" silly I am only down the road and a phone call, away okay you make a sound like I across the world" he smiled gently at Anna.

Anna:" uncle where did you find Auntie Hazel exactly" she was curious about it all.

Ed:" you know the nursing home in the hillside resistances there" he looked at Anna did she knew something.

Anna:" you mean the one we're we volunteered every summer to help the residents" Anna looked puzzled. Anna didn't say anything but if she was there then they would surely have seen her when they were all in England so what was the story behind this all.

Ed, " yeah it was that when where we send you lot didn't well Boss here is a question did you see your Aunt Hazel there" he looked carefully at Anna to see her reaction.

Anna:" to be truthful I never saw her there and we on first termbases with all the residents and staff that were there maybe she moved thereafter we left" who was she trying to convince she was very suspicious of Hazel now.

Ed:" yeah maybe boss " he would find out now there was a lot of things that didn't make any sense.

The dance came to an end along came Anthony he nodded lovingly and took her hand and as they danced:" hey baby girl did I tell you you look like a princess tonight I can't believe my ugly duckling turned in to a beautiful swan" he chuckled.

Anna was thinking about what Ed had said her suspicion aroused she would do some checking when they got back home to find out what was going on. Anna wanted to know was this woman really Hazel or not?

Anna's head was ruffled she looked and a big pair of warm grey eyes met hers she smiled as he looked at him. Anna heard Anthony caller an ugly duckling she was busily being suspicious.

As she looked straight into his eyes they were warm and fatherly she loved to squabble with this Uncle of hers a lot. Anna teased him he teases her the same their relation was strange one they were buddies as well her go-to when she needed advice or she needed to sulk or just generally needed to have fun he would never say no after she moved to China she was more attached to him because she missed home he was always there she didn't like to admit but she was his favourite Uncle. He was more buddies than Uncle.

Anthony:" Hey Baby girl daydreaming again I see was it about food" he chuckled.

Anna:" hey beautiful shall we dance and I am hungry I think a big chocolate cake what say" she chuckled.

Anthony: "Which dance should we dance to" he showed a mischievous smile.

Anna:" how about our favourite dance" she giggled like a silly little girl.

Anthony:" are you sure in the dress" he was thinking.

Anna:" sure thing let's do the boogie-woogie"

So they did the boogie-woogie they left every speechless they couldn't hold the laughter in but they all join in Mu Yazhe watches and shook his head she was crazy but that's what he loves her she was unpredictable you don't what to expect from her.

Jaden was the most surprised they use to do this dance when the girls were young and they would giggle for hours she joined them all and giggled wholeheartedly for the first time in forever Jaden doesn't remember the last time she had so much fun Jaden and Adrian were dancing together they hadn't dance since Anna was 5 years old they're was so happy.

Kang Jun watched his wife and daughter and sons and his whole family having fun he can't remember them ever having a crazy moment this daughter of his has come into their lives and turn their whole strict world on its head she brings her own joy and bubbles with her she makes you want to smile for no reason what so ever. He thought if the girls had lived with them from the beginning this house would be a whole different noisy fun every day.

Mu Yazhe watched his wifey having fun she forgot he was there he just sat and watched he wasn't the kind to do crazy things on the dance floor although Mu Zhen and their sons all join in the craziness even his parents and grandparents join in he was more preserved he wouldn't know how to let himself hang loose he was too stiff.

Anna looked around and found Mu Yazhe sitting in the corner she walks over and puts her hand out:" young sir could you do the honour of dancing with me" she smiled cheekily.

Mu Yazhe:" of course madam I would be honoured " he smiled and took her hand.

They head to the middle and she asked them for slow music so they can do the waltz they start as they warm up.

Anna:" warmed up let's speed up the dance now should we"

Mu Yazhe whispered in her ear:" how about we leave here and dance in the bed" he chuckled at Anna as he teased her he slowly bit her ear.

Anna burned red she realised that they have not been together since the incident at the hospital she looked around and everybody was busy she moved closer and hugged tightly. Anna was still shy about what she wanted to do and what she would do. Anna slid her arms around the back of my taste under his jacket and tickled his back to wind him up she wanted to tease him too.

Mu Yazhe likes this tight hug they just moved very slowly he didn't want to speed the dance his hand ran down her back he kissed the top of Anna's head and spoke:" did I tell you you look beautiful today breathtaking " he smiled gently.

Anna:" well take a good look because you wouldn't see it again this one and only I feel like sugar plum fairy I am justed missing the wand to grant wishes" she sighed.

Mu Yazhe chuckled at the way his wifey describes her self but she didn't know she looked so sexy that all the eyes were on her when they walked in he wanted to hide her in his jacket. His friends told him that he was lucky to have such a beautiful wife he did feel lucky to have her too she was his and his alone she was his first and only love.

As they all making so much noise the door open and the Mayor and his family walk in they asked if they could join them they came in they also joined the noisy chaotic scene as the night progressed they all had fun, as usual, the shadow guards had too much to drink so Anna and Mu Yazhe and Anthony had to carry them to their rooms. Mu Yazhe got to experience the crazy shadow guards when they have drunk too much no wonder Anna had banned them from drinking but he was amused by their behaviour. Especially, Jackie, she touched Anna inappropriately he was so jealous he wanted his wife back.

Anna looked at the room most of them were now drunk she checked they were going to suffer in the morning. Grandpa and Grandma didn't drink so they were fine they walked over to Anna and we're surprised that she wasn't drunk only to learn that she couldn't drink her Grandparents were happy at least they were still a few sober people left they told Anna they were going to there room and they would see her in the morning or late afternoon Grandma winked at Anna as she walked pasted to the walkout. Anna looked at her Grandma and thought this older generation has no shame what happened to the reserved elder's none of her elders resembles them.

Finally, they got everyone in their rooms Anna faced Mu Yazhe and smiled she was ready for bed only she didn't notice the glint in Mu Yazhe eyes he walked over and lifted her off the floor holding her princess style walked towards their room he walked in and turned the lights on but only the dimmers came on Anna looked around and as they walked to the bedroom he opens the door with his foot.

Anna looked around the bed was spread with rose et al's the candles were lit around the room it looked like a room designed for honeymooners she looked at Mu Yazhe face what was in his mind tonight she gulped she knew what kind of night laid ahead he didn't place her down in the bedroom they headed straight in the bathroom he places her down and turned her around Anna closed her eyes she was so nervous she knew what was coming but she was still wary of it she couldn't just let her self natural flow into the romance she just froze instead.

Anna felt Mu Yazhe hands wondering like they had a thousand times but for her, it was like the first her whole body reacted to his magic fingers she could feel the butterfly her whole body. Anna sipper was undone and the dress dropped to the floor in one go she was left with just her undergarments she didn't have sexy undergarments Amelia used to call them Granny pantys.

But that didn't make a difference to Mu Yazhe he used to this he didn't mind they weren't going to stay for long he walked her to the shower more like pushed her in she had become her usually stiff board and turned it on as they both walked inside he started slowly by kissing her so she would get her to lose control then the rest is easy.

Anna knew she was in for a long night she would definitely see every one late afternoon. Anna was very tired she fell asleep in between Mu Yazhe looked at her and shook his head only his little Demon could do this to him he smiled as he kissed her neck and left marks he smirked:" this is your punishment for falling asleep on me but because her body was no longer in her control she mourned every time he sucked her skin which didn't help Mu Yazhe he was aroused by her noise he ended up torturing her awhile longer she was sleep but at least she was more flexible she was longer stiff. When he finished he showers Anna and himself dressed her and placed her in the bed covering her he smiled at her sleeping and kissed her forehead.

Mu Yazhe:" sorry I get carried away with you but it's not my fault you do this to me and I can't control my self what is it why is it that I can't control my self when you around eh" he smiled

Anna was sleep but she still managed to mumble:" Yazhe you are a beast untameable" she was moaning.

Leaving Mu Yazhe speechless she was abusing while she was asleep she didn't just call me a beast oh she is getting very gutsy these days don't worry wait you come home I will show you a beast.

He lay next to her still looking at her Anna turns over finds a comfortable spot turning Mu Yazhe in a human pillow he just looked at this untameable wild kitty of his he soon fell asleep he was comfortable too.