
My Extraordinary CEO Wife

Awakening to a life that has undergone a complete transformation, I find myself surrounded by opulence – a luxurious mansion, high-end cars, and, behind all this extravagance, a stunning CEO beauty who has become my wife. However, the tranquility of this paradise is shattered by an unexpected event, as someone dares to covet my wife and my family. I step forward, fists clenched in anger, and thunderous palms declare a resolute vow – whoever dares to touch my woman must face a devastating fate. This is not merely a confrontation but a proclamation of love, responsibility, and steadfastness. "My Extraordinary CEO Wife" is a story full of passion and determination, exploring the complexities of family, love, and courage. In this pinnacle of life, I will demonstrate how to protect everything I hold dear, fearlessly defending this precious happiness.

Satanlee · 都市
33 Chs

Chapter 33: Enlightened Elderly

QiaoWei stood still, and it took several calls from QinHai to snap her out of her daze. She managed to force a smile and said, "Xiao Qin, I suddenly feel a bit unwell and want to go back to rest. You should head back too. We can plan another time for you and Ling Ling to come over."

QinHai chuckled, "We're already here at the building entrance. A few more steps won't make a difference. Ling Ling said if I don't safely escort you home, she'll hold me accountable tomorrow!"

QiaoWei's lips moved, sighed lightly, nodded, and didn't say anything more.

Along the dark path, the two arrived at a building. Climbing up to the second floor, QiaoWei took out her keys and opened the door. The creaking sound of the old anti-theft door echoed, and as the door opened, light fell on QiaoWei and QinHai's faces. Two elderly people with white hair turned to look, and both were stunned to see QiaoWei and QinHai.

"Mum, why did you come back? Didn't the doctor say Dad should stay in the hospital for a few more days for observation?" Seeing the elderly couple, QiaoWei hurried into the room, tossed her handbag aside, and took a towel from Mrs. Guo. She quickly began wiping Mr. Guo's feet.

QinHai followed QiaoWei into the room. Most of the furniture looked old, showing its age, but everything was neatly arranged and not chaotic. A prominent place on the wall displayed a wedding photo. In a wedding gown was QiaoWei, leaning against a young man in a neatly pressed police uniform, both smiling sweetly.

Seated in a wheelchair was Mr. Guo, bearing a resemblance to the young man in the wedding photo, presumably QiaoWei's father-in-law. The other person was, of course, her mother-in-law.

After efficiently finishing wiping her father-in-law's feet,QiaoWei remembered QinHai and quickly introduced him to the elderly couple.

Hearing that QinHai was QiaoWei's colleague, the elderly couple appeared very welcoming. Mrs. Guo hastily took out tea leaves and prepared tea for QinHai, while Mr. Guo stutteringly gestured for him to take a seat.

After some polite greetings, everyone sat down. According to QiaoWei's introduction, the elderly couple were indeed her father-in-law and mother-in-law, the parents of her deceased husband, Guo Wei.

Mr. Guo, seated in the wheelchair, was Guo Wei's father. After Guo Wei's death, the already frail man suffered a stroke on the spot. Although he was rescued, his speech became unclear. A while back, he fell downstairs and, after a hospital check, it was discovered that his knee joint had severely degenerated. To regain normal mobility, he needed to replace his knee joint with an artificial one.

As QiaoWei explained this, the old man in the wheelchair waved his hand and intermittently said, "No... no need... no need to change! I... I'm fine like this!"

"Dad, I've asked. Artificial knee joints nowadays are well made. Once you replace it, you'll be able to walk normally, and the cost isn't high!" QiaoWei quickly persuaded.

Mrs. Guo added, "This child always keeps things from us. What 'not expensive'? I asked the doctor today. Changing a knee joint costs over a hundred thousand. We don't need to spend that unjust money. The old man is fine like this. If he really can't walk later, we can decide then."

"Mom, rest assured, I have money now. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiao Qin," QiaoWei hastily reassured.

QinHai smiled and said, "Auntie, what Jie said is true. This afternoon, Jie led me to close a big deal. The commission alone amounts to several hundred thousand. It's more than enough for medical expenses!"

"Really?" Mrs. Guo asked in pleasant surprise.

"Indeed!"QinHai smiled and continued to explain the company's reward system briefly to the elderly couple. He concluded, "Apart from the commission, the company is also planning to promote Jie to the deputy head of our marketing department. The salary and benefits will definitely increase significantly. You can rest assured!"

QinHai's words brought joyous smiles to the elderly couple, and with QiaoWei's persistent persuasion, they finally relented.

As QinHai excused himself to the bathroom, Mrs. Guo quietly asked QiaoWei, "Wei Wei, is Xiao Qin married?"

"It seems not yet. Mom, why are you asking this?" 

"You child!" Mrs. Guo gave QiaoWei a look, "You're not that young anymore. You should consider your own matters. I think Xiao Qin is pretty good. Since you both are in the same department, you can think about it!"

QiaoWei blushed with embarrassment, quickly saying, "Mom, please don't say that. I've already told you, I won't marry again."

"Nonsense, you're only in your twenties. Are you planning to be single for your whole life?" Mrs. Guo held QiaoWei's hand and sighed, "Actually, I can't bear it either. It's just that little Wei didn't have good fortune. Wei Wei, it's been so long since little Wei left. You should consider yourself now."

"Mom!" QiaoWei's eyes were moist, leaning into Mrs. Guo's embrace, crying, "I won't marry again, you can rest assured. From now on, I am your daughter and won't leave you. I'll take care of you until the end!"

Tears welled up in Mrs. Guo's eyes too. After wiping away the tears with her hand, she touched QiaoWei's hair and nodded gently. "Silly child, you've always been our daughter. Because of that, we want to consider things for you!"

Suddenly looking up at Mrs. Guo, QiaoWei cried and asked, "Mom, you never told me about these things before. Did someone tell you something?"

Mrs. Guo sighed, nodded, and said, "Wei Wei, your father and I didn't know what was on your mind before. It's really hard on you. Don't worry, no matter what others say, we've never blamed you, and we won't in the future. You should ease your heart. Ultimately, it's Wei Wei's misfortune; you can't blame anyone else."

"Mom!" QiaoWei cried out and once again threw herself into Mrs. Guo's arms, tears streaming down. Mrs. Guo caressed her hair, tears also rolling down her cheeks.

Hidden at the bathroom door, QinHai nodded silently. These were truly enlightened elderly people, and he could see that they genuinely cared for QiaoWei.

After waiting for a while, he flushed the toilet, adjusted his clothes, and walked out of the bathroom.

QiaoWei quickly sat upright, wiping away the tears from the corners of her eyes. QinHai pretended not to notice, walked behind the old man in the wheelchair, and said with a smile, "Jie, I just remembered that I used to learn a kind of massage technique. It might have some therapeutic effect on the sequelae of a stroke. How about I give Uncle a try?"

QiaoWei stood up in surprise, "You can treat illnesses?"

"It's not exactly treating illnesses, just a kind of massage technique. It might not have much effect, but it won't have any side effects either."

Hearing QinHai's words, QiaoWei hesitated. The old man in the wheelchair suddenly waved his hand vigorously and decisively said, "Treat... treat it. I... I won't blame you!"

"Alright, then I'll listen to Uncle. Let me give you a massage!" QinHai smiled and, after warming his hands, gently massaged the old man's head.

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