
My Ex-Husband Fell in Love with Me

Sheng Xiangsi, consumed by jealousy, pushed her husband's pregnant lover down the stairs, causing her to miscarry and bleed to death. Rumors spread like wildfire in Jiangcheng, portraying Sheng Xiangsi as arrogant and malicious. To vent her anger at Bai Yueguang, her husband threw her out of the country, turning a blind eye to her fate. Four years later, Sheng Xiangsi returned to Jiangcheng. She and Fu Hanjiang exchanged smiles and buried the hatchet, going their separate ways thereafter. When they met again, Sheng Xiangsi became the top performer in the dance hall, with countless men willing to pay a fortune just to catch a glimpse of her. Fu Hanjiang couldn't sit still. He blocked her path and said, "Life is tough. Why not come back to me?" Sheng Xiangsi smiled faintly, "Mr. Fu, are you asking me out? Please take a number, join the line behind, thank you."

david_lee_1509 · 奇幻言情
259 Chs

Even in Dreams, She Wouldn't Dare to Imagine

Sheng Xiangsi panicked and called Fu Hanchuan without thinking.

"Big Brother! Ranran is missing! The hospital said her family took her. Who could it be? I just called her, and her phone is off..."

After speaking, she calmed down and regretted her hasty call. It was abrupt to call Fu Hanchuan; after all, he had no particular relationship with Bai Ran.

"Sorry, Big Brother, I was too anxious..."

She didn't know why, but he was the first person she thought to ask for help.

"It's alright."

On the other end, Fu Hanchuan listened quietly until she finished. "Don't worry. I'll have Ah Si look into it."

Sheng Xiangsi's eyes welled up. "Thank you, Big Brother."

"No need to be so polite," Fu Hanchuan said gently. "We're family. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything."


After hanging up, Sheng Xiangsi returned to the dance troupe, feeling uneasy and distracted all day. Having experienced loneliness and despair herself, she felt especially protective of Bai Ran. Given Bai Ran's current situation, if even she didn't care, then Bai Ran would be truly pitiful.

Around noon, she received a call from Fu Hanchuan.

"Big Brother?" Sheng Xiangsi answered immediately. "Any news about Bai Ran?"


Fu Hanchuan's calm voice reassured her. "Bai Ran was indeed taken by her family."


She hoped it wasn't Si Zhengze. If Bai Ran fell into his hands, she might not survive.

"It was Bai Gongli."

"Bai Gongli?"

Who was that? The surname Bai—was it Bai Ran's father?

"Bai Ran's grandfather," Fu Hanchuan explained. "Bai Ran was taken by her grandfather, Bai Gongli."

"That's right. Bai Ran's grandfather is a renowned contemporary Chinese painter."

Fu Hanchuan elaborated when he sensed her confusion.

Sheng Xiangsi remembered. As an art student, she had heard of Bai Gongli. 

"I see," she said, relieved. "Thank you, Big Brother."

"With Bai Gongli's resources, Bai Ran will be well taken care of," Fu Hanchuan reassured her.

"That's good. Thank you for your trouble."

After the call, Sheng Xiangsi felt a mix of relief and amazement. Bai Ran came from a distinguished scholarly family, and the Si family was among Jiangcheng's wealthy merchants. They had indeed been well-matched.

If it hadn't been for that scandalous wedding night... Bai Ran might have led a happy and stable life.

Sheng Xiangsi couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards the man who ruined Bai Ran's life.


Today, Fu Hanjiang arrived at the dance troupe earlier than usual.

He came early to pick up Sheng Xiangsi as they needed to go to Silver Beach to change clothes for an evening party.

In the car, Sheng Xiangsi remained gloomy, thinking about Bai Ran.

"Don't be upset."

Fu Hanjiang pulled her into his arms and gently massaged her temples. "As her friend, you can care for her and help her, but ultimately, it's her life, and she must live it herself."

"I know."

Sheng Xiangsi nodded, not wanting to say more.

Fu Hanjiang didn't realize that Bai Ran's situation reminded her of her own helpless past.

Fortunately, Bai Ran still had her grandfather to rely on. Sheng Xiangsi hoped that Bai Ran's life would improve with Bai Gongli's support.

At Silver Beach, Sheng Xiangsi changed into an evening gown, and they headed to the party.


Entering the venue, Fu Hanjiang took two glasses of champagne from a server and handed one to her.

Sheng Xiangsi frowned and waved it away. "I won't drink."

Given that she might be pregnant, she didn't want to take any chances.

She even took away Fu Hanjiang's glass. "You shouldn't drink either."

"Mr. Fu."

Someone approached, a business associate of Fu Hanjiang's.

During their conversation, the man's gaze frequently drifted towards Sheng Xiangsi.

"Mr. Fu, I haven't seen you with this lovely lady before."

Fu Hanjiang's face darkened slightly. He held Sheng Xiangsi's hand tightly, about to say something, when he felt her grip tighten.

Sheng Xiangsi clutched his arm and held her head. "Fu Hanjiang, I don't feel well."

"What's wrong?"

Seeing her pale face, Fu Hanjiang immediately cradled her. "Let's get you to a seat."

Ignoring the curious and envious looks from others, Fu Hanjiang carried Sheng Xiangsi to the lounge area and placed her on a sofa.

"How do you feel? Where does it hurt? Should we go to the hospital?"

"It's not that serious." Sheng Xiangsi smiled wryly. "I think I'm just hungry."

They had come to the party right after arriving, without eating anything.

Fu Hanjiang realized. "Wait here. I'll get you something to eat."

"Fu Hanjiang..."

"I know what you like." He smiled. "Don't worry."

As he walked away, Sheng Xiangsi watched him, feeling as if she were in a dream. Even in her wildest dreams, she wouldn't have dared to imagine being treated so well by Fu Hanjiang...


She snapped out of her daze to see Zhong Pei, surprised and delighted. "Zhong Pei."

He smiled and pointed to the sofa opposite her. "May I sit?"

"Of course."

Zhong Pei sat down and glanced at Fu Hanjiang. "He's very good to you."

It wasn't a question but a statement.

He had seen it all: Fu Hanjiang's attentive care.

Moreover, he had heard from his cousin, Qin Yanzhi, that Fu Hanjiang now cherished Sheng Xiangsi deeply.

"I'm genuinely happy for you."

Zhong Pei stood up. "I'll leave now, before Fu Hanjiang returns and gets upset. He's very protective of you."

"Okay, take care."

Zhong Pei turned and walked away.

"Zhong Pei!"

In the crowd, someone waved at him.

Sheng Xiangsi instinctively looked over. It was Qi Yunji!

This time, Qi Yunji also saw her. She glanced between Sheng Xiangsi and Zhong Pei, confused. Sheng Xiangsi knew Zhong Pei? How? They seemed familiar—how close were they?

Suddenly, anxiety and unease surged within her.

Zhong Pei walked over, and Qi Yunji smiled, hooking her arm through his.

"Who were you talking to just now? She's so pretty. Is she a friend?"

"Yes." Zhong Pei nodded, a hint of sadness in his eyes. "A very, very good friend."