
my ex fiance's brother

a little teaser before you start

venus_chuma · 青春言情
4 Chs


Sam took one last look at the girl sleeping peacefully before she strode down to the kitchen , Cassidy woke up and to her shock she was in a whole different place or maybe a room. the whole place was covered with white sheets and behind them stood a tall, slim but muscular guy. Cassidy walked cautiously towards the figure but as she was about to see his face the whole room turned into darkness and the figure vanished just like that.

a sudden force pushed her hard against the wall and she feel the air around her becoming lesser and lesser. she was running out of air the more she gasped to breathe the more she was suffocated.

"Cassy" a voice called in the background but she couldn't answer back her body was numb and her voice was gone. she finally snapped back to reality when she felt her body being shaken a thousand million times. by the time she woke up she was drained in sweat and she was breathing heavily as if she had being running

"are you okay sweetie , its just a nightmare , or not its still four in the afternoon"

"lm fine just a bad dream that started of as a peaceful one Sam "

"mm you wanna talk about it"

"no "

"as you wish, umm so he called and his coming to talk things out"

"l don't want to see him not now not ever" Cassy shouted with tears forming in her eyes

without another word Sam handed the girl seated at the edge of the bed the tray of food as she watched her eat the food mercilessly before she left to see who was on the door. Andrew stood their with a bouquet of flowers looking most stunning but that didn't change his disgusting behavior.

"she doesn't want to talk to you"

"l know but l was drunk that day "

"oh so you were drunk also when you engaged three other ladies"

"why am l even explaining my self to you please excuse me "he said pushing his way in the house , he seemed kind of confused to which room his so called fiancé was in but before he could ask Cassidy walked out of the room holding an empty tray of food. if she was in the right state of mind she would have thrown the tray straight into his face instead she looked at him her face showing a lot of emotions hatred , love . Cassy walked back into the room followed by Andrew to talk things possibly . Sam tip toed to the door hoping to hear what they were discussing about but it was silent . the door opened whilst Andrew stomped out with Cassy following .

"fuck you , l don't want to see you ever again" Cassy screamed as she tried really hard to stop the tears in her eyes from escaping. Andrew didn't even tilt his head as he walked to the front door slammed it as he left. Mia still stood by the door meditating this horrifying scene it didn't look like the couple she knew they always had similar fights but this one was a bit overboard ,most times they would fight and resolve within less than an hour.

"you can stay at my place if you wish" she said leaving the girl rooted in the same position

Cassy sat down cursing Andrew and all his mistresses especially Cloe she was fed up , she tried love since high school boys always asked her out , played her then dump her after getting what they wanted . growing in a family where she always got what she wanted , it all changed the day her father remarried and divorced her mother. both of them where left with nothing the first few months they stayed in a shank made of plastic and cardboard until her mother got remarried but it never changed a thing no-one from her step father's family liked her. at the age of eighteen she started working for the most famous and popular bachelor of all times but no one had seen him or his so called son. he always stayed in the shadows just to avoid his enemies or his father's enemies to get to his son.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

venus_chumacreators' thoughts