

Arinze_Daniel_6452 · 现代言情
13 Chs


Courtney looked at her friend but didn't think about her statement." What are you saying, his one of the richest people and I think he lives alone"

Lily looked at her confused but didn't utter a word. "I mean he doesn't live with his parents maybe that's his home."

"Maybe ". Lily shrugged her shoulders


Jacky was in his massive sitting room resting his head on the exquisite sofa. when a maid came with an incoming call." Sir, it's your father" .

The maid gave him the phone and he placed it on the table. "Jacky, you haven't called me for so long."

"am busy", he said with a cold voice.

"do you love the house, you said you want to leave alone", his father smiled widely

"yeah , it's great, I have to go," he said and hung up on his father who wanted to speak. He hit the phone making it fall on the table.

He stood up angrily, am going to my room," don't disturb me, he said rudely. the maids all nodded and he walked upstairs as he was at the top."


"Oliva , why don't you visit Jacky, his living alone, so you can use this opportunity to be close to him, Kim said. The four friends were at a large room. with the colour pink everywhere as a monochrome a. the blanket had shinny cystal colour that glowed as the sun shined on it. Sam was at the edge of the bed resting her head on it. Lucy laid on the bed with her hands as pillows. Kim sat on a chair close to the door. Olivia sat on the bed with folded legs."

Yeah, your right, Oliva said delighted.

You guys should stop this, Jacky can't easily fall in love, said Sam.

Gah, Sam, you have a boyfriend, so just keep quiet, said Lucy.

Sam nodded her head and turned her face away.

don't go with your car or even if you go with your car, tell the driver to go quickly. Olivia raised her eyebrow in question. Kim sighed in annoyance. so, if Jacky asks you to leave, just tell him you didn't bring a car and he will drive you and you can spend time with him

Oliva smiled and looked at Lucy. you're right, she stood up and adjusted her yellow shirt which exposed her chest. She wore a white mini skirt and a black heel. Thanks, I have to go, she said and ran quickly.

Sam heard her phone rang and stood out to plug it out as it charged. she looked at the caller and saw it was Mom.


Sam come here, I really need you to showcase the new outfits, said her phone worried and happy.

I will be right there, she looked at Kim and knew she loved to model but too bad, her father didn't own a modelling company. how about Kim and Lucy help

great, I will be waiting, she said and hunged up.

let's go, said Kim happily


Lily rolled all over the bed and groaned lazily. am so bored.

Courtney chuckled at how her friend behaved. if you are bored why don't we do something fun

Lily sat quickly by the statement. shopping, why don't we go shopping

no, I don't have money, Courtney disapproved.

my allowance is coming this week, so don't worry, said Lily and she stood up. let's change, she grabbed Courtney and pulled her out of the room


Oliva looked at Jacky building and smiled flirtly. She walked into the residence only to be stopped by the gate keeper.

mam, may I know who you are, he asked

am Oliva, just tell Jacky am here, where is he, she asked rudely

Sorry, I can't let you in, he said. Olivia got angry and shouted. what.

Meme of the maid ran to stop the commotion. Meme luckily know Olivia.

madam Olivia you are here

yes, where's Jacky

his asleep and requires no disturbance, Meme said trying to convince her because she knew they were in trouble if he wakes up.

I don't care, she pushed Meme slightly away and walked fast to Jacky room. Meme who was old was kind of slow. The other maids were terrified and lost in thought.

Oliva knocked twice but no response and continued without end.

Jacky groaned angrily and carried a pillow and covered his face. he heard the continuous knocking. he pulled the pillow from his face angrily. he stood up quickly. if the reason they wake me up is useless, I will fire them all. he walked to the door and opened it just to find Oliva.

He didn't have his shirt on and it displayed his broad muscles and chest. Oliva stared at his exposed upper body and was lost in it.

Oliva, Jacky shouted angrily bringing her back to reality. she stared at his handsome face with a wide smile.

why are you here

I came.... because.....uhm, Jacky...., she didn't know what to say and kept quiet.

Olivia, you woke me up me and reply with nothing, he was getting angrily which made Oliver to flinched.

I didn't bring my car, please can you drive me to my house, she asked

he grew more angry but calmed down. why didn't you go to your friends home and borrowed they car or order a personal taxi.... what in the hell even happened to your car.

Yeah, my car broke down, I am not used to personal taxi and Kim is with Sam to help her model. she spoke whatever came to her mind. ....uhm.... Lucy is at a mall, she lied

Jacky looked at her with a frown. please, she raised her lips upper to show a dimple but failed.

He looked at her and sighed. wait a minute, he said and walked into his room. he came out with a grey shirt and black jacket (he was putting it on) and black pants.

let's go, he showed the way to the stairs. he and Olivia walked down the hall together.

They got to the garage. he didn't open the door for Olivia like the way he did for Courtney. he must be in a very bad mood


Are you done, asked Courtney when Lily has locked the door properly. She wore a blue t-shirt and black pants. Lily wore a orange shirt and white short.

Let's go, said Courtney as they both walked away.

They walked through the pediatrician way. A fast moving sport car drove and stopped in front of them. the car window steered down slowly only to be Jacky and Olivia