

Flora woke up groggily ,she looked around and tried to move her body ,but she felt pain allover her hand,she looked down and saw that she had an IV needle on her,she tried to remember what happened last night but she couldn't ,she looked around to see if she would see Williams ,she turned and her eyes finally sited Williams who was kneeling and sleeping beside her,she tapped him ,and said carino , Williams felt something touching him he woke up groggily and saw that flora was awake ,he immediately stood bup and bombarded her with questions,how are you , are you still feeling out of breath , should I call raph to check on you . Hey calm down ,first if all what happened to me , and why is there an IV drip on my hand ,flora asked looking confused. You had a fever and shortness of breath last night so I called Raphael to check up on you . Bunny are you afraid of horror movies, Williams asked flora . Flora was surprised that he asked that question she tried to avoid eye contacts with Williams . Bunny look I am your husband you can tell me anything . Well yes I am afraid of horror movies but I didn't want to show my weakness that is why I decided to follow them and watch flora said . I understand that you don't want to be left out but you don't have to do what you don't want to do just to please others Williams said while removing a strand of hair from flora,s forehead. Flora look up to him and said carino I am sorry I didn't mean to worry you , I won't do it again next time. It,s okay I am not blaming you for anything okay. You can go take a bath now and I will take you downstairs so that Arya and Nora can accompany you , Williams said while helping flora up ,he helped her walk into the bathroom , should I help you , Williams asked flora . Ahh no how can you help me I will manage on my own flora rejected his offer . Are you sure , Williams asked ,yes I am sure flora said and pushed him out of the bathroom and immediately closed the door . After that flora sat on the floor and began to cry ,she remembered everything that happened to her last night but she didn't want to tell Williams ,sh cried for a while before getting up to take her bath. Few minutes later flora came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe, Williams came out of the adjacent bathroom and saw flora coming out ,he immediately went to help her sit down ,bunny are you feeling okay now Williams asked. Uhm I am just feeling pains allover my body,flora said . Bunny can I ask a question ,and you have to promise that you will say the truth, Williams said . Flora looked up at him and seemed to know what he wanted to ask but still said ,I promise . Okay bunny when you were little did you suffer and injuries and did you have an accident Williams asked flora. Flora looked hesitant to speak ,she was thinking if she told Williams how he would react or what he would do. You can tell me ,I will make sure I avenge you , Willams said while rubbing her hair . Flora took a deep breath and said ,when I was little I watched my mum die in front of me ,I couldn't see anything clearly due to the drug I was given to ,but I saw a hand that hand stabbed my mum over and over again till she stopped Breathing , that hand saw me there and chased after me ,I ran as fast as my leg could carry me ,but I didn't know that there was a pit ahead ,and I fell into the pit and hit my stomach on a stone a d fainted,after that I didn't remember what happened again ,but as I grew up my health was getting worse I went to different hospitals but they said that they cannot do anything about it ,so I just gave up ,I thought that this life doesn't matter anymore and that I would leave the world soon ,but after and met you and the others I felt the motivation to leave flora said while crying . Williams felt heartbroken for her ,he didn't like to see her crying . Hey bunny you are gonna be okay ,I am sure Raphael can surely cure you ,I mean he was the one that found out about your internal Injuries ,and I am sure he will treat you , Williams said. Really flora looked up at him and said. Yes really now be a good girl and dress up ,you have to be strong so that you can overcome this things and we can leave happily,okay Williams said. Okay flora said and wiped her tears . After that Williams went into the dressing room and picked out home clothes for flora ,he brought them to flora and told her to wear it ,after that will went to dress up . Flora wore her clothes and sat down on the bed ,she felt sweet and happy ,that she found someone like Williams ,and she promised her self that when she found a chanceshe would confess her love to him . Few minutes later Williams came out of the dressing room already for work . Wait let me get my phone , Williams said before helping her up .


Nora was pacing back and forth in the living room. Finally she saw flora and Williams coming down the stairs she immediately ran to flora and helped her down,flora I have been waiting for you since morning ,how are you feeling now ,Nora asked worriedly . Well as you can see baby I am fine flora said while forcing a smile .flora I am sorry for what happened last night ,I didn't know that you hated horror movies Nora apologized . It's okay baby ,I know it is not your fault okay ,so don't blame your self ,flora said while coming down the stairs.