
62. NET {21}: Day Four.

With that out of the way, everyone made their way to the golden royal chariot parked outside the castle.

They each took their seats and the chariot flew towards the coliseum.

Meanwhile, in Coliseum City, the loud cheers of fans and spectators echoed widely within the coliseum.

Everyone felt super excited to watch the final battle unfold today.

Ever since the Junior and Adult Noble Elf tournament began, the spectators had been hugely entertained and everyone watching from all corners of the kingdom expected the final to be equally, if not more, exciting as well.

The flying golden chariot was yet to arrive at the coliseum, however, the seats of the coliseum were already filled up.

In fact, the first battle of the day had already begun with Adrian already fighting against William Ramsbottom.

The cheering of the onlookers didn't falter as well, with everyone urging both contestants to do their best to win.