
150. Getting Ready For Class .

"So, when would you like to continue working on the journal?" Sabrina asked, then added. "Wasn't this the reason why you came to see me this morning?"

"Yes, it was," Orion replied.

"Okay, but we can't continue working on the journal right now because I'm busy and you have class in the next few minutes."

"I know, that's why I want us to decide on a day or two when we can completely focus on deciphering the runes. What do you think?"

Sabrina pondered over Orion's suggestion, and she could understand the reasons behind it. 'As a student, he can't come over to decipher the runes every single day. He'll have other things to do like training for the sports club he signed up for and studying for the classes he registered for.

I'm sure he would also like to focus on his personal training, meditation, and possibly dungeon diving, and if I were to consider all these, I guess it made sense that he would prefer to work on the runes once or twice a week.'