
My Duty, Your Desire

A tale of a conflicting interest of duty and desire, Lady Eleanor Tulip and Lord Daemon Windsor are forced into an undesired marriage to repay an old debt between their families. Overtime. the newlyweds struggle to find a common ground, their first night together was a disaster. However, as time passes, Lord Daemon finds himself emotionally drawn to his wife, his affection and care for her was beyond his understanding. Lady Eleanor, too, begins to see her husband in a new light, but fears trusting his new behavior towards her. A shocking discovery shatters their relationship just as their love barely began to bloom. Lord Daemon learns that Lady Eleanor has been secretly taking an herbal douche to prevent conception, a betrayal he couldn’t forgive. He demands to end his marriage with her, but his mother refuses, trapping them in the marriage. Seeking comfort elsewhere, Lord Daemon turns to an old flame, who becomes pregnant with his child. Meanwhile, Lady Eleanor is left to comfort herself, wondering if she'll ever be with her husband again.

Madam_Ufuomaa · 奇幻言情
26 Chs

The Monster In A Man

"You worry about Eleanor too much, my love. It's just a marital quarrel, she will be fine" Joanne says to Richard while watering the flowers. Richard stares at her with worry and responds

"Eleanor has been my friend since we were children, I worry about her because I care about her. Do not downplay my concerns. Daemon has soiled her name and I know she is not doing okay." Joanne angrily drops the flower pot and tells Richard to worry more about their unborn child.

"Let her mother worry about her. I mislike your show of concern for you presenting it like you are in love with her." She scoffs and walks out of the garden holding her baby bump while Richard follows her a few minutes later.

"I do not like your tone or your accusations. As a woman, you sound insensitive." Richard says to Joanne. Joanne flashes a sly smile and retorts,

"Yes, I'm a woman, but I'm also honorable. My body doesn't belong to me, in the institution of marriage, my body is for bearing children to carry on my husband's legacy." She pauses for emphasis.

"My womb is a vessel for heirs, my husbands sacred space. Eleanor should have known better but she has turned her womb into a sanctuary of dead babies or a space babies cannot even emerge from." Richards face falls with a disapproving expression.

"Your mind is narrow, what about individuality? You are wrong to think that way and I have never treated you that way." With that, he turns and walks away, leaving Joanne to her own thoughts and confusion. 

Windsor Estate:

"You did what?" Lady Emily exclaims, her voice thundering through the walls and she throws a delicate China cup at Lord Daemon, who deftly avoids the projectile.

"A bastard? Have you taken leave of your senses?". She rises from her seat with indignation.

"You had a marital quarrel with your wife, and now you see fit to bring me a…a…child born out of wedlock, sired with some…some…creature from a whore house? Are you utterly deprived of reasoning? Look at me when I'm talking to you". She says with authority. 

Lord Daemon looks at his mother with a self-satisfied smile.

"The Windsor lineage shall persist, Mother. You have your heir, I have secured your heir, my heir, our heir; I have fulfilled my obligation. I am no longer beholden to you, nor shall I honor that woman with the privileges and duties of matrimony, she doesn't deserve it and I want my annulment," he declares with disdain as he points towards Lady Eleanor.

He looks back at his mother with dark countenance, and his lips curl into a pout.

"It is settled!" he exclaims, before turning on his heel and departing, leaving Lady Emily visibly worried and disheartened. Lady Eleanor, walking as fast as her emotions could carry her, approaches Lady Emily with a bowed head.

"Forgive me, mother," she whispers with a trembling voice holding back her tears.

"I am to blame for his nature. His behavior is merely a reflection of my selfishness. I have created a monster out of a loyal man, and now, we all suffer the consequences. This is a sin I have to atone for." Lady Emily looks at her and sadly walks away without uttering a word. 

The Tulips:

Richard, overcome with concern for Eleanor's wellbeing, paid a visit to her mother, Lady Elena. Upon arrival, he was greeted with a lukewarm reception and offered no refreshments.

"Pray tell, Richard, what brings you to my doorstep? My daughter is married, and your visits are no longer necessary," Lady Elena said, sipping her tea with an air of detachment. Richard's countenance darkened and he said "We both know, dear Lady Elena, that your daughter is far from happy in her union."

He looked at her with his voice laced with urgency.

"Eleanor suffers, and you are aware of it. Do you lack maternal affection for your own daughter? Will you not intervene to extricate her from her miserable situation?" Lady Eleanor's expression turned icy as she responded

"Marriage is sacred, indissoluble until death. Divorce is a scandal, a breach of honor. Eleanor knows that, and she shall remain with her husband, her family and make her marriage a success. You need not concern yourself with my daughter's welfare, she is not your responsibility, she is not your wife, she only belongs to Lord Daemon."

The two engaged in a tense, silent stare, until Richard opened his mouth to speak again. Lady Elena forestalled him, saying

"it was pleasant having you around, Richard, but I have esteemed guests arriving shortly. You need to leave." Richard got up with his eyes downcast but he immediately looked into Lady Elena's eyes as if he could see her soul and he said to her,

"I lost my family when I was only a young lad. Eleanor is a sister I never had, the only sister I have, my only family. If she dies, I will have your life in retaliation." He leaves. 

The Catwrights:

"That horse is tired of Wade and his shenanigans. Mr. Cole, I should be riding Stormfire not Wade, I feel so cheated". Lady Lilian says with pouted lips and folded hands. Mr. Cole responds with a laugh.

"My dear, Stormfire is a very fierce horse, you will not be able to keep up with his speed. You have Snowball, she is a beautiful horse and I'm sure she loves you; you should learn to love her just as much."

"I do love Snowball a lot, she is my baby but she needs a husband, don't you think?" Lady Lilian says to Mr. Cole and they both burst into laughter and Mr. Cole taps her head saying

"silly girl". Upon dismounting Stormfire, Wade's attire dampened with sweat, revealing his impressive physique, leaving Alicent, the maid, utterly enchanted. As he approached his younger sister, Lilian, he bestowed a gentle kiss upon her forehead, and nodded cordially at Mr. Cole, their esteemed butler. With a radiant and warm countenance, he asked

"Is it not time for lunch?"

Lilian, with a playful glint in her eyes, teased him about his prowess, suggesting that Stormfire might be better suited to a more skilled rider, referring to herself. Wade, smiled gladly with his eyes crinkling at the corners. As the son of the noble house, Wade was a symbol of honor, intellect, and compassion.

His passions included horseback riding, literary works, and taking strolls with his sister. Though Lilian often urges him to seek a suitable wife, Wade remains devoted to his family and acquaintances, his kindness earning him admiration.

Wade had once been smitten with the charming Lady Eleanor, but her subsequent marriage and the distance between them had dashed his hopes. Prudence dictated that he maintained his distance from her, lest he ruins the business relationship between the Catwrights and the Windsors.

Wade resigned himself to cherish the brief glance of Lady Eleanor, his only memory of her from afar with his heart forever locked in admiration.

Windsor Estate: 

Unable to process her overwhelming emotions, Lady Eleanor falls into depression while Lord Daemon enjoys himself with Lady Victoria, celebrating the arrival of his son without his mother's approval. The Windsor household was filled with sorrows. It was like a dark cloud had befallen the family. 

"Where did I ever go wrong? What didn't I do right? I am heartbroken, it makes me wonder what that poor girl must be going through" Lady Emily says to her friend, and confidant, Elinda. 

"Elinda, have you seen Eleanor today? My dear girl" she continues with her hand on her chest. Elinda held her hand and responded

"I asked the butler, and he said Eleanor had gone for a stroll"

"A stroll? Alone? Elinda, you have seen the state of my dear girl, she is in no shape to take a stroll." Lady Emily says with worry. Lady Emily quickly gets up from her chair and hurriedly walks to Lord Daemon with Elinda trying to catch up with her pace. 

"You are no son of mine" Lady Emily says to Lord Daemon with an angry gaze, her eyes red and swollen. She continues

"Your wife is missing, and you sit here drinking and celebrating the birth of your bastard. This boy will never have a place in this household, you are not my son". Lord Daemon looks at her with detachment and responds

"My dearest mother, I have done no wrong. Eleanor can walk into hell for all I care, my family, my legacy is here with me." Lady Emily strikes him and says

"It was a herbal douche, it wasn't poison, she is not barren. Do you think I was ready to have you when I did? The poor girl did nothing wrong, you fool! She doesn't deserve any of this, you could have resolved this quietly but you chose to impregnate a whore and now you have sired a bastard."

"I only know what you have taught me, dear mother, I only know my duty and not the desires of hysterical women. My father's legacy and mine will live on. Live with it." Lord Daemon responds and continues to drink his wine. Lady Emily holds a glass of wine and pours on Lord Daemon.

"You will never have her again. I am not your mother, and you are not my son." She throws the wine glass on the floor and walks on the shattered glass while Elinda sadly looks on. Lady Eleanor dismounts her horse and starts walking into the night without caution.

She walks in the middle of nowhere barefoot in a lost state. As she walks longer, she lets her long hair down and takes her garment off leaving only her undergarment on.

"Hey, where are you going over there? It is not safe for a lady." Loretta says grabbing Eleanor's arm.

"Who are you? Where are you coming from? You look expensive" Loretta continues while staring at Eleanor. Eleanor looks at her sadly and says

"Do not stand in the way of my death." She falls on the ground unconscious, leaving Loretta confused.