
Too many futures

The blizzard seemed to settle, and while on the ice they didn't have further problems moving on the lake. Sir K continued to move up ahead, and when Harry and his group finally arrived, they could see what had caused the problem. 

A large catapult had been built, a single human body that was confirmed to be a true infected and then two intermediate beast dead that were infected by the shadow. A small force, but it did its job in delaying them and causing them to lose one man. 

Lenny was a highly knowledgeable man who helped out Ray greatly when it came to learning about the shadow and the Dragon hammer. He had even helped out with the beasting process. His knowledge when it came to unusual magic was just as great as Bliss's if not even better, as Bliss magic seemed to be focused in one direction whereas Lenny was happy to experiment with a number of options.