
New Equipment

Ray had decided to wake up earlier than usual today. The others had come back later than him and were out all night training. They needed good rest for the fights that they had in front of them. Meanwhile, Ray knew he had no opponent, meaning there was nothing for him to worry about.

Ray was originally meant to go up against Killer. Well with Killer now being a pile of ashes, that was impossible. Ray's injuries had healed up through the night but his equipment was still in poor condition.

Ray decided to head down to the blacksmith to see if there was anything he could do. After entering the shop, this time to the owner was nicer than ever to Ray. As soon as Ray entered, the owner bowed down and greeted him. Something he had never done before.

It frightened Ray to think what Slyvia must have done to him. It also made him realise that her family must hold great power and sway throughout the kingdom to even have influence in the Academy.