
Fallen Angel

After hearing Lenny's words, all eyes were on Ark but even Ark was confused by what Lenny had just said.

"Oh, I'm not talking about you of course." Lenny said with a smile, "Did you inform anyone of your visit to see the Divine being?"

"Only my guild leader knows about this visit."

Lenny then handed the ring over to Ark. "before I say anything else are you absolutely positive this belongs to your Guild."

Without any hesitation, Ark replied in an instant.

"Without a doubt."

"You see servants of the Shadow plague that haven't been possessed are sometimes tasked with a mission and to make sure there servant will do their best to complete the mission, they are asked to give up an item that will be able to identify them in case they fail."

"It looks like the Shadow plague has already got its hands deeply rooted in this city as well," Gary said.

"What do you mean?" Lilly asked.