
Deep Desire

After dealing with the unexpected beasts. The Red Wings decided to search the village to see if they could find any other humans that were still alive. Unfortunately, they found no survivors. The only thing they did find was that the attack had to have been done recently. 

Through their investigation, they also found that the attacks on the humans looked to have been done by beasts. 

"I guess that means it wasn't Monk and his gang." Martha said. "Maybe it was done by the same beasts that attacked us?"

"So are you saying they took another route?" Harry replied. "If so then maybe taking this path will get us to the other fortress quicker than we thought. We might be able to catch up to them still."

It was a shame but there wasn't much the Red wings could do, they wished to bury the dead families that they had found, but it would take up to much time, so instead. The bodies were piled up in the centre of the village and then burnt by Ray.