
Black Rings

The group continued to ride the carriage inside the steel cage, following the pathway ahead of them. It seemed like they were getting closer and closer to the border. Although, all of a sudden, the carriage made a slight turn and started to head into the forest.

The path they were thriving on was quite bumpy, and it seemed that it was only recently that it had been built. Even the trees lining the sides had been chopped and hacked. Finally, the carriage appeared to have reached its destination.

Inside the forest, there was a hut that had been built - it looked like a temporary camp. The area where it was placed seemed to have been propped up against the wall of a hill. Multiple tents were laid out while the guards stood outside. Also, just out front were the two giant flags waving in the air, displaying the guild crest of a bull with a large black ring piercing its nose.

"The Black Rings?" Van said while looking at the Flag.