
Avrion Number one enemy

The purple clouds above the arena were starting to cover the sky. The arena's light quickly darkened as everybody's face was now covered in a dark shadow.

"What is that?" Kyle asked.

"I have no idea," Slyvia said.

Then they started to notice something strange, it was as if the clouds were all gathering in one spot, the clouds didn't seem to be natural at all, as if they were moving by someone's will.

Mathew was the first to notice what was happening with the clouds. They seemed to be all hovering and merging together above the centre of the ring. Not only that the dreaded feeling he had this whole time whatever it was, was currently in those clouds.

The clouds continued to merge until they formed one big cloud directly above the centre of the ring. Mathew looked down and noticed that every single one of them were near the centre.

"Everybody run to the side, now!" Mathew shouted as he went to pick up Slyvia and Max under his Arm and run to the edge of the arena.