
Another Assesment?

A lot had happened in the last few days. All that anyone could talk about in the academy was news of what had just happened a few days ago. Everywhere Ray would turn it would be about the Redwings. It felt a little awkward at the same time since a lot of the conversations were talking about the King, Ray.

Sitting down at their tables, was Van, Max and Ray, and the three of them were surrounded bu pupils currently. Not only that but nearly all of the other students had come in to talk to Del's class. Everyone knew they had been saved first hand by the Redwings.

And it turns out it wasn't just any member, but the King of the Redwings.

"Hey max, is it true you know the king on a first name basis?"

Max then peaked out of the corner of his eye to look at Ray, but he seemed uninterested.

"Yeah, he and my sister actually know each other," Max said nervously.