
A little Game

Looking at the bow and seeing Badger and Sloth perform perfectly in sync. Ray wanted to attempt the trial. After all, the last time he held a bow he was put in a similar situation but he never got the chance to show if he could use it or not. The bowstring had snapped and they didn't allow him to continue the test. After that day Ray never tried using a bow again. 

"Hey who's this guy that Martha's being so nice to?" A student whispered.

"Maybe it's her boyfriend." another one said. 

"Don't be stupid, everyone knows that she was going out with Monk before, well, before he went over to the shadow."

Martha hearing had improved ever since she became half-beast, hearing the students say these words she automatically looked in their direction and gave a glare. 

"We're sorry teacher." They said as they bowed down.