
My Dragon Maid Became an S-Class Hero

I was just an Ordinary Office Man working diligently towards my company in Q-City. Our world is full of monsters, however, thanks to Watchdog Man our city is safe from any threat. Then... How the hell this Dragon is in front of my cheap apartment without someone reporting it?! Should I make the call...? Help me!!

Msssssfffff · 漫画同人
5 Chs


[Before you start, please read this]

[1] There's not gonna be a Harem in this series. So please walk away Harem Cult I have no experience writing many love interest.

[2] I will name Kobayashi "Miss" because in the series of "Miss Kobayashi Dragon Maid" there's no mentioning of her actual full name just Kobayashi. (Tell me if some knew, maybe I just miss it)

[3] Tohru would just be their daughter and nothing more except for being a maid.

[4] My English is not good so don't expect something high value from me.

[5] And also the chapters would be slow, I think 2-3 chapters a week, I'm only writing on my phone, so...

Anyway, please enjoy my work, and leave a critics that can help me grow. I was aiming to have experienced before writing my own Novel that I can be proud of.

See 'ya next chapt!!


"Yow, Kobayashi. Can you help us later in the project? Our schedule is on the clock, we need every help available to finish it."

"Good morning, Senpai. Yes, of course. Let me finish our project first and I'll immediately help after launch. Would that be okay?"

"Then I'll expect you after launch. Thanks, Kobayashi, you are really a big help!! I'll take my leave now. Oh, before I forget, take this souvenir that I bought. See 'ya later!"

Another job to finish before the end of the day... Oh well, I should immediately start now so I would not leave last. Probably...

"Kobayashi-senpai! Kobayashi-senpai! Please, help me!! I don't know what happens on my computer."

"Let me see... Oh, just press this, this, and this. Now, all done! Remember that well, and don't forget, okay?"

"Yes... Hay. I'm really suck at this job."

"Don't be down now. You just need experience you're good just ask me if you don't understand something."

It seems my kouhai still not good at the ropes of how computers work. Fortunately, I am here to guide her.

"Kobayashi, good morning!"

"Good morning, Senpai. We have great weather today, isn't it?"

"Yes. As usual, Deputy Manager calls you."

"Got it."

Deputy Manager would probably give me some words of appreciation and courage to do my best today; not that I despise him or anything but he wouldn't have to anyway I always give my best.

I'm already in debt to them for hiring me even though I have no diploma in this field.

I'm just an orphan, and when I had turned 18 I quit high school to get a full-time job to accommodate my future living expenses before the orphanage kicks me out.

Starting in this company as a janitor I've been working diligently to not get fired for my life-line of support.

I clean the bathroom three times a day, map the hall before the start of the day and after the end of the working time, and also clean the Deputy Manager's office to the last speck of dust to leave some impression that I'm doing a great job.

Overtime the Deputy Manager became close to me in small greeting into casual talks about the conditions of the building and about the job they currently busy at.

One day; they were in rush to finish a single project that once in an opportunity to come by and they need every single hand they could have just to present it to the board.

Although I am poor to even have a computer in my possession in my entire life I have experienced working on it and doing the paper job.

I was a member of the Newspaper Club back in my high school day. Well, I'm partially a member if I would say. I only joined the club because they were paying to do the tedious job of typing the articles that they come up with, it was somehow generous pay so I didn't let go of the opportunity to earn some cash.

Anyway, the Deputy Manager thought it might be a good idea to ask for my help writing some project which was impossible to finish in 1 week.

At the time, he might've thought that it was impossible to finish the project in time and gave me some of the work and hope for the best.

He was out of associate to get the job to be done everyone is busy and also him.

He gave me the job and joke about hiring me if I've done a great job, and I did.

Although not the best, it was passable, it only needs some editing here and there and everything is fine.

I've given my best on that project, I was sleepless for about the whole week finishing it while doing my real job of cleaning the facilities that I am assigned in the company.

The joke that meant to be ignored was on track, I became an apprentice on the job.

Because I have no educational background they wanted to test me if I can do the job with some hardwork while still doing janitoring I have been hired.

I was indebted to this company, and I surely repay them for me having a current lifestyle that I'd never been a dream of.

It's already been 8 years when I had entered this company now I'm 26.

You can argue that I'm being a slave into my company, however, you can't argue having a good relationship with your co-worker is good rather than an enemy.

They were not that bad, they also help me when I needed it, and that's what a good relationship is. Maybe I'm just that good at the job so I was a magnet of a helping hand if someone needed it.

Enough contemplating, I'm already at the front of the Deputy Manager Office.

I fix my tie, posture, and even tried to smell my breath to check if something wrong.


I entered and saw a bald chubby middle-aged man sitting on his chair while facing his monitor.

"Good morning, Deputy Manager! How may I help you?"

I greeted him politely as possible before bowing.

"Oh, you're here, Kobayashi. Take a seat and wait for a moment, this won't take a while."

He gestured to the left of his desk and I took a seat there. I only waited for about 3-minutes before facing me.

"Still doing a great job, Kobayashi?"

He opened up a conversation.

"Yes, Deputy Manager," I replied.

"Good, good." He nodded. "Now, I know you're probably thought that I just called you here for a talk like I always do."

I wanted to cut in but he continued.

"I know that's what you thought there's no need to please me, although I like our conversation I'm grateful having you in the company you're presence alone gave me compassion along with your co-worker to do their best, and that's not a sweet talk."

I'm not gonna lie. That is pleasing to hear. My boss is phrasing my deeds and my hard work towards the company.

He continued. "Now, I have called you here for something else, I've been thinking this for a while now, and now I'm decided."

He then smiled at me widely. "Congratulations, Kobayashi, you're the next Deputy Manager! Although my retirement was still not complete I had decided to quit now, it is now or never to enjoy some peace without worrying about my job."


I don't know how to feel at the moment, I couldn't reply to him, however, I manage to ask something.

"...but Deputy Manager, I think I'm not the right one to take this kind of position. You should probably look for someone else, not me."

I know that this is a big opportunity for me but I think I will refuse.

Although I'm already at the job for about 6 years from now there's still a bunch of people who came before me who have an educational background.

I think it'll be a bad taste to anyone for me to take such a position and probably would lead to slow productivity.

Everyone will despise me over time...

"Don't worry about the matters, Kobayashi. I already at the notion and I think I've done a great job choosing you. After I quit the Directors would announce your promotion themselves and everyone will accept it whether they like it or not."

He walks over my back and places his hand on my shoulder and patted it a few times. "Let's go drink in one of these day, I'm still busy."

"...yes, boss."

After the conversation, he sends me off out of his office and reminded me to finish all my projects before the end of this week so he could show me the ropes of how things work on his desk.

I walk back to my desk while thinking how my senpai would react to my promotion, I bet they would think that I snatch the opportunity that only comes once and a while.

As I was working on my desk, as usual, I immediately forget my worries.

I'm really a workaholic, ha?

Then something caught my eyes and I look at the windows to the opposite buildings across to the other-side of the street and I saw a man with black hair and an amiable smile.

He gestured a drinking motion and point at the red hair girl beside him.

I accepted it doing the same motion in my hand.

Takiya is really considerate about giving free time to console the ever workaholic Ms. Kobayashi. She might've many projects this day to finish as she was focused on her monitor and a rare annoyed look on her face.

I need a drink too, and advice. It seems it's a great idea to have a drink with them for today.

The day passes like any other day all works are done.

I took my leave and climb the staircase in the bridge to meet with Takiya and Ms. Kobayashi.

Our friendship started when Ms. Kobayashi's parcel has been delivered wrong to my address.

We live in the same neighborhood so probably the delivery guy mistook my address in my cheap apartment and left the parcel there.

Me being a good neighborhood take the parcel into the building apartment and ask if someone name Miss Kobayashi live there.

There, because she was only a block away in my cheap apartment and we have the same route towards the location of our company we work at it's bound we would meet each other and form a somehow connection into each other so we became a drinking buddy along with Takiya.

And... I think I have form a feeling towards Ms. kobayashi...

She was a hard-working woman that I envy. She was good at her job just like me and everyone asks her for help just like me, however, the difference between us that she doesn't care how angry her boss is as though she doesn't care about being fired, probably she was just that really good at her job and she's confident for not being fired, albeit her boss always shouts at her.

I think I'm in love with her, but don't know how to confess.

"Koba, I hope you're not been waiting for too long!"

Takiya ask me after exiting their building. Koba is the nickname I got from him to not be confused between me and Ms. Kobayashi.

"No. I had arrived just now." I replied.

"Enough of the greeting, you two sissy!!"

Hay... It seems Ms. Kobayashi is really piss this time, it's very rare.

"Let's go drink! Drink until we pass out!!!"

"Alright, alright." Takiya reply. "So, same as usual?"

"Yeah. Let go for the regular." I agreed.

We walks the way through the pub we always drink in and immediately ordered a drink.

Ms. Kobayashi was really at her own-world complaining about his boss that keeps giving jobs that she couldn't finish in a short amount of time.

She's really getting wasted.

On the other hand, Takiya that supposed to be amiable is now in full motion of his secret personality, a full-fledged Otaku.

He has these weird glasses and his unbelievable rat teeth that manifest out of nowhere in his mouth.

There I am listening to both while getting wasted too. It took us a lot of beer before we end the drinking.

Ms. Kobayashi thought it would be a great idea to order a sake bottle for herself to be wasted along the way to home and hit the bed immediately. We let her.

I'm here anyway to escort her back to his apartment before I go to my own. We have the same way so this is a normal routine for us.

As we walk towards the station Takiya started a conversation with me.

"So... What it feels like pressing by a small tits?"

As usual, Takiya is Takiya.

We both have a strong tolerance for alcohol so we just both a bit tipsy albeit it is not that noticeable.

"You've already asked me that for a thousand times now, Takiya. Would you stop it?"

"Just joking, joking. However, I know you're in cloud nine right now." He smirks in a sly-way towards me.

Okay, I'm not gonna deny that. This only happens a few times, so I'mma enjoy this!

Then he continued. "You know what? Why not confess to her, trust me."

"Here we go again about this, Takiya, there's no way it's going to happen."

I flatly denied his advice, again...

He sigh. "... okay, it's your choice. Then, this was my moment to leave now, take her home safely, and please sleep with her without clothes! See 'ya!!"

Before I could even reply to his teasing he was gone entering his train.

"Grrr... That imbecile man." I could only gnarl at him at the windows of the train where he was standing while smiling at me.

"Ngh... Let's drink... Drink, I say..."

A low whisper came on my left side, Ms. Kobayashi was regaining consciousness.

"Ms. Kobayashi, we're at the station now. Can you stand up-ah!!"


Out of nowhere, her familiar tantrums kick in and grab my collar and press her face in my cheek glaring deathly at me with her eyes.

I could only resign when this happened before we could attract more attention towards us. There's already a whisper that I'm being domestically abused by my wife and look at me with pity, I could only smile wryly and ignored it as possible.

We're already inside the train with less crowded people because of the late of the night.

Ms. Kobayashi was pouring a sake on a cap while pouting on herself making the sound of 'chu~ chu~'.

She gave me a cap and drunk it in one go, and it was a mistake, the drink is very strong.

One, two, three, to not incite Ms. Kobayashi's tantrum I continue to drink what she gave me, no matter how many it was.

My vision started to blur, and the next moment, we saw our stop and Ms. Kobayashi just laugh at it.

I tried to stand up but she gaggled me using the bottle into my mouth down towards my throat, and there, I think I blackout.

The next moment we were walking upwards into an unknown mountain.

I don't know how but I just close my eyes and a dragon appeared in front of us. The next we were drinking and the dragon, who by the way became a girl, asks us what's our relationship is, I don't know what my response is but I heard from Ms. Kobayashi that we are partners living together.

And the last thing I remember, I said. "Wanna live with us? You could be our daughter?"

I don't know why I said that but maybe I just followed Ms. Kobayashi shinanigans and go with the flow.

I saw the already red Kobayashi exploded in the heat but before I could even help her I was already wasted.

The Start of the Strongest Daughter!!

Msssssfffffcreators' thoughts