
My Divine Tree System

Mikeal was born a prince of Emedia nation, in a world where magic is condemned as a weapon of evil. An incident happened causing him to unleash his magic. This however was frowned upon and as such led to dire consequences. Mikeal was banished from the palace and sent on exile to the most perilous place on the planet, to serve as the lord of the region. Using the function of his Divine tree system, Mikeal had access to perks that others could not. He could perform miraculous events that would otherwise be deemed impossible. Slowly but surely, he builds his forces while in exile, ready to come back stronger than ever.

CatasOR8 · 奇幻
154 Chs

Who Finn Can Be

Mikeal was in the treehouse taking a break. It is not every time he gets a chance to relax like this.

Now that he thinks about it, he has hardly gotten free time like this since he came to this land. On the off chance that he does, he ends up using it to go through his status, a strenuous activity that requires expending his brain power.

So in a way, he is not exactly relaxing or anything.

As much as Mikeal would like to take this opportunity to prove himself wrong and just whisk away the whole of today doing nothing! There is much to be done so that won't be possible.

Until he is done with the basis and has seen that the city can thrive without him, only then can Mikeal start planning time for rest.

Until then! No rest for a lazy man.

Mikeal got up and made his way out. This time around he was alone.

Anna had started training for the villagers who volunteered as early as possible.