
My Disastrous Life as Saiki Kusuo!

After finishing the latest episode of 'Saiki Kuso' our MC was relaxing on his couch when he suddenly got a spam email. The email was titled 'Are you bored with your life?'. This got his attention and he installed the app and filled the surveys inside it. Which character do you want to start over as? Saiki Kusou obviously Then, he suddenly blanked out. ------------------------------------- Support me: https://www.patreon.com/xumit ------------------------------------- Join me on discord: bit.ly/xumitdiscord ------------------------------------- My grammar is not the best, so please excuse me if you find some mistakes. PS: I don't own anything in this novel except original characters.

Xumit · 漫画同人
2 Chs

Chapter 2: Birth!

He didn't know where he was, and there was darkness everywhere. The last thing he remembered was installing some shitty app and answering the survey inside the app. After that, he can't remember anything.

'Where the hell am I?' thought the guy looking around, but all he found was darkness. He started getting uneasy watching this.

'Why can't I feel my body anymore?' thought the guy trying to sense his body but couldn't. He felt weird without any sense of his body. It was like he was inside a dream.

'My God, there's nothing but darkness here. How can I get out of here?' thought the guy trying to find some source of light, but all he got was darkness. There wasn't a speck of light of anywhere.

Seeing this, the guy got terrified. A man's greatest fear is the unknown, after all. He started panicking and shouted out for help, but nobody answered.

When it looked like there was no hope, a bright light appeared in front of the guy. The guy without hesitation embraced the light. He felt that the light in front of him was the way out of this hell house. He doesn't want to spend the rest of his life in such a dark place.

The light entered inside the guy and integrated with him successfully. Then, he lost his consciousness.

"Beep! Integration complete! Transferring host to the requested world." A sudden mechanical voice was heard in the void.


August 16, 2021

Inside a maternity unit in a hospital, a woman with short black hair was currently on labor. The nurses were supporting her for the childbirth. She had a painful look on her face.

After a full hour, she successfully managed to give birth to a pink-haired boy. The boy cried intensely due to the unfamiliar environment. So, the nurses gave the child to his mother, who held him gently. She looked at him with loving eyes. The child also stopped crying and looked at her curiously, making her smile warmly.

"Congratulations, Mrs. Saiki! It's a healthy boy." said one of the nurses looking at her warmly.

"Welcome to this world, my baby. Mama's going to rest for a while, okay?" said the woman with a tired smile looking at her child. The baby looked at her and nodded. The woman was surprised to see him nod and shook her thinking it was just a coincidence. Soon, she fell asleep on the bed with the newborn baby beside her. The nurses also left the woman alone. They left the wardroom to inform the father about the successful delivery.

What they didn't notice was the child looking at his body in confusion.

'What the hell!? How did I become a baby again?' thought the pink-haired child looking at his body. He tried to move his body but felt tired after moving only for a bit.

'I can't move my body. I don't know what's happening anymore.' thought the child inwardly.

'Yawn! I guess I'll find out more tomorrow. I'm so tired today. I need some sleep. Besides, babies need enough rest to grow healthy after all. I don't want to be a sick guy throughout my life.' thought the guy getting closer to his mother. He felt comfortable around his mother.


The next day, the child woke up due to some noises. It looked like some people were talking about something. He slowly opened his eyes and found his mother talking with a brown-haired guy wearing glasses.

"I guess I should start calling you mama starting today, Kurumi-chan." said the guy looking at his wife lovingly.

"Oh, My! Then, I guess I should call you papa starting today, Kuniharu-kun." exclaimed the woman named Kurumi with a smile.

Kurumi quickly noticed her child looking at her curiously. She carried him and held him gently.

"Look, Papa! Our son is awake! What should we name him?" asked Kurumi focusing on her son.

The guy named Kuniharu also approached his wife and looked at his son with pride.

"Oh mama, didn't we agree to name our child Kusuo if it was a boy and Kuriko if a girl. He'll be known as Saiki Kusou." said Kuniharu making Kurumi smile widely.

"You're right, papa. Welcome to the family, my little Kusou!" said Kurumi kissing the child on the forehead. The child had a shocked expression, which made both the parents smile.

'What the hell!? Did I get isekaied into an anime world? And as Saiki Kusou nonetheless. This is amazing. ' thought the newly born called Saiki Kusou laughing, which made both the parents chuckle. They were glad that their son liked the name they chose.

"Looks like he liked the name, papa." said Kurumi with a warm smile.

"Of course he will like it. We spent a lot of time to choose, after all. Isn't that right, mama?" replied Kuniharu with pride.

'They must be my new parents.' thought the baby looking at his new parents curiously. Suddenly his belly started grumbling alerting his mother.

"It looks like my little Kusou is hungry. Here you go, you can drink my milk." said Kurumi bringing the little Kusuo to her breasts and feeding him.

"You should rest more, Kurumi-chan. I'll deal with all the hospital procedures." said Kuniharu leaving the ward. He wanted his wife to rest after the delivery. Kurumi also looked at his retreating figure in a smile while feeding little Kusou.

Kusou was feeling embarrassed, sucking on her breasts. He was, after all, an adult inside a baby's body.

'This is embarrassing. Since I'm Saiki Kusou now, I should have Psychic powers. But, why can't I feel anything at all?' thought little Kusou, desperately trying to find his power, but he didn't find anything different at all.

Then, he heard a mechanical sound inside his head that answered his question.

'Beep! The host will fully integrate with the new body after a month. Until then, the host won't be able to use any of his Psychic powers.' A mechanical voice sounded inside his head, which made him momentarily stunned. Kurumi looked at her child curiously, seeing that he stopped feeding.

'Who's there!?' asked little Kusou internally, which sounded like a cry outside.

'System is hibernating! Approximate time for the restart is a month.' answered the voice inside little Kusou's head, making him surprised. Then, the system said nothing else.

"You shouldn't stop drinking, my little Kusou. You need to drink a lot of milk to be healthy, after all. Here you go!" Kurumi said, urging her child to drink her milk. Like this, Kusuou stopped thinking about the voice inside his head and focused on sucking her delicious boobies.

I'll update this fanfic whenever I feel like it ^^

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