
My Destruction System:Love of the Creator

She was born from the void at the very beginning of everything with a purpose, to create and to make the universe flourish and it did, through her gifts. Her purpose was achieved then she wondered now what.....? ........................................................... Alexander McQueen the one known as the destroyer, who wrecked havoc upon the Earth is now dead. Now Azar'El Salvatore is born with a purpose, a system and a slightly yandere lover. Follow Azar'El as he journeys through the universe carrying out his purpose with her by his side. Ascending to the pinnacle of existence. Tags: SYSTEM | OVERPOWERED | ROMANTIC | ACTION | MAGIC | VILLAIN |DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS |

Hunterlight_17 · 奇幻
7 Chs


As the sun slowly descended below the horizon of our Blue planet, the cloak of darkness emerged from its hiding place, enveloping the world in its eerie embrace.

The moon, in all its glory, took its rightful place in the sky, casting a pale light over the city below.

Amidst the constant hum of insects, the resilient people of New York City continued their lives as usual, unaware of the horrors that lurked in the shadows.

In an abandoned warehouse, battered and dismembered parts of bodies could be seen, their use to paint the walls of the warehouse a gruesome reminder of the evil that existed in the world.

This scene would have been perfect if one didn't notice the bloodied body of a young man, who was clearly not in the best of shape.

Despite this, one would notice the glowing glint in his eyes, a sign of the madness that had was in him, the young man looked around him, the gory sight seemingly not affecting him at all.

He dipped his hands into his pocket and brought out a square-shaped box with a red button on top he looked at the device calmly, knowing well what would happen if he went through with his plan.

As he made up his mind to go through with it, the sound of a federal state vehicle, along with the whirring of helicopter blades, woke him out of his reverie.

The tension in the air was palpable as the young man realized the time has come to rid the world of its filth. His heart was calm even as he was surrounded, but they came too late. There was nothing that could stop what was about to happen.

In that fateful moment, the young man realized that the world would never be the same again.

He had given them a chance to change, but they had made their choice, and now they would have to face the consequences of their actions.

With a calm heart, he pressed the button, knowing full well what would happen next.

The squad captain, who had been watching him closely, wasted no time in commanding his squadron to fire at will.

But it was too late. The deed had been done, and there was no turning back.

The young man knew that this was the end of the road for him. He closed his eyes and accepted his fate, ready to embrace the darkness that had once consumed him.

It was his escape, and he was going with it.

As the sun rose over the city, casting its warm light over the world, the young man and the rest of the world's filth were gone.

They were dead, never to see the light of day again.

It was a tragic end to a legend that had been building up for years.

The young man had tried to make a difference, to change the world for the better even if its just a little bit.

In the end, he realized that the darkness that dwells within the world was what made it complete though not beautiful but it was complete. Consumed by the darkness that he had been fighting against.

As the world celebrated the death of the destroyer, it was clear that things would never be the same again. The young man's decision had changed everything, and the world would never forget his name.


Hey there! Thanks for reading the prologue of my first novel. I'm really trying my best to keep my audience engaged, so before you judge me, I'd appreciate it if you could read the first ten chapters. If it's not your cup of tea, then feel free to strike it out. And if you notice any errors, please forgive me and let me know so I can fix them ASAP. Thanks again for your support!

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