
Alliandra's cry

"Lucas's parents are in the human world of Princess. All I know is that they were both very good before they became werewolves." said Carolline, feeling Alliandra's sadness.

"Would you like to take me to the human world of Princess Carolline someday? I want to get to know the Lucas family so I can be closer to them." said Alliandra with a look full of hope.

"Princess Alliandra don't worry, even though it wasn't me who invited Putri to the human world, Lucas would definitely take Putri there to introduce Putri to meet her parents." said Carolline with a smile. Carolline tried to calm Alliandra's heart into believing in Lucas' sincerity.

"Hopefully Lucas has the intention of taking me to his parents." Alliandra said hoping Lucas really loved her and was serious in her relationship.

"I'm sure Lucas will definitely do that Princess." said Carolline calming Alliandra's heart.