
My Demon who loves me

Ahh it is six already - waking up in to my nightmare every day it is like my life is completly a hell and yet i still have plus one every year i am just tired Dohe naged till her hearth content then she went to her wash room to take her bath when she was done she picked up her cloth then she put it on when she was done wearing her dress she untied her black hair which she combed and then she headed for her room door and left. She collected her car keys from her manager lisa who was suprised that her boss had wokening up before she did. lisa Dohe's manager was just heading for Dohe's room to wake her up when she was about to climb the stairs,she saw her boss coming out of her room she didn't even say a word but collected the key from lisa her manager then Dohe entered her car and then she drove off. When Dohe was going home after her work she decided to go to her favourite spot which made her see things that she tried to forget. That is why she loved going there although it made her sad but it still made her not to forget the most wonder full moment of her live. Remerbering about all her young childhold memorious with her and parent before they died. On her way she home she saw some body who had a gun with him he shot her first tier and then the other one Dohe's car was not stable and was heading for the river then she decided to jump down even though she knew that the psycho that was following her and shot her tier was here to kill her she had no choice but to jump down who knows some body might save her Dohe thought to her self. Rules and hints about the novel that might be confusing: This story is quite a cunning one,if you have read chapter 2 you will get something when Dohe got angry, Yehoshua felt pain and then his eyes turned red and when Dohe got a connection with his mind she felt all the pain and sadness and all what he had thought about her when he saved her from drowning,and then a tear drop, fell from her eyes but it, turned to diamond which made the colour of his eyes turn back to its orginal colour then a string from her hair went back to black. Although i may not have really written the full story about what really happened that night bit this will give you headlight about how to under stand the story/novel. The story basic rule for Dohe and Yehosua is that if they fall in love with each other one of them must die . can Dohe be able to change her faith after everything that happened in her past life yes maybe if she have more affrction and love, she might be able to change her faith and she Yehosuajohn forces together they might find out what really happened to Dohe in her past life and then correct their present and may be Dohe faith with Yehosua might change. Yehosua rule is that if he falls in love with anybody, the person might die and even if they fall in love with each other, or remerber everything that happen in their past life, evil will decide to play it's part in their life and kill dohe , if he saves her he must die and go to hell because he has no right to save any human being.

Favour_ada_14 · 奇幻言情
17 Chs



See our cab is here Dohe said then they entered the car.

Immediately they entered then the car, it drove off.

I will arange the flight for tommorow morning.

Ok Seon thankyou so much Dohe said with a little akwardness when she said his new name she was not yet used to his new name.

But indeed Seon looked really different from the last time they meet he looked more handsome and his dressing even more beutiful and manly.

After some minuties they reached the hotel lets go out Seon. Seon looked at her in confusion what do you mean by going out.

Dohe used her hand to push her hair back wards because of the breeze that blew and made her hair to cover her face.

She looked more cutier and beutiful. Dohe looked at Seon she was not expecting him to ask her anything.

I meant we should go to a garden Dohe said in a low voice.


Seon repeated the last sentence Dohe said that rang an alarm on his ear out of everything she ahd said.

Ok Seon said. Which made Dohe surprised her eyes were widely opened.

Hold my hand Seon told the already frozen Dohe. Dohe, Dohe Seon called, Dohe blinked twice am sorry wh.. What did you say giveme your hand he said ina low and calm voice.

Oh ok Dohe said as she looked at Seon she was still tring to know what and how something had changed Seon answers but nothing aabsolutly nothing was in his eyes.

They wasn't any emotion written on his eyes or on his face he just looked normal and that was what feared Dohe the most about Yehosua.

Dohe placed her hand on Yehosua's hands in less than 10 seconds she was in a place that osen't fsmiliar they was nobody there just her and Seon.

Dohe let go of Seon's hand then she turned around with just a look she knew she was in Seon's personal garden the flowers were beutiful they were butterflies ontop of the flowes they looked so beutiful the trees were very green the garden was so exceptional.

Seon just stood there as he looked at happy Dohe who didn't say anything just looked at the garden her eyes said everything she was meant to say with her mouth.

After 40minuties had passed for Dohe it was not even close to 20minuties since they had come.

Give me your hand Dohe Seon said to Dohe then she placed her hand on his then they disappared.

Seon and Dohe had already reached the hotel since an hour ago.

After Dohe had finally made up her mind to go back to Hidden Vile city she told Seon as she was about to enter inside her room she remerbard something.

Are you going to change your name to Yehosua when we get back to HiddenVile city Dohe asked Seon.

Yes i will.

Seon answered. Oh ok

Is that all Seon asked as he leaned on the door of Dohe's room. Dohe gave him a slight nod.

Ok then i will take my leave please do so to pack your clothes and close your door infant lock it so you can be rest assure of your safety.

I will take my leave then immediately he snaped his fingers he dissapared.

Dohe sighed then she closed her door.

A little bye would have been good Dohe said as she let go of the door nub then she pushed the door slowly which made it to shut it self close.

The night was fast to pass by.

Ding Dohe alarm rang. Ahh Dohe yourned then she covered her mouth immediately excuse me Dohe said in a calm voice.

Streching her hand she picked up her phone which greeted her with ten missed calls.

Staring at her phone for some seconds she unlocked it then she saw the time that the person called her .

'5:30!!' In the morning who would call some body by this time in the morning.

With a little frown she unlucked her phone to check who it was imediately she saw the name of the person her frown only deepened.

'Yehosua' No i mean Seon Dohe said in confussion.

I hope he changes his name fast.

How would he be calling me by this time does he think i am a demon lime he is.

After saying what she wanted to say.Then she opened her messages saw the message her eyes was widely opened when she saw twenty four messages hanging on Seon number.

Dohe sighed as she opened the twenty four messages to see what he had sent to her.

Then she read.

Messages from Yehosua:

I have booked a flight and it will believing by 9:30.

I have arranged the flight and it will be leaving the airport so be there before 9:30.

And i can'tbelife you are still sleeping by this time Dodohe. Anyways i am not surprise human are naturally weak.

I have arranged the flight and it will be leaving the airport so be there before 9:30.

And i can'tbelife you are still sleeping by this time Dodohe. Anyways i am not surprise human are naturally weak. 

Dohe frowed after reading the next message that Mephisto had sent to her. she read the message one more time looking at the way Mephisto had written it she knew what he meant when he wrote it and had sent it to her. 

We are not Dohe murmured. 

Then  she checked her  time it was already 8:55 immediately Dohe stood up from the chair she was sitting on immediately then she ran to the bathroom. 

After a few minuties she came out of the toilet with a towel tied on her body her hair was very wet she sat on a chair then she pluged her haid dryer then she put it on and began to dry her hair.

Then she wore her cloth when she was done she saw one of her shoes that she had brought out before she entered the toilet. 

Oh NoNo what should i do. How many minuties will it take me to get to the airport what should i do Dohe said in a panicking tone. 

When she went close to were the shoe was, to pick it up the shoe and wear it. 

When she was close to the shoe she realized some thing tragic the second leg of the shoe she had brought out was not there anymore. 

Where is the second leg of my shoe!!.

My phone were is my phone she turned left and front then Dohe saw her phone on the table she was sitting on before she had rushed to the bath room. 

Dohe went to were her phone was then she picked it up she pushed the power on button of the phone then she checked the time on the phone.

 It was already 9:00 O'clock.

I need to leave this hotel fast Dohe said as she held her luggage.

As she was about to leave the room she remerbard something.

The necklace Mephisto had given to her.

She turned her head to the makeup stand. 

By her left tring to remerber something then She recalled what Mephisto gave her. A necklace Mephisto once said it was a bound when ever she needed him he will be there anytime any were and that he would come to me. 

So i can call him to the teliport me to the airport. 

Far a way from were Dohe stood. A man in black clothing covered his face with a hankerchife then he picked up a knife and a gun and kept it inside a bag. 

*Ding*, his phone rang. 

He stared at his old mobile phone from the 90's before he saw a particular name on the saved contant. 

He looked at the phone with disdain then he had a slight frown on his face. 

He was about to drop the phone on a table and continue what he was doing then remerbard something.