
Otherworld Church (3)

W-what does this mean?

"I'm sorry.. I thought the quest was impossible.. so.."

Seeing the anguish on his face and understanding what Noel meant, I decided that it wasn't a big deal. Though I wish he would've consulted me about it before doing so..

"It's alright, how about we focus on the other quests instead?"


"What.. you actually got rid of that one? It was worth 200 points though?"

Both Noel and I glared at Dylan-sama. We knew what he referred to. At least Noel had the tact to remove that task for the sake in which I never set my eyes on those words ever again.

"Pfft.. you two are one of a kind."

"Great.. " Noel muttered before returning his gaze to his phone.

One of a kind..

Noel showed me the quests, I memorized the tasks to do..

The only one I could possibly do would be to lean on Noel's shoulder— though I thought it was embarrassing so I would refrain from that for now.. but I'll seek for when the chance comes.

Also, pertaining to the special quests, it seemed that there would only be a new task once the week ends.

After lunch, we were to visit Trisha in her office.

"Welcome back," she spoke with a smile. "Do you mind taking a seat over there, Liliath, please take a seat here."

I sat down on the cushion chair beside Trisha's desk which had stacks of paper and a laptop-like screen device arranged on top.

Trisha took out a small hand-held machine that emitted light from the triangular tip.

"Alright, please open your mouth."

She examined my mouth, ears, nose and eyes. Deeming that there were no problems, she then had me read letters on a poster a distance away.

"Everything is good, but there's something of concern for your X-ray.."

Trisha pulled out a black sheet from a large envelope— the picture of bones, were they mine?

"I don't think there's really a hole here, do you have any ideas what this may be?" Trisha pointed to the left chest cavity of the skeleton— my skeleton. There was a vast black region, and in the middle was a small white dot. It looked as if a hole had been drilled directly through my chest.

I pressed on my own chest to find no anomaly, my bones were still there. Then why was there a gaping hole?

"If that's the case then we would need to do further tests," Trisha spoke.

So did that mean I failed? I felt relieved at her words though.

"Doctor, wait, lemme to speak to Liliath for a bit," Noel stood up from his seat all of a sudden.

"Do you have an idea what this is?" Trisha asked.

"Kinda.." Noel said in an aversive manner, then whispered into my ear, "It's the Philosopher's Stone."


That's correct.. the philosopher's stone is located right in my heart which meant that..

What should I do? I've been found out?!

"Um. Maybe it's best if you the the doctor the truth? " Noel recommended, showing me a wary look.

Noel did tell me that demon lords are a welcomed existence in this world..

"A Philosopher's Stone?"

"Uh.. Liliath.. you're turn.."

Looked like Trisha catch the contents of what Noel had whispered… What should I do? WHAT SHOULD I DO?

"It's confidential information, I won't share it elsewhere. I just need to know the reason just in case this is something serious," Trisha spoke with a smile.

I glanced at Noel again, he gave me a nod.

So there was no way to hide my identity after all.. It would be found out eventually.. but if Noel says it's fine then..

I allowed my horns to manifest, raising my head to look at Trisha who held a look of bewilderment.

"I'm a demon.. that's why there is such an object therelain within my heart.."

"Sorry, but I'll follow up a bit. I think the Philosopher's Stone has some sort of electromagnetic field that messed up the X-ray," Noel spoke to supply my meek explanation.

"A demon.. incredible. You've got yourself an incredible summon.. anyways, I would need to check on this, so could I ask you two to wait outside for a moment?"

"Uh yeah sure.."

"So you're saying Liliath was a Demon Lord all along?!"

"Yeah, yeah.."

It was exposed to Dylan-sama, and it seemed to be an amazing discovery, his eyes were shining in a scary light.. similar to the time he saw that beastkin.


"It's alright Liliath, I told you before, there isn't any prejudice against demons in this world.. plus, you're probably the first ever demon to ever come to this world."

I glanced at Trisha with a composed expression and then back at Noel.

Was it truly alright? Why did Trisha need them to leave?

"Can't they stay?" I asked.

"If you don't mind letting them see your breast then yes, they can stay."

See my breasts?

"Sorry Liliath, we're getting out. The doctor isn't going to harm you alright?" Dylan-sama said.

Trisha nodded at Noel's words.

"It's alright Liliath," I didn't know when it happened but Noel caressed the top of my head. "I can count on you, right doctor?"

"Of course."

"You'll be alright," Noel's hand left me and he exited, dragging Dylan-sama along with him.

Was this alright?

"I'll be feeling your chest for a bit, so.." Trisha took off from her seat and came to my side.

I closed my eyes in fright.

What was she going to do?

No, calm down. I feel no hostility from her, her aura is weak and if I ever feel threatened, I could always kill her. There is nothing to fear.

I took in a deep breath and composed myself.

"I'm ready."

"Alright then."