
Stone Gym

The book titled 'Dragon Demons of Lumya' was perhaps the largest and heaviest in Ryutaro's private library. Yoichi had to grab it with both hands to lift it up and lay it at the foot of the mat.

Inscriptions in an ancient alphabet ran along the edges of the rectangular cover, both front and back. Unexpectedly, the young tamer felt a strange emotion when he opened the ancient tome, perhaps because he knew that it was a gift from Emperor Tatsui to his master.

The first chapters were focused on the historical part revolving around the most powerful demons in the world. With the help of a few pictures scattered here and there between paragraphs, the tale seemed like a slightly less complete version of the story from Therion himself.

That book didn't look to have an author, or rather, perhaps his name was written in an alphabet that Yoichi couldn't understand. Page after page, the information about dragon demons became more and more specific and detailed.