
Which Class?

Everyone in the room looked at Dan expectantly, 'What's this, they want me to show them my ability?' Dan reasoned, 'Might as well put on a show' Dan thought before raising a finger up and pointing it at Tony, "Give me your hand" Dan asked politely and as such, Tony was happy to comply,

Dan grasped Tony's hand tightly

<Demon Siphon Activated>

<50 Poison Ability Found>

<+1 Poison>

<+1 Poison>

<+1 Poison>

<+1 Poison>

<+1 Poison>

<+5 Poison>

<New Skill unlocked: Scorpion's Sting>

<Scorpion's Sting: This skill doses its victim with a certain quantity of toxins that causes severe hallucinations. It requires physical contact. Costs 10 points of mana>

<New Passive Skill Unlocked: Poison Immunity>

<Poison Immunity: This passive skill grants infinite immunity to all toxins below a certain level. Can be upgraded>

Dan smiled after reading this, he stood up and pointed a finger to the sky.

Thunder clouds began to gather, releasing a bright lightning bolt that caused everyone in the room to squint their eyes and when they opened it, Dan was nowhere to be seen,

"So Dan has a lightning ability?" Gary asked the others, "Couldn't he have shown us sparks running between his fingers instead of summoning thunder clouds just to tell us?" Tony asked as well, clearly annoyed,

"Yeah and where is he?" Mike asked too, "I am here" Dan's voice suddenly said from behind them, they turned to look at him only for them to see nothing, "Here" Dan's voice said again from behind them.

They turned around to see nothing again, "This shit is creepy." Gary said as he backed away slowly, a blurred figure ran by them and in front of them was none other than Dan, he had Demon Sprinted multiple times to avoid being seen, "First lightning and now superspeed. Do you have two abilities?" Gary asked with clear shock in his eyes,

"Nope, just one" Dan replied nonchalantly, "Which is?" Gary, Mike and Tony asked in unison, "Energy Siphoning" Dan replied honestly, after all that was the ability that Headmaster Grey had given him and if he had lied and the truth was to come out, he will be questioned as to why he lied and he really didn't want to go through the stress of self-explanation.

"In any case forget about that, which class are you picking?" Mike asked Dan inquisitively, "What do you mean which class?" Dan asked, a testament to his ignorance, "We all have abilities and as such our classes have been broken into four; Ability Class, Ability-Weapon class, Weapons Class and Forgery Class."

"Ability Class focuses strictly on training one's ability without any regard for weapons or armour while Weapons Class focuses on training with weapons, I honestly don't see the point in going to weapons class if you have an ability and as for the Ability-Weapon Class, it more or less acts as a middleman for the aforementioned classes since it trains your ability while helping you implement it when fighting with a weapon." Gary explained in great detail.

"What about Forgery Class?" Dan asked Gary as he seemed to be the most knowledgeable person out of the group, "Forgery Class is mainly for people who have abilities more or less suited for forging. I honestly don't know much, it's not like I'll pick it anyway and that leads me to Mike's question, which class are you picking?" Gary answered for the most part before diving headfirst into interrogating Dan,

"It should be obvious, I am going to the Ability-weapon Class" Dan said with his hand under his chin to indicate that he had put deep thought into his choice,

"Same as Tony and I" Gary replied, "Mike has chosen to go to Forgery Class because his fire ability will actually make it a lot easier for him to melt Demon Crystals." Gary cleared up the air as to why he hadn't mentioned Mike earlier.

"Well then, get ready Danny boy" Gary teased as he left the room for breakfast and following him were Mike and Tony,

'Now that I think about it, I haven't eaten in two days!' Dan screamed in his mind at the realization,

'You're a demon now remember, a basic class demon can go up to a month without food before it dies and thrice as long for an intermediate' Night explained to Dan, calming his nerves.

'Let me get ready' Dan told himself before proceeding to do so and after thirty minutes, he was ready,

He left his room and walked down the hallway which with the exception of the floor and roof was completely covered in bricks, the tiles on the floor constantly changing color in a repeated pattern but if one was to look at it from the top view, they would see an image of several swords meeting and that was the logo of the Crystal Knight Academy

And also why Dan was wearing a black long sleeved silk based material with white stripes and an enigma of the school logo embroidered on it and as for the pants, it essentially was the same thing just long legged instead.

Dan walked past Kyle's room only for it to open revealing Kyle's happy face, "Good day my king" Kyle's voice suddenly resounded in Dan's head causing him to snap his head in Kyle's direction, "Are you surprised, I woke up extremely early today to see all I could do and after countless experiments, I achieved this. You were sleeping at the time so all I could hear was static but to think it actually worked" Kyle's voice gleed in Dan's head and he could see Kyle's bigger smile on his face,

"So you can hear me?" Dan asked curious to the answer, "Yes" Kyle replied almost immediately before he started walking alongside Dan,

"Hey check this out" Kyle said with his actual voice before a small sphere of water appeared above his hand, "I can still use two elements per day even without the suit but of course it is weaker." Kyle explained before stretching his arm forward releasing a bright green light that quickly faded to reveal a green glass-like staff,

"Hey hide that, I might need you to do something and you don't want people to see the weapon cause it could be a huge giveaway" Dan reprimanded Kyle who let the staff go causing it to disappear.

A small tree immediately sprouted up from the ground and this caught Dan's attention, the tree grew until it formed a wooden staff and then wilted away,

"I can create and control wood with earth, little water and some mana" Kyle explained seeing Dan's shock and confusion.

Kyle slammed the staff into the ground and immediately an earthen throne began to form, "For my demon king" Kyle said in Dan's head causing him to smile, this was how he liked it.