
Twist Of Fate 2

After being savaged by the Scott, Sarah was lying down on the couch, while Ezra discuss with Heemani.

"Umm, I see a better offer, the pay is quite good, and am considering quitting at the hotel," he said innocently as if he hadn't quit.

Heemani gazed at him "What kind of a job is that? " she questioned.

Ezra knew he had to lie perfectly to confuse Heemani otherwise she won't agrees because it related to the people of the blue blood, he cleared his throat and started lying with a straight face "It a work at a mansion, owned by a young master, he wants me to work has his gardener, accommodation is free, he is offering me double of what I get at the hotel" he explained.

Heemani thought for a moment before she voiced out "How did you know the man?" She questioned, she feels uncomfortable for Ezra to go work at a strange house, she knows how dirty and ruthless the wealthy ones her, when she was having a change of mind about them because of Liam, he then show his true identity to her.

Ezra understand why her questions were too much, he didn't hesitate to answer "He is a customer at the hotel, he is a very nice and easy-going man" Ezra complimented man.

Heemani wears a worried expression "The offer is good but....." She paused for a moment "These wealthy people are not trustworthy, I don't want us to have anything to do with them" she said not knowing her bestie is the daughter of the President of the country.

Ezra gave her assuring smile "I will be fine, it is for the better, enough of hiding from them, if we hid forever, how will our story be spicy?"

Heemani nods "If you are happy with the offer, go for it, just be careful, you are all I got, the mystery of Grandma Bhumi's death is unknown, I don't want to lose you" she warned.

Ezra held her hand "I will be fine, I promise you that"

Sarah was on the couch, she eavesdrop on their conversation "So there is a young master in his life now, who could it be? Is he responsible for his hickey? Hmmm! Something fishy" her thoughts got interrupted by a ring on her phone, she frowned her face, "Why is she disturbing me now" she murmured.

She picked up "What is it, mom?" She rolled her eyes unconcerned.

"Text your address right now, there is a change of time, text it right now so that your driver will co tome pick you" she instructs.

"Mom! This wasn't the fucking plan, what all this? Stop controlling me!" She laments almost screaming.

Heemani and Ezra gazed fell at her, why is she acting like this?.

Mrs. White smiled "Order from your dad, send it now or regret it later," she said and hung up.

"Fuck!" She cursed under her breath, she aggressively throws her phone on the couch.

Heemani looked worried "Are you okay? What is wrong with you?" Heemani asked?

Sarah sighed out of frustration "I have to go home now, my mom set me up on a date" she said almost crying.

Heemani looked confused"Who is your mom? are you a spoilt brat from a rich family? I asked you this morning but you were twisting words for me" She questioned.

Sarah walked towards them "I am not a spoilt brat from a rich family, my mom is just a nosy woman, that happens to know the influence of the country, she wants me to get engaged with one of them so that she can have the kind of luxurious life she wants" Sarah lied.

Heemani felt sorry for her friend "She is pathetic, what a thief!" Heemani said without feeling sorry that she was talking about someone's mother.

"Language Heemani" Ezra cautioned her.

Sarah picked up her phone, she texted the address to her mother "I have texted the address to her, a car will come to pick me up now" she said in a sad tone.

"No! We can't let this happen just like that" Heemani said something a supportive friend will say.

Ezra looked at Heemani "Then what are we supposed to do?"

Heemani thinks for a moment, she snapped her fingers "I have an idea, call your mom right now, tell her to inform your date to wait for you at where both of you will have your meals, call her now don't question me" she said with a hint of urgency.

Sarah called her mom, and she speak as she was told to do so.

"Alright no problem, your driver is on his way to pick you up, he is bringing a cloth for you also, change to it," she said and hung up.

Sarah gazed at Heemani with hope "What next?". Heemani signaled Ezra and Sarah to move closer, the two moved closer to her, and they bend their heads a little to fit her head because she was on the bed, Heemani whispered some words to their ears, and she smiled "What did you think?"

Sarah and Ezra looked at her in disbelief "What?" They said in unison.

"Are you crazy, is the nurse giving you something aside from the prescribed drug?" Ezra questioned her sanity.

Heemani smiled "That is the best thing we can do, for Sarah's sake"

Sarah face palmed herself "You have lost it completely Heemani, how would you say Ezra should follow me and pretend to be my boyfriend? It's kind of hot and cool if he acts like my boyfriend" she blushed..."But Heemani is not in this kind of a situation" she barked.

Heemani looked displeased"Alright then, go and get engaged to a guy you don't know, he might be an abuser who knows but am sure you will get used to it," she said calmly.

The thought of getting engaged to an abuser freaks Sarah out, to top it all he might not be her standard, she has her high standard she can't settle for a low standard, she is a K-pop stan, how will she settle for a low standard.

Sarah smiled and looked at Ezra, she plead with her puppy eyes "Oppaaaaaa! She screamed. " Help me with this, just this" she pleads.

Ezra freaked out "I am not your Oppa, we are not in South Korea" he warned.

Sarah winked "It doesn't matter, help me once please"

Heemani joins Sarah in pleading "Help us, Ezra, we will forever be grateful, Oppa" she pleads and teased at the same time.

After pleading for so long, Ezra sighs out of frustration "Fine but just this once" he concurs.

Sarah hugged Heemani "Yes, we did it.