
Ten- Elijah

Eli POV:

After I see Ali figure fade into the background, I can't help but be worried about her. I know I'm not the best boyfriend and haven't treated her the way she should have been, however she shouldn't have to stay strong all by herself. I feel my fingernails grip into my skin.

"Elijah calm down, she's going to be ok. She's a big girl and you trust her, don't you?" He looks at me for a while before he continues driving. He trying to gauge my response. I let out a sigh and I look at him "I do I just don't think its fair she has to do this alone."

"She's not alone she's got you, doesn't she?" He smiles and it can't help but make me smite a bit. My brother always knows what to say, that's probably why Ali and him are best friends. I was always jealous the way he could make her smile.

Now's not the time for that, I got to get Ali some stuff.

Her dad.

I hate her dad.

I could have killed him if they didn't stop me. He's a monster that doesn't deserve to breath, leaving all is problems on Ali like that.

My thoughts continue to play threw my head on repeat before we stop at our house.

As we pull up on the driveway I get out while Alex waits in the car. I head inside and see her backpack full of stuff. I try to add a couple of my shirts in, just to make her remember me… and hopefully feel safe. I pull the shirt that she wore this morning out of the laundry bin and bring it up to my nose just to smell her.

I am a weirdo.

Stop it.

But it smells so good.

Seriously stop this is so weird.

I place it back into the laundry bin and put my hand over my eyes taking deep breaths just trying to accept everything that's happened these past few days.

I love Ali I always have yet a I teased her and did things that I shouldn't have. Her dad was even…. I feel my teeth grit at the mere though of what he's done to her.

I always tested her and was mean because I was jealous over something that wasn't even her fault on top of her dad doing that to her.

Im pathetic.


I finish packing and go to head downstairs "ELIJAH COME QUICK!"

I bolt down the stairs and I look at Alex "what's wrong?" I ask scared of what he will say next. What could possibly be worse. His eyes look drained of life as he stairs into mine "Ali-… Ali in the ICU getting emergency surgery right now, her mom stabbed her in her hospital room." I could feel the blood in my body boil as I jump in the driver seat not even looking to see if Alex is inside before I take off down the street. I then hear tapping to snap me out of it. Alex was tapping his foot on with nerves but there's no way Ali -…. I freeze at the though of going threw life without her.

Not possible.

She is my everything.

I have to see her now.

I hold in my breath trying not to panic as I drive fast to the hospital.

I give them my information and they give me a hospital pass before I am allowed inside.

Alex and I both stay in the inside waiting room with tapping feet of nerves. Guess it's a brother thing.

My mother paces the waiting room still in her work scrubs. They wouldn't let her in because she was too close to the case. I feel as though the life is drained out of me. I see her mom's picture on the news, news travels fast around here. I can tell its Ali's mom by the similar face structure they both have. I guess she looks more like her deranged mom.

Why Ali?

What did Ali ever do to deserve this?

I try taking another deep breath to calm down to no avail. I feel my mom hug me, but I can only hug her back a bit.

"It's ok to cry honey, you don't have to be strong." She pats my head trying to comfort me the best she can but I can tell she is worried too.

It wasn't that I couldn't cry, the tears wouldn't come out.

My brain could not process what was happening.

I hear her phone ring; I assume its dad. Not that I have seen him for months. My mom picks up the call and leaves the waiting room. He probably heard what was going on.

It feels like an eternity in the waiting room.

"Mr. Edison? Mrs. Edison?"

"YES!" Both me and my brother shout at the same time.

I see a doctor come out in full surgical gear coming straight for us. I try to not run up to him in a panic and I scan his face for an answer I would hope would be good news.

The doctor was a shorter man, maybe in his late 50s that had a little bit of a hunchback. He takes off his surgical mask and alternate looks between me and my brother. "Did she make it? How is she? Is she ok?" I ask a million questions before he can even answer one just out of panic and he pats my shoulder "She made it, she's out of harms way for now but she will need to be here for a while. Ali is not completely out of the danger zone quite yet, she lost a lot of blood and we still are waiting for a few labs to come back." He gives a small smile of reassurance "Luckily shes going to make it so you can relax for now." I let out a deep breath as if the weight has been taken off my shoulders. "Can I see her doctor?' he shakes his head in disagreement. "She is resting now, I will call you as soon as she's awake alright?"

"Can I stay? I don't want her to be alone when she wakes up." He nods and goes to my mom who was still talking on the phone with my step father.

My moms face changes to a look of urgency and they both go a few feet away to talk.

My nerves instantly skyrocket.

Where did she get stabbed? How bad is it?

I grip my nails into my palms so hard it bleeds.

The pain is somehow soothing.

Ali… please be ok...

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