As soon as we arrive home my dad sends a flying punch to my face and my head slams against the kitchen counter. I could feel the blood trickle down my forehead.
"You quit your job and what? Go move into your boyfriend's house? You're the most pathetic child I've ever saw!"
I don't bother to say anything. It doesn't matter what I say he wouldn't believe it. Ever since my mom cheated on him and my brother died, he's never been the same. Another fist goes straight to my ribs, and I fell a crack tinging from my ribs. I scream as I fall to the kitchen floor clutching my stomach. My dad ends up beating me until I pass out ignoring the cracks from my bones.
I could hear him faintly screaming but I couldn't make it out. I awaken to him dragging me to my room and locking the door. I lie motionless on the ground unable to move. I end up staying there almost a whole day before I get energy to move. I get up ever so slowly and make my way to the bed before passing out again.
I wake up and I see the sun out blazing threw my locked window. It's been 4 days and my dad has not opened the door. I have been surviving off the sink water in my bathroom and the half of chocolate Elijah gave me. I wait two more days before my dad unlocks the door.
"Never will run away again I bet." He scoffs at me laughing as if the whole situation was a big joke. "I told the school you were sick. I'm driving you to school today so get dressed."
I nod and get ready. My pants practically slide off and I get a belt to help keep them up. Luckily my cheeks stopped swelling since the beating, so I didn't have to wear a mask again. I slowly go downstairs and meet him in the car. My bag is still at Elijah's. I had forgotten with the mix up but luckily my dad seemed not to notice. As soon as I go to school my friends surround me with questions on what happened to me and why I was sick. Onyx gives me his lunch since he wasn't hungry and chow it down in the bathroom stall like a starved beast. Food never tasted so good.
Eventually I get to Elijah's class. I keep to myself and don't look at Elijah at all, after class I feel tap on my shoulder. I turn around "Elijah I- "
"Oh, cozying up to my brother already?" I see Alexander short dirty-blond hair and brown eyes looking at me.
"Shut up you know I don't like him! Anyways can you get my bag from his room?"
"I thought he gave it back to you?"
"No, he didn't."
"Well, he should today. By the way I heard you got attacked! Are you ok? Maybe you got sick from the stress or something," Alex goes to give me a hug, but I push him away in fear of my broken rib.
"You, ok?" He looks a little hurt at me.
"Yeah." I look away from his face "I just-... uh my lungs hurt from coughing you know."
"Alright we'll I gotta go! I'll see you later!" I see Alex take off down the hall. I go upstairs to the roof on the 4th story, no one's allowed up there but luckily the door has been unlocked since forever. As soon as I push the door open, I lay on the ground staring up at the sky. I have two hours till my next class, so I decided to close my eyes for a quick second.
"Ali?" I hear a voice whisper from the door and I sit up peeking to see who it's from.
"Elijah?" I stare at him.
He comes fully out and sits down next to me and hands me my bag.
"I went to your house, but your dad said you were too sick to see me…"
This is awkward.
Right before I get up to leave Elijah puts his hand on mine.
I look at him in bewilderment.
"Listen … I wanted to say I'm sorry for assuming you just wanted attention. It was wrong of me. I shouldn't assume things like that."
"So, your apologizing?" I stare at him.
"Yes." he looks at the ground waiting for my response as if I'm going to scream at him.
"Thank you for your apology." I rub his head and ruffle his hair.
"Listen Um Ali. is it ok if I call you that?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
"You can call me Eli. I'm sorry about the mean stuff I have said to you before. I was an asshole for saying that stuff…. And I know you have no reason to, but I want you to like me." he holds his hand atop mine and stares at me.
"We'll you kinda where." I laugh a little and smile at him "but sure… you're not such a bad guy yourself, I am also sorry for all the name calling."
"Hey, it's fine," he says and offers me a hand to stand up. When I go to stand up, I feel weak and cling on to him.
"Are you ok?"
"Yeah, just a bit dizzy. I'm really sorry."
He smiles "if you got time want to ride with me? I was planning on getting something to eat from the Chinese place down the street."
"Sure," I say, and we go downstairs and get into his green Honda Civic car. It looked like it's been running forever. He drives me to restaurant and opens the door.
"Wow what a gentleman opening the door." I tease.
"Hm sounds like a date when you say that." he smirks at me.
"I didn't mean it like that!"
"To bad... because I meant it like that when I asked you to come."
"What?" I swing my head around to make sure I heard what I thought I heard, and I feel his hand grab my head and he kissed my forehead. "Come on let's get some food! Afterwards we can return to the roof!" He grabs my hand and takes me inside.
A date?! Wait I've never gone on a date? How can he just say that! We were enemies up until a few minutes ago!