
Chapter 6: Self-Proclaimed Renowned Doctor_1

The meaning was very clear, it depended on her own wishes whom she wanted to be with.

However, just at this moment, Yang Yi, holding YiYi by the hand, approached Tang Shihao, and said with a confident smile.

"Mr. Tang, right? I'm Gu Qingya's husband, and YiYi is our daughter. We are very much in love. If someone tries to interfere, heh, I wouldn't mind breaking his leg!"

Toward the end, Yang Yi suddenly dropped his smile and became extremely fierce!

Not only did Tang Shihao take two steps back in fear, but even the mother-in-law, who had been favoring Tang Shihao, was so intimidated that she dared not make a sound.

"Good, very good!" Tang Shihao knew he had lost his composure, but still said with a thick face.

"Auntie, I won't give up. I will prove to you that I am the one who can bring happiness to Qing Ya."

Tang Shihao left angrily, glaring hatefully at Yang Yi before he went. His expression was full of solemnity.

"Seeing how you handle your hands, I know you are more than you appear. But I am a disciple of the Medical Saint, known as the youngest and dubbed the 'Miracle Hand Medical Saint' of today's generation. You will not be my match, goodbye."

Watching Tang Shihao drive away.

"Miracle Hand Medical Saint? Your medical skills were not as good as mine back in the day, let alone now, how could your disciple possibly be my match?"

Just after finishing dinner, Yang Yi received a phone call. It was indeed from Chen Daoming.

Inviting him and his wife to a banquet.

Gu Qingya hesitated for a moment, then decided to go along.

After all, that was Chen Daoming, the real boss of Daoming Group, with countless resources. Perhaps today's banquet could open up a whole new path in her medical career.

"Director Gu, Divine Doctor Yang, you've arrived."

Chen Daoming saw the couple and led them into the hall, which was already bustling with noise.

Gu Qingya glanced around and saw many renowned seniors and predecessors from the city's medical community, also among the guests of the banquet. They had arrived earlier and were now looking on with interest at her and Yang Yi.

One of them was the very famous Divine Doctor Zhang from the city.

She had long admired him and hoped that one day she could surpass him in her medical accomplishments.

"Let me introduce to everyone, this is Yang Yi, who saved me, and his wife, Doctor Gu."

Chen Daoming pressed his hands down and looked around.

"Oh, so this is Doctor Gu. You really can't tell that someone so young could possess such medical skills."

"Yes, I thought it would be some prominent figure in medicine."

"What's wrong? They were fortunate to find the right remedy and cured President Chen. Can't that be acknowledged?"

"Just afraid that she can't be this lucky every time!"

The renowned doctors at the banquet jeered and sneered, one after another.

And rightly so.

Chen Daoming is such a renowned figure, everyone wants to connect with him.

But it was Gu Qingya, an obscure nobody, who cured him. How could they not be jealous? Naturally, they all targeted her together.

"You can't say that."

"Doctor Gu's skills are beyond doubt."

Chen Daoming's face showed some displeasure, and just then he caught sight of the butler coming out, so he waved over:

"Uncle Song, don't you have severe rheumatism?"

"With so many of the city's best doctors here, why not let them take a look at you?"

Uncle Song hurried over upon hearing this.

That old rheumatism had plagued him for too many years.

These years, he had visited many hospitals and consulted numerous senior traditional Chinese medicine doctors, but there had been little improvement. He was nearly ready to give up.

But now that the Family Head had spoken and with so many famous doctors present, it wouldn't hurt to have a look.

"Since Doctor Gu has extraordinary medical skills, why don't we all broaden our horizons?"

"Yes, indeed, it would be fortunate to witness Doctor Gu in action. This trip wouldn't be in vain."

"Let's wait and see."

The famous doctors at the seats looked at each other, their gazes intersecting, and they reached an agreement.

Rheumatism is an incurable disease.

Knowing this, they naturally pushed Gu Qingya forward, wanting her to realize the severity and to suffer a setback.

"Ah, I..."

Gu Qingya was well aware of this and was immediately stunned.

Rheumatism is a medical conundrum. If she could just easily cure it, would she still be in the same situation as now?

"Let me do it,"

Yang Yi spoke up at the right moment.

Rheumatism was indeed a significant challenge,

but that was for others. Now that Yang Yi had mastered the fourth needle of the Ghost Gate Seven Needles, every disease could be tried! A minor issue like rheumatism was not a big problem.

"Oh? Then we shall have to watch carefully,"

"You little greenhorn, I bet you haven't even eaten enough rice to know what rheumatism is?"

The reputed doctors first reacted with surprise, but then they burst out laughing.

Whether it was Gu Qingya or this son-in-law who came through the back door, if they couldn't cure rheumatism, they were destined to be the joke of the evening.

Without a word, Yang Ming took out his silver needles.

Rest, Birth, Injury...

He worked the Ghost Gate Seven Needles with ease, targeting several key acupuncture points on the butler, Song.


"My leg, it seems... much better?"

Butler Song felt a warm sensation, and the pain that had hampered his normal walking was suddenly much mitigated, allowing him to walk with far less difficulty.

"Divine Doctor, thank you!"

Butler Song suddenly bowed deeply to Yang Yi.

The relief from the many years of pain was an incredibly gratifying feeling.

"Impressive, really impressive!"

"That acupuncture is pretty strong."

"Didn't see that coming; you're quite skilled."

The doctors who had been the most vociferous before now grudgingly offered their praise.


Putting on airs.

"I'm just Gu Qingya's driver, my medical skills are nothing remarkable."

"However, it should be enough to prove her capabilities, right?"

"Just now, I noticed that Butler Song also has some underlying illnesses. You all claim to be eminent doctors; isn't it your turn now?"

Yang Yi said with a cold smile, turning the tables on them.

"You impudent boy, stop spouting nonsense. I see Butler Song as hale and hearty aside from his rheumatism, not appearing to be sick at all. What are your intentions by saying such things?"

"Some doctors like to fabricate illnesses out of thin air, misleading the public, and then put on a show of treating them. Afterward, they boast about their own merits; such people are truly despicable."

"It's shameful to be associated with them!"

Several doctors berated indignantly for a moment, then left with a flick of their sleeves.


They hadn't noticed any illness in Butler Song at all.

"Is that all?"

Yang Yi's eyes were full of disdain.

Watching the "reputed doctors" leave with humiliation, among them was one she had once taken as a role model, someone Gu Qingya wanted to surpass—now scuttling away with his tail between his legs. Turning to look at Yang Yi, now radiant with success, her face suddenly became complicated.

In the morning at the hospital, he nonchalantly saved Chen Daoming, whom she thought was beyond help;

Now, he had merely applied a round of needles and achieved what countless big shots in today's medical field could not!