
My Curia can not be so divine

"No one will dedicate themselves to gods for the sake of illusory beliefs. The Holy See is creating a thousand-year career. Whether it is conquering aliens or safeguarding faith, it is the heaven on earth that is shaped for survival..." And Fang Wensi suddenly thought of a game he once played, "To Win the Smile of the Gods." Pope Menoglio's voice stopped suddenly, and the clear candlelight reflected on his face, flickering brightly and dimly. Politics always uses various abstract doctrines to decorate itself, but who would have known that the original intention of the Holy See was just to seek hope for continuity with the help of gods.

Nicodeus · 奇幻
29 Chs

Do as the Romans do when in town (2)

Fang Wensi can only seize this opportunity to learn more information that is beneficial to herself through Carlos. After all, whether it was the Pope or Carlos who indulged Fang Wensi in such an amnesia-like behavior, there must be an ulterior conspiracy behind it.

Seeing Carlos stop talking and watching him eat, Fang Wensi quickly pretended to put his hands together to a goddess statue in the side hall, squinted his eyes slightly, pretending to be respectful and said: "Thank the God of Light for giving me food, wine and soul, may I God of Light bless you"

Carlos thought Fang Wensi's performance was a bit funny, "If the elves who believe in the Eternal Goddess see you praying to their gods like this, they will probably put a divine punishment lock on you and feed it to those man-eating tree spirits."

When Fang Wensi heard the joke, his face turned the color of pig liver. Originally, he wanted to leave an image of a devout believer to Carlos, but now he even worshiped the wrong god. He knew that he had been labeled as a heretic. ,

Thinking that she would soon become a barbecue like Bruno, Fang Wensi felt like crying in her heart. She was about to get up and run away, but Carlos handed over a glass of dark green liquid.

Fang Wensi's heart trembled violently, and she took the wine glass tremblingly, and drank the liquid that looked like poisonous wine in one gulp. She didn't expect that it would not be a barbecue, but would follow Socrates' footsteps.

"Ah, poof!"

Seeing Fang Wensi's nasal cavity stimulated by the spicy taste of the wine, Carlos sprayed it out. Carlos couldn't hold it any longer, and laughed wildly as if the conspiracy had succeeded. Fang Wensi felt horrified when he heard it, and then a wave of drunkenness came over him. His brain was so uncomfortable that he could only lie down on the round table and gasp, trying to relieve the pungent taste in his mouth.

Carlos' tone gradually became gentler, "Evans, sometimes I really doubt whether what we are doing is meaningful. For that illusory fantasy, both Menolio and you have endured too much. Maybe at the beginning, I You should be left alone...

Eh! Look what I'm talking about... I'm very grateful to that stubborn old man Menoglio for accepting you as his godson. You don't know that during the rest of my travels, I was almost annoyed to death by you. Full of vigor, you are full of curiosity about everything you encounter, chasing me and asking questions, while your godfather is watching the joke. But after thinking about it, I still see the shadow of my youth in you."

Although Carlos's words were full of reproach, his tone was as gentle as speaking sincerely.

"Then... what were you like when you were young?" Perhaps it was Carlos's heartfelt complaints that soothed Fang Wensi, or perhaps it was due to his drunkenness. Anyway, the panic just now disappeared and he even started to ask questions. Woke up,

"Young...me?" Carlos seemed to be caught in a distant memory.

"When I was a child, I lived in a small town in the north of Old Hildria. Every time the double moon rose, I would listen to the knightly psalms sung by the elders in the square in the center of the town with other children. Old Hildria The people of Leah are very secretive about the kingdom of elves. The elders also told us that it is the abode of the devil and a gathering place of darkness. Everything that breaks into the devil's abode will be devoured by evil." Carlos shook his head mockingly when he said this. Shake his head.

Fang Wensi enjoyed the feeling of being drunk and listening to the story, "Then what?"

"Perhaps I've listened to too many chivalry stories, so I stole the blacksmith's machete next door and ran into the forest on the edge of the town."

"It's also the devil's abode," Fang Wensi joked through drunkenness, "You're really good at it!"

Ignoring Fang Wensi's strange words, Carlos took a swig of wine.

"That's right, as soon as I stepped into the forest without knowing the height of the sky, an arrow with a dazzling red light fell in front of me, and then exploded.

Perhaps because I was a child and the devil was not cruel, the explosion was not very powerful. I got up from the ground in embarrassment and ran away. Then the adults found me crying for my mother around the town."

Fang Wensi's face was slightly red and she rested her head on her side arm and complained: "Maybe you are lucky."

Carlos suddenly stood up, "I thought so too at the time, so I left my hometown when I was seventeen and joined the Holy See of Light. I wanted to be a real knight and regain my lost dignity.

Fortunately, the opportunity soon presented itself, as an uprising initiated by the Holy See swept through the decaying Alexian Empire. At first it was the False people, then the Norse and Suara people, and even all the oppressed people in this brutal empire united. In the end, the emperor had to ask for help from the elves. Unfortunately, , the elves are really here",

Carlos's speaking speed suddenly increased, and his emotions became more passionate: "However, it cannot be called a war. It can be said to be a one-sided massacre. Facing the elves with arcane power, the human army They could only flee without any resistance, and even the Knights of Judgment, which the Holy See was proud of, were besieged and slaughtered by their predecessors in the City of Light, Tijeros. In the end, if Pope Avignon I had not opened the city to surrender, it is estimated that the Knights of Judgment would have The whole army was wiped out, and I was lucky enough to be one of the survivors.

The elves entered the City of Light as victors, and I could see in their eyes their contempt for the human kingdom. Because to put down this massive human rebellion, the elves only sent one legion. At the surrender ceremony, the elven general disdained the conquest of Old Hildria because of its barrenness, and asked the pope to kneel in repentance to the elven gods."

"You can't kneel down..."

Fang Wensi, who was listening to the amusement, knew that once he knelt down, human dignity would be gone, faith would collapse, and then human beings would gradually become vassals or even slaves of other races, a humiliation for most ethnic groups in history. All history is caused by that moment.

Carlos sat back down and said slowly: "Yes, Avignon I rejected the Elf's request in person. The Elf General was also slightly surprised, and then gave the Pope a chance to be tried by a duel. If he won, , just withdraw the previous request and evacuate Old Hildria",

"What if Pope Avignon loses?" Fang Wensi couldn't help asking,

Carlos said with a slightly solemn tone: "Then the Alexian Empire will continue, and all humans must abandon the belief in light and convert to the eternal goddess."

"There is no doubt that the elves adhere to the sanctity of the duel, but their pride and contempt underestimated humans and underestimated Avignon I.

On the day of the duel, the Pope wore white robes as always, and the holy sword of Tieros in his hand shone brightly in the sun. The swordsmanship of the Elf General is also dazzling. I can feel the fierce killing intent just by watching it. The Elf has used the power of arcane magic, but he is about to face the power given to humans by the God of Light - divine magic."

Carlos sighed softly,

"The Elf was defeated and left Hildria, leaving only his name behind, Cairhien - Fallen Star".