
My Cold Boyfriend Love Story

"Gray depicts my life before you came." - Elbara Geofano Adalard The only ruler of the school who has a cold and untouchable nature, except for Alvira, his favorite little sister. The days are normal, accompanied by two very silly friends. To bring a smile, he is not interested, but many girls are after his heart, including Priska Andini Adibanyu. Until a girl who is innocent and has a high curiosity begins to enter his life. The only girl who managed to open access to enter into his life further. I don't know what's so special about that girl until now he doesn't know the reason why he behaves differently only to that girl. Her name is Venusa Angelica.

zakiasyafira · 现代言情
62 Chs

Digging Information

Staring at the house from the front yard. Yes, there are already 3 motorbikes parked there. It can already be known who the owner is because the vehicle is very familiar to his eyes and memory.

Without needing to think any longer, Rehan immediately walked towards the main door of the house. Entered his house by pushing the door, and immediately saw the three men lying on the floor with the carpet like fish sauce. Don't forget to take off the shoes that became the footwear, ah finally his feet are released from the leather shoes that feel suffocating.

"El," call him without further ado.

Maybe because they were shocked, they immediately changed their sleeping position. But it seems that only two people are now sitting looking at him, but the summoned person doesn't move at all.

"El, I know you heard me calling your name," said Rehan again as he stepped closer to them.

"Hmm." This is all that comes out of El's mouth, it's not that he doesn't want to answer, but yes this is how cold he is.

Rehan stopped in his tracks right in front of them, and sat down on the carpet as well so facing each other.

"I've only been calling the name Al El Al El, what's wrong, Han?" asked Mario who was pleased with Rehan's arrival. There was no greeting in any form, suddenly a voice entered their ears. Already knew he was also curious, that's how only El was called but not Reza and Mario.

Rehan turned his head towards Mario, then chuckled at the man's expression. Only laughter lasted for 2 seconds, after that, it was gone. "What? You want me to call your name too?"

Mario shook his head. "If you give me money, I want to be called by you too, but if you call my name without any good intentions, I won't," he replied. As usual, kidding.

Just relax what Mario said, finally Rehan looked back at El who was focused on staring at the TV screen while watching a movie… barbie? Since when did that cold man watch a series that is dominated by women? Okay, but that's not the point of the discussion.

"You didn't say anything about Nusa having returned home?" he asked calmly. As usual, he remembers all of Nusa's advice, and yes, his emotions are lost somewhere.

El turned to Rehan, his sleeping position was still very comfortable, so he didn't move from his sleeping position as Reza or Mario did. "Forget," he replied.

True, El is indeed capable of making people emotional. Who had thought there was no need to instill anger, became angry with him again.

Rehan raised an eyebrow, then sighed. "You lie, do you want to stay with my sister for a long time? If I had gone home earlier, you wouldn't have been at my house until now." He says. Is Rehan angry? Of course not, instead his voice seemed to be teasing the cold handsome man.

Reza and Mario pushed each other.

"Oh so that's your reason, El, the reason you want to bring Nusa home, no wonder… it turns out that you want to take Nusa in a romantic approach, that's cool," Mario said, preparing to spread the root cause.

Reza suddenly understood what Mario said. "Ohhhhh, is that so, El? Oh my God, it turns out that our boss has grown up, has started playing love!" he said which seemed to connect Mario's words.

Hearing that, El rolled his eyes. Rehan's choice of words is more correct. For some reason, he wanted to linger with Nusa, because he didn't want to leave the girl alone. Finally, he decided to get off the bed and take a sitting position.

El looks at Rehan closely. "Okay, I'll explain," he said, actually lazy to explain, surely he would have a long talk. "Nusa doesn't want to talk, even in front of the vice-principal. I wanted to persuade your sister to tell you what happened, but she remained silent as if she wanted to keep it a secret. I can't standstill. It's my family's school, if it's polluted, I can't let it go. If we find out who dared to do this to Nusa, it's all over." he continued, and he spoke at length to explain.

Rehan of course listens well. Meanwhile, Reza and Mario are busy with their own business, namely playing ludo. The two of them thought there was no need to get involved in Rehan and El's conversation, but still, they also listened quietly even though their mouths were just as busy.

"I understand your intentions are good, El. But I have to know my sister's condition. You can talk to me on the phone or chat, I'm worried and when I'm at work, my mind keeps thinking about Nusa. You said I can work in peace? Fortunately, my work is stable, not messy."

"Yeah, I just did what I thought I should do, that's all."

Hearing El's answer, Rehan sighed. After all, what is there to be afraid of when all is well? The important thing now, Nusa is safe.

"How did that happen? Do I need an explanation, mastermind? Who would dare to do something like this with my sister?" True, so many questions straight out of Rehan's mouth.

El nodded his head, somehow he nodded his head. "Just ask Reza or Mario, I want to sleep," he said, after which he took another position and turned his back on the three men to close his eyes. He's lazy to talk, maybe more tired of talking? Because it can't be denied, he hears a lot of other people talking, especially Nusa, who is a very chatty girl.

Rehan turned to Reza and Mario who were playing ludo, for some reason the two boys always played the game. If both of them didn't play the game, they would argue with endless discussions.

"So, no one wants to talk to me to explain?" Rehan asked while raising an eyebrow.

Reza turned his head towards Rehan. "Wait a minute, wait to win the ludo game first," he said with a smile hoping to win. Just playing games and stopping halfway isn't great, right? So better get it done first.

Mario nodded his head, agreeing with what Reza said. "Here, Han, instead of being tense, let's play ludo first. One more round for you. If not, just play ludo while chatting, it's fun, it won't make the atmosphere tense."

Hearing that the idea wasn't too bad either, Rehan finally decided to nod his head, agreeing with what they were talking about. After all, he was 100% sure that Nusa was resting, so he better agree with these two.

"Come on, I'm a red pawn," Rehan said.

Mario frowned. "Red pawn is mine, you are green," he replied.

Reza looked at Mario, then patted the boy's head. "That's fine! Mine is a green pawn, you idiot, Mario. You've been playing ludo with me since earlier, are you color blind?" he asked annoyed.

Mario chuckled, then put his index and middle finger in front of Reza. "Peace, peace!"

Rehan witnessed all that, he sighed slowly. Okay, this will be digging up information that is full of struggle because it is in the middle of Reza and Mario.

Next chapter