
My Cheat is...a Stick!?!?!?

'Man, I know it's been my secretly biggest dream to be isekai'd, but I never wanted it to be like this...' was one of the many thoughts going through Caden's head as he cautiously stares at the huge red dragon in front of him. And let me say, that dragon does not look very happy, especially with the huge fireball in its mouth, ready to be launched at him at any time. Worst of all? The only thing he has to protect himself is a stick. A STICK! 'Welp, goodbye second life...goodbye planet whatever that holds being that kill gods...I'm going to ascend to a higher place.' The dragon launches the fireball. 'Welp, seems it's over for me.' he thought as Caden's body instinctively moved the stick to block the fireball. The fireball collides with the stick and...eh? The stick...blocked it? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- With such a stick in one hand, and a powerful system in the other, join Caden's journey to becoming the great emperor!

the25thVish · 奇幻
25 Chs

The Inheritance

"Wh-YES! I NEED HELP!" While I don't know who this being is, having their help is most likely better than dying here.

"Alright." Suddenly, a being that I can only describe with the word "Spirit" appeared. With a wave of his hand, the dragon simply...gets decimated. And I'm talking "mr. Stark, I don't feel so good" levels of decimated. Such power...

"Anyway, why does a brat like you have such strong essence? Wait...how is this possible? You shouldn't have been able to..." After a glance at me, the spirit seems to go into deep thought. "Maybe if it's him...he might be able to complete what we started..." He mutters in a quiet voice.

"What's your name boy?" He suddenly asks.

Surprised by the sudden question, I respond "C-Caden Rossfield sir!"

"Caden Rossfield...huh? Could it be that you're related to him? Indeed, how curious..."

Then, he turned to look at me. "Boy I want to strike a deal with you." From the signals this guy's been sending me, I don't think this deal is very good.

"Thank you very much for this opportunity sir, but I would like to kindly decline." Kindly decline my a**. I just want to get out of here as soon as I possible can.

"To be able to keep your composure, even after you saw the extent of my power. Not even gods have that level of composure...and it just makes me want you even more."

Oh. It's that type of deal, huh? "I'm sorry sir, I can see that you are very powerful, but I don't swing that way. I hope you can find else!"

The spirit looked at me with a puzzled face until he realized. Then, he suddenly burst into laughter. Suddenly I felt embarrassed for understanding the situation properly. "Don't worry boy, it's nothing like that. Why don't I explain the deal first."

I finally give in and decide to listen to the conditions of the deal. After all, this was a being that could kill me with a single finger, yet is treating me kindly. He most likely has a fair deal. I mean, how crazy can it be?

"What I want you to do is to take over the ᚲᛟᚾᚲᛖᚨᛚᛖᛞ realm, or in mortal terms, the known universe!" Oh. It can be pretty crazy, huh?

As I was considering to leave, the spirit continued. "Of course, I don't ask you to do this for free. I can give you the power you need to survive if you agree to this deal. I'll even give you the power to single handedly take over the known universe, the power of multiple high ranked gods which can make you almost immortal!"

And just like that, he caught my attention. "Can you please describe this power more?" I ask, my curiosity taking over. If a random stick given to me by the god of mischief is so strong, then how strong would the power of multiple gods be?

"Of course! Hmmm, where should I start? Well first off, before you understand the power that would be given to you, you need to understand gods themselves. Gods aren't beings that are born powerful; they need to work their way up there. The requirements to become a god are as follows: in order to be classified as a low ranking god you need to be able to destroy a planet. To become a mid ranking god a solar system. A high ranking god even has the power to destroy a whole galaxy. Of courses, there are special exceptions to this rule, like this planet for example. However, that is how it more or less goes.

"Of course, stronger beings do exist, but at your current mental capacity, you wouldn't be able to handle that knowledge. Humans simply don't have the brain power." As he says that, he slowly shakes his head. For some reason, I feel offended.

"For easier understanding, we usually refer to low ranked gods as Avatars, mid ranked gods as Demigods, and high ranked ones as Deities.

"The power I will be giving you is called an inheritance; it's basically a catalyst to let others have your power, using your life as fuel. The more of your life you use up, the more power is accumulated in the inheritance. If a being decides to give the rest of their life as fuel for this catalyst, their whole power can be registered in the inheritance. Currently, the other deities have done this, relying on me to find the person to hold this inheritance.

"My part of the deal is to give you the power that many deities have accumulated over the years, allowing you skip all the steps of godhood. Of course, as to avoid side effects of the inheritance, you will only be able to slowly unlock this power as you grow stronger and stronger. There will still be a good amount of power given to you in the beginning though, so don't worry about dying before receiving the full inheritance.

"But of course, with such power comes big burdens. This is where your part of the deal comes in. Since the deities that came here lost their physical bodies, we cannot temper with this realm too much. We're really pushing it just to give you this inheritance, so we need someone to achieve our goal for us. We will give you all the power we have, enough power to allow you to smoothly take over this realm. In return, you just need to do the deed.

"So what do you say bo-no, Caden?"

Wh-what an infodump! Good thing the novels I read prepared me for this, or I wouldn't be able to grasp all of this. But listening through the explanation, I couldn't help but wonder a few things.

"Before I decide, could I ask what made you this way?" After all, if something has the power to destroy the physical body of a deity, someone who's able to destroy a galaxy, how strong must they be?

"Well boy, to put simply...we do not know. Our memories have been tempered with by this creature. The only thing we managed to remember was the fact that it's a being that tied to this planet for some reason and that this being is the strongest being I've ever encounter, and I've been all around the realm! If you can avoid him, your conquest will be very easy." He replied, warning me to extra cautious.

Man! If such a powerful being exists in this world...would I be able to get out of here alive without this inheritance? However, there is one last thing I need to know before I accept this inheritance. I don't want to do something drastic and useless like destroying the whole universe.

"One final question, why do you need to take over the universe? Is it to destroy it or something?"

The spirit immediately responded, seeming offended. "Oh heavens no! We have no malicious intent when it comes to taking over the universe! We promise that it's only for the greater good! As for the exact reason, you will naturally find out in your travels."

While that seems slightly suspicious, what can I do? I need power to survive here, and just my stick won't cut it.

"Very well. I agree to this deal!"

"Good choice." Suddenly, a glow popped up in front of me. It transformed into a light blue ball as it sped into my chest and...phased inside?

Just as it entered my chest, a sudden pop-up appeared in front of me.

「Requirements have been met.」

「The Infinity System is awakening.」

Suddenly, everything went black.