
Chapter 340: "My name is Wang Zhongbang, I am 58 years old, and have had 3 wives; it's all about pleasure and wealth."


Meanwhile, at Angel City on the Shell Silver Star.

Irving Grey and his two sons were sitting in the agreed upon room, enjoying this moment of peace.

Jonas Grey, the younger son, had a conflicted expression on his face for a while before finally speaking up, "Father... I recently fell for a girl."


Upon hearing this, Irving Grey couldn't help but spurt out the hot tea he had just put in his mouth, looking at Jonas incredulously, "You're really something else, we haven't even been here on Shell Silver Star for a day and you already like a girl?"

"I didn't force you to go on a blind date or anything, you don't need to be in such a hurry."

"It's not a girl from Shell Silver Star, but a girl from Alien Star."

"Oh, well, then it's fine, you can forget about it. It's a whole 7000 light years from here to Alien Star, you have no hope of going back there in this lifetime, so you can pretend like you never liked anyone."

"Let me finish, Father."