
chapter two - Making new friends

Chapter two – Making new friends

So Bailey, how many years have you been in this college.

I've been here for two years, the scholars and lecturers are tough, but we've also gat parties to keep moving. Hopefully, would be expecting one anytime soon, and I'd be looking forward to see you there. Lots of interesting things happen, and you could get to make new friends over there. Alright dear, I'd be waiting to get a whole lot of friends and fun. That's right baby girl, anyways I'd be taking my leave, here's my number and house address, feel free to come around at anytime.

I watched as Bailey walked down to a car in the garage, after a while it moved, I heaved a sign of relieve and took my bag to get going home.

I boarded a taxi and got home. when I entered the house I found out that junior oliver had brought his friends over to play video games.

I sighed and walked to my room, to have a shower and a rest, then I texted Bailey.

I was determined to make new friends and never get left out, so I decided to go to the upcoming party at school.

Why on my thoughts, I received a text from bailey, asking me to come out for an outing.

I quickly rushed to get dressed, before I heard a knock on my door, when I opened, I was so surprised to see bailey at the door.

How did you get here please??

Have a guess??

I can't, please just tell me how??

Okay, I'll tell you just get dressed.

I hurriedly put on my clothes, and we stepped out of the house. I followed you down to your place.

When I was going home, I stopped by to get something and I saw you pass by, so I got curious and decided to know.

We stopped by at a bar and bailey told me her friends where waiting for us

I knew this was just the journey of making new friends.

We walked in and sat by a table which was filled up by bailey's friends. I introduced myself to them. I noticed this handsome looking guy, he was tall, as handsome as a semi-god, bright blue eyes and broad shoulders, his jaw was sharp and carved like that of an italian god , my attention was drawn to this handsome looking man but he seemed to be busy and uninterested in whatever we were doing.

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please i'd appreciate your comments, let me know about what you think about this book, so i could make amends and improvements in my next chapter.

watch out for chapter 3

who is the handsome man that is attracted to Chloe?

who'd Chloe give into her feelings

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