
Chapter Seventy

Sarah POV

Am surprised at myself how bold I was asking my boss those questions, I just want to satisfied my curiosity or maybe when my boss answers the question I might be able to detect whether he have any feeling for me or not. The answer I got from him is not satisfactory on my end rather it's confusing.

Cause if the reason he just gave is why he did that then it will get worse and also I don't see how getting drunk will affect the company. I quickly asked him what's on my mind,my boss was about to respond when his mother announced that it's time for exchange of gifts.

That announcement brought me to my dilemma I bought two gifts one for Rose and the other for my boss, I know my gifts will be nothing to compared to what others will present here. I just feel like leaving the party immediately to avoid me embarrassing myself here.

Everyone brought out their gifts including me cause I don't have any other choice. The exchange of gifts kicked off Mrs Vincent presented to everybody present with a gift,am surprised when she gave me a gift cause in my wildest life I never expected to get any gift from her and the worse part I don't have any gift for her. Everybody present have gift for her but I have none,gosh I should have leave instead of this embarrassment.

Am sorry mah I don't have any gift for you I apologized while bowing my head in shame,no my dear there is no need for you to apologized your presence alone in this party is enough for me Mrs Vincent assured me. I was so relieved I thought the woman will make a scene or be mad at me for not having any gift for her.

I gave Rose the gift I got for her which is a scarf,she looked so happy when she saw what I got for her. Wow am surprised that you like my gift I told her, of course I love it I have been wanting to buy this particular scarf but am too lazy to go shopping she said. Am glad you like it I told her,I gave my Boss the gift I got for him which contained Men's underwear and two ties which are nowhere near to what he normally wore. Am expecting my gift to be dumped inside the trash can the next morning.

My boss handed his own gift to me and instruct me not to open the wrapped one until I get home just like Rose instructed also. On top of the gift that my boss gave me there is a ticket there for a christmas concert. I can't believe my eyes when I saw that ticket am over the moon cause I always wanted to go to that concert but I can't afford their ticket and now my boss gave me the opportunity to go to the concert.

Thank you so much boss I really appreciate I wanted to hug him but I held myself back. I was still admiring the ticket when the pretty lady approached my boss with her gift for him and from the size of the gift you will know it's expensive, all my happiness went out of the window.