
Beastmen Date 2

I'm outside with the chickens and my daughters are tending to the garden. I stretch my back as best as I can, being pregnant can be a pain.

I hear the sound of flapping wings and I assume it's Arkell, but I look up it's not.

They land in front of me, scaring my chickens into the coop.

It looks like a falcon, brown with black specs and a red-tipped tail. He bows to me and changes into human form. He's an average build, and his brown hair is tipped with red to match his tail.

I look at him confused. "Can I help you?"

He nods. "Um, you ... " He struggles to find the words. " Me ... date? "

I look at the girls. " Will you be okay for a while? "

They giggle and nod.

I take a deep breath. " Where would you like to go?"

He changes back to a falcon and sits on the ground.

I climb onto his back and he takes off, high into the sky. I get to watch the sun slowly set in the distance. It's beautiful in the sky.

We fly to a mountain that's somewhat close by, and land at a large nest.

I hop off his back and look at the mess. "Is this your nest?"

He nods. "Yes, and no." He changes to human form and sits in it. "Mothers."

It was his mom's nest, I wonder where she is. I walk to the edge of the nest. "May I sit with you?"

He nods again, smiling.

I sit next to him and rub my belly. "I'm sorry if my being pregnant is weird, I don't go outside much."

He shakes his head. "It's ... okay, you ... pretty!"

I feel my cheeks heat up. "Thank you, that's very sweet."

We watch the sunset and the city slowly lights up with fires.

After a while, I start getting tired and yawn. I have a lot less energy in the early stages of early my pregnancy.

"Tired?" He asks.

I nod. "Yes, but before I forget to ask. What's your name "

"Amon - Ra. "

"That's a unique name, I like it."

His cheeks redden as he lies down in the nest. "Lay ... with me?" He opens his arms for me.

I nod and lay next to him. We cuddle close and his skin is as soft as his feathers. The heat of the setting sun wraps around me like a blanket and soon I fall asleep.