
Chapter 7

Chapter 7

I’m not on my usual self that day, I don’t know if the CEO noticed it, but he didn’t commented anything about it, maybe he simply doesn’t care? Why would he care right?

I entered the office after the CEO called my name.

“Are you okay?” I was taken aback when the CEO asked me. I don’t know what he is asking about, but it is the first time since forever since someone asked me that question, and he is my boss.

We just finished a meeting and preparing ourselves to leave when we called me. I thought he didn’t notice it. Or maybe I’m just too obvious?

“Yes sir, why?” I ask him in return.

“I’ve been eyeing you for a while now, and I noticed that you don’t look okay” he said while reading some papers.

“You can take your day off tomorrow, since I don’t have much to do, I will not need you” he said while putting the papers on the table.