
My Adventures In The Multiverse

Shiki is an orphan named after an alien. [AN: JK Tho] Then one day. He watched life make a final play for him. He died. You know classic cliché stuff but his wishes are little bit different though and his adventures may just be unique.

God_Is_With_Me · 漫画同人
67 Chs

Chapter 51 Rest Before The Plan Starts and A Stranger Wingman (AN: Forgive My Title Naming Sense)

''It's quite an Irony, God died due to Pride.'' -Shiki let out a chuckle- ''Such Irony''

The Angels looked at him in displeasure, he just shrugged at them and looked away.

'It seems that I haven't lost my Bull-shitting Skills, *Sigh* Hentai Characters are so gullible'

''Anyway, we may have gone slightly Off-Track, can we go back to the main topic. Killing the Egyptian Sun god.''

The Next Day

Momoshiki Ethereal and soon to be Amaterasu Ethereal rode out of the Yokai Faction on a Lion-Eagle (Griffin). Normally, the means of transportation was a Teleportation circle but due to the Globe of Protection. They had to first leave the faction before getting teleported out.

When they left the faction grounds, A teleportation circle appeared below them and in a second, they were in the skies of the Egyptian faction god's Abode, [Asinar The Sun's Utopia]. The Lion-Eagle flapped its wings and descended below the clouds

Shiki and Amaterasu were met with a sight, which was plain to Amaterasu because she had been here before but made Shiki was rather intrigued by the faction blueprints. In his mind, He thought of how a good heaven it makes

Most of the Buildings in Asinar were unique, some shaped like a T, others chose the shape of a U and even a few were designed with the thought of a cubed S.

Shiki spotted a landing spot and gave a command to the griffin to land. The griffin descended to the ground at a moderate pace and landed safely

Shiki and Amaterasu descended from the carriage and were approached by two gods that were sent to escort them

The first god was a tall male that stood at a height of 5'11 with brown polished skin and bulked muscles, He had a bright smile on his face. The man had Blonde hair that were let down freely and had blue eyes, He donned some garbs mixed with protective equipment's like should guards. Shiki noticed that the man gave off a feeling of a warrior or rather a protector

The second god was shorter in comparison to his companion. He stood at a height of 5'5 and had fair unblemished skin. He had black hair that was long and straightened and bright green eyes. He donned a garb that should have been see-through but wasn't and gave off an aura of earth to shiki

Shiki looked at the two gods and investigated their divinities, 'One with the Divinity of Weapons and Minor of Protection. The Other with a small quantity of Divinity of Earth compared to other gods'

The second man gave a slight bow towards Shiki in respect and spoke, "Thank you Lady Amaterasu and Lord Momoshiki for coming here today. My name is Sepes and my companion is Wenenu, A protector god''

Shiki gave a slight wave to the man and faked a smile, ''Oh come off it, it is a party about me. If I don't attend it, that'll be an insult to myself. Right Amaterasu''

''Anyways it's nice to meet you Sepes and Wenenu.When does the party start'' shiki asked

''The party starts at sun fall, When the time comes, we shall escort you to the Avenue'' sepes replied.

''Mmh, Ok. Then lead us to our quarters''

''Of course, Lord and Lady. Please follow me''

Sepes then walked forward and a portal opened up and bowed to side for Shiki and Amaterasu to walk in first, Shiki and Amaterasu exited the portal and found themselves in front of a Mansion.

From the outside the Mansion had a thing in common with all other buildings in the faction and that was lavishness.

The mansion has been built with grey stones and had gold decorations, Large rectangular windows to allow enough light to enter the home and also for decoration.

The roof was a high V-shaped roof covered in marble, the mansion itself is surrounded by a modest garden, mostly glass and flower patches.

Sepes walked towards the door and the door magically opened for sepes then he and Wenenu led shiki and amaterasu in and the doors closed behind them. Sepes then showed them around the house from the large kitchen on the first floor to the Master bedroom and the modest dining area.

On the outside the house looked lavish but the inside was more like a comfy home.

Shiki gave a silent word of appreciation to them because of that, He half expected everything to had just been gold and maybe some silver.

He thought to himself that maybe he won't have to kill someone.... But shook it off, He was sure in his mind that someone is still going to die

''And that concludes the tour'' Sepes said with a smile.

He then turned to Shiki ''If you need anything, Wenenu would be here guarding you''

Wenenu nodded at shiki.

''I appreciate the tour, Sepes-san'' shiki said with a fake smile.

''Hai. I'll take your leave now''

Sepes walked towards the door when he passed shiki he halted and spoke silently, ''My Lord, I have arranged for some Silencing seals across the mansion, in case you and My lady become rather intimate before and after the party. Hope you enjoy it''

Then Sepes left the room leaving shiki in shock.

'Did he just Wingman me...…. Without even knowing me. *Sniff* Such a bro. Maybe, I won't have to kill all of them off'

Sepes walked away not knowing that he had just avoided a Death Judgement on the Entire Egyptian faction.

Wenenu left the Mansion leaving Amaterasu and Shiki alone in the Living room. Amaterasu made a move to go the second floor before Shiki held her hand and brought her into his embrace

''Shiki!'' Amaterasu exclaimed

''Are you still angry at me.'' Shiki asked in a soft tone

Amaterasu looked away and clarified ''I'm not.''

Shiki gave her a look of disbelief, ''I know when you lie Amaterasu''

She conceded to shiki words and responded ''I'm just mad that you manipulated someone into falling in love with you, while you kept me waiting for 200 Years''

''And I apologize for that, falling asleep for 200 Years left me without most of my Memories'' shiki appealed for the 40th time.

''You know, I'll never do anything to purposely hurt you...…. I love you too much for that.''

''I Love you too''

Shiki faked not hearing her words and bent down to her mouth, ''Huh, I didn't hear you''

''I Love You!''

Shiki let out a smug smirk that made amaterasu a little bit annoyed. Before she took action, Shiki scooped her off her feet and took off to the bedroom for a personal celebration of a good ending.

7 Sessions Later.

Amaterasu laid on Shiki chest exhausted from some of their celebrating time. Shiki on the other hand stared at ceiling hoping that he doesn't get a boner. He may or may not have been fully satisfied, I mean what did you expect.

He's a Juubi that was made from scratch and has comprehended about 30 concepts, Of course he'll have a massive boner. And it's as because of that that's why Shiki gained the courage to literally step on a Land Mine with the explosive power of the sun.

Shiki turned to Amaterasu and spoke softly trying to slowly coax her ''Ama, tell me again your stand on this harem thing''

''Are you seriously asking me that, when you are few hours before massacring the Egyptian gods'' She huffed

Shiki was caught off guard and choked on his saliva, '' Maybe''

Amaterasu let out an exasperated sigh and closed her eyes wanting to drift to sleep, ''We'll talk about it later, Not now.''

Shiki sighed in tiredness and slight disappointment, ''Sure, Goodnight Ama''

''Good night Pervert'' Amaterasu replied

Then they both slipped into their dreams, one having sweet honeymoon dreams the other dreaming about the crying faces of his enemies.

All in all, they both slept with a smile on their faces


Author Here

Its an After Christmas Miracle, I was able to retrieve all of my files

Phew, If I hadn't, I would have probably gone on that planned ****** a lot sooner

Anyways sincerely from Author same, I wish you a Forgone Merry Christmas and a soon to be New Year

That's all

