
Unknown Caller

"What did you just say?" Selene questioned the lady, who was accusing her of Michelle's accident. 

"You heard me right," the actress said with full chest. "You are the one who swapped the swords, I'm sure of it. You are Michelle's only enemy at the set so I'm 100% percent sure you were the one who swapped them," she added as she glared at Selene. 

Selene, with a calm and collected expression, stared down at the actress since she was taller than her. 

"Viviana, watch your tongue," director Jeunes warned her with a glare. But Viviana was too hot-headed to want to calm down. Her favorite actress had just been injured in her presence, she wasn't going to take things lightly at all. Either she drags Selene down or she makes everyone think wrongly of her.