
My Ability is Modifier System

A modern world filled with dungeons and monsters, along with human ability users. Our protagonist found himself suddenly reincarnated in this world, along with Modifier System ability. " My ability is the strongest. So, I shall live a leisurely life."

KingApin · 都市
11 Chs

Chapter 11: Marked to Death

"Hello, Mr. Zack Morgan. What can I do to help you?"

"I need you to come to my location. I will send it after this. Bring your Investigation Division with you as well. Got some rogue ability user here."

"Alright. I will come now."

Zacks then hangs up his phone. After that, he cast a barrier surrounding the crime scene to prevent civilians from coming to watch the show.

When he had done, he quickly goes to the car and undo the barrier. Then, he open the door and find both of his sister huddling together, crying.

"It's okay. You're safe now. I'm here."

Lina and Tina then rush to hug Zack when they heard his voice.

"Woooo wooo, we are scared brother. We thought that we are going to die." Tina said.

Lina just continue to cry. She is a gentle girl, so an incident like this really shock her. Fortunately, Tina is strong-hearted so even when she is scared, she still comforts her sister.

That's why right now, only Tina could talk with Zack. Seeing the state they are in now, Zacks almost calm rage starts to accumulate back.

'Those Underworld guys! If I know who the one commissioned them, I will tear him to pieces.'

"It's okay now, Lina. Don't worry, I will protect you guys even if you are far away."

Zack then turns his head to Sebastian and said,

"Sebastian, I will teleport you guys back home. Don't worry about the car, my old man will send Alberto to take care of it."

"Yes, young master."

Zack reach out to touch Sebastian's shoulder and hug both of his sister, then teleport back to Morgan Estate.

In a blink of an eye, they reach the living room. Richard and Theresa saw them and quickly check the condition of their daughters.

"Dad, I need to head back to the scene. I had asked the Bureau President to go there. We will talk about this after I settle this mess."

"Alright, you go do what you need to do. Me and your mom will take care of Lina and Tina."

"But before that, I will cast a transparent barrier around the estate. This is so if anyone want to take advantage of this attack, they couldn't go in at all."

Zack walks out of the room and point his finger upwards. Magic power then comes out of his finger and spread a transparent barrier around. After he had done, he quickly teleport back to the crime scene.

There he saw the Bureau President outside the barrier with a group of people. There are also civilians and reporters trying to come in to watch. All of them are block by the barrier.

With his permission, the Bureau President and the group of people with him come in.

"Nice to meet you again, Mr. Zack."

"Me too, Steven."

Steven Jones is the name of the Bureau President. He is an S-Class ability user ranked among the top ten in the world. Not many people could meet him, let alone call him with his first name. He could be considered an idol among the ability user in the Bureau.

So,the Investigation Division were shocked when they heard Zack call the President with his first name. In their mind, they began to wonder what is the identity of this young man.

"What had happened here?"

"My sisters got ambush here by a criminal group called Blood God Group."

When the group heard the name of Blood God Group, their faces turn pale. It is understandable since the highest rank in Investigation Division is A-Class. Even that A-class is not many since majority of the A-Class registered went to the big guild.

Blood God Group had one S-Class and many A-Class. Compared to Investigation Division, they had more combat power. Besides, the Blood God Group is had a very high infamy since their deeds is very brutal. They would do anything for the right price.

"Blood God Group!? How was your sisters, Mr. Zack!? Are they okay!?" Steven asks in a flustered manner.

"They are fine but traumatized. I swear I will tear the Underworld to pieces and find the bastard that commission them."

When Zack said that, his Intimidation was released unconsciously. Steven who stands near him starts to sweat uncontrollably. The Investigation Division also could feel the intimidation releases by Zack.

Steven saw his subordinates couldn't endure any longer so he quickly asks,

"What did you need me to do?"

"I want you to ask your contact about the information of the Underworld. I need to know their top guns so that I would not miss them when I goes there."

"How about the location of their base? We didn't even know where the base located."

"Don't worry, their leader had been marked by me. He had no places to run to. I had him marked to death ever since he dare to do something to my family. He can't hide from me."

Steven hears Zack's statement and thinks,

'This stupid Underworld. Why must they offend the EX-Class ability user? Oh, I forget that I'm the only one know about that.'

"Alright. How about these guys?"

Steven turns his head to the other ability user that got their arms amputated. Eventhough he had seens gory scene before, but he was still shocked by the sight when he arrived here before.

Arms lying everywhere, amputated from their body. It horrifies him that this is only done by one man only. Fortunately, the one who does this is not an enemy.

"You can do whatever you want with them. My guess is they don't know anything and just follow the order."

Zack then wanted to teleport. But stops and said to Steven.

"I forgot to add, these guys' arms can't be healed. I had sealed them so that they can't be recover even with S-Class ability."

Actually, Zack modify their body so that the body only recognize their current condition as their normal body state. This is his first time using the Appraisal Modifier since this time they are his enemy. He also modify their stats so that it is much morr weaker than ordinary people.

Zack wanted to kill them but then hold his thought. He makes them like this so that they would suffers with the sudden changes on their body. The feeling of despair when they discovers that even when they use their ability, it couldn't even work on ordinary people is really the greatest mercy Zack could give them.

But, Zack didn't tell Steven about this. He just tells him the part where he sealed their injury. After he had tell that, Zack then teleport back home.