
First Training Session

First training session

Christopher reached the section of the Palace where the Darius family resided and was immediately approached by a servant.

"Sir Christopher. Young Master Titus is waiting for you in the Blue ranked training chamber." She said respectfully and Christopher nodded.

"Thank you. I'll head there now." He said and walked away.

As he approached the training room, he felt a little strange inside. He never thought the day would come where he would have someone as a student. Then again, he also never saw his death and reincarnation coming.

He chuckled to himself. The rate at which he adapted to his new situation was far from ordinary. But he wasn't too surprised. Other than Joan, he'd become desensitized towards the different aspects of life. Whereby even something as incredible as reincarnation didn't faze him all that much as he just went along with it.

Either way, he eventually reached the training room where he saw Titus sitting down cross legged with a pale, thin white sword on his lap. His eyes were closed as Mana flowed into his body.

Christopher smiled before letting out an audible whistle, snapping the boy out of his meditative state.

"Ah! Sir you're here." Titus said, sounding pleasantly surprised and Christopher nodded.

"Hope I didn't keep you waiting too long." He said and Titus smiled while shaking his head.

"Not at all. In fact, you came earlier than I expected. I was just absorbing and circulating Mana in my body to get myself warmed up." He replied and Christopher nodded.

"Then should we get started?" He said and Titus nodded.

"Okay. First of all, what is your physique graded at?" Christopher asked. He didn't need to since he already knew that the boy's physique was Mid Advanced, but he just decided to do it to seem natural.

"Mid Advanced Sir." Titus replied.

"And how is your sword style? Is it centered around speed?" He asked again and Titus nodded.

"I see. I want you to attack me. Don't hold back and since speed is your strong suit, use it as much as possible." He instructed.

Titus nodded and held up his sword. He wasn't dumb enough to think that he could hurt Christopher in any way. Thus, he didn't hesitate and made a soft chant.

Immediately, wind started to swirl around Him as his whole body became lighter. Moreover, his white sword started to glow as light danced on its edges, increasing its speed and sharpness drastically.

Christopher held out his hand and used some Advanced earth magic to create a metal sword which was an alloy of the various metals one could find in this world.

"Here I come." Titus said and pressed his foot into the ground before shooting forward.

'He's indeed very speedy for someone at the yellow rank. Most people at that rank wouldn't even be able to react to him.' He thought. He could naturally follow Titus' speed with ease, but he still acknowledged his talent.

When Titus reached him, he lashed out with a flurry of quick slashes which Christopher parried easily.

'His basics are pretty solid, and he'so barely making any wasted movements. Crazy how he's this good despite having barely trained.' Christopher thought as he continued to parry the boy's advances.

Seeing that his attacks weren't doing anything, Titus retreated a little and then raised his hand. And then a blinding light erupted and shone in the whole room.

'Taking away my sight and lightening his footsteps using wind. He's good.' Christopher thought. He could actually see just fine as that light was nowhere near bright enough to take his sight, but he admired the effort.

He easily tracked Titus with his sixth sense and spun to turn away a thrust by the boy which caught him off guard.

Then, faster than he could react, Christopher grabbed him by the collar and threw him on his back before holding his sword against his neck.

"... I yield." Titus sighed and raised his arms in defeat.

Christopher chuckled and stood up, letting Titus get to his feet.

"Your foundations are solid. You don't seem like someone who hardly trained." Christopher remarked.

"It's one of the perks of my constitution. I have perfect muscle memory and can perform an action exactly as long as I've done it once before." Titus explained and Christopher's eyes widened in surprise.

"That's very impressive. Is it just you or everyone in your family?" He asked and Titus shook his head.

"Just me. Everyone has their own unique qualities. Just like my elder sister's eye." Titus explained and Christopher nodded.

"Well. If that is the case, I guess we'll need to focus on your application of magic and speed." As Christopher said that, he used earth magic and created four brave looking items.

"Come closer." Christopher said and Titus stood right in front of him. Christopher then waved his hand and all of the braces automatically flew and clamped around Titus' arms and legs.

When they did, the boy's eyes widened as he realized just how incredibly heavy the weights were.

"Those will be for your speed. You will not be allowed to take them off at all. And whenever you come to train, you will have to run around the training room ten times at your maximum speed. Is that clear?" Christopher said and the boy's face paled.

"That's a little much. These things feel like boulders pulling down on me. I can barely move!" Titus exclaimed and Christopher chuckled.

"You can back out of it if you want. I'm training you at your request after all. However, if you can't handle this much, then you won't get very far." Christopher said the last part with a serious tone and Titus immediately turned serious.

"I'll do it." He said and Christopher nodded.

"Good. Now for your magic application. It's very basic. If you want to be as speedy as you desire, your body alone won't be enough, and the way you used your magic just now was nowhere near enough to get you to what you want to achieve." Christopher explained and Titus touched his chin.

"I can go to our library and learn a few speed enhancing spells. But I'm sure you know that as well. And yet instead of telling me to do so, you're instead explaining the whole issue. Meaning, you have something in mind?" Christopher grinned at the boy's analysis. He was very sharp.

"You're spot on. I do indeed have something in mind. First of all, are you more proficient in wind magic or light magic?" He asked.

"Wind magic." Titus replied.

"Okay. The magic you used earlier made your body lighter by using the wind to support some of your weight right?" Titus nodded.

"It's not a bad thing. But there's something else that can make it even better." He said and Titus' eyes sparkled.

"Do tell sir!" He said enthusiastically.

"How familiar are you with the term wind resistance?" Christopher asked and Titus blinked.

"I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing Sir." He replied while shaking his head.

"Not surprised. Well, the simplest way to put it would be to use an analogy. You know how whenever you say… slap your hand down. While faint, you can feel as if it's passing through something that vaguely makes it harder to swing down?" When he said that, Titus' eyes widened in realization.

"Yes. It happens whenever I run too." He said and Christopher nodded.

"That is wind resistance. When you move, the wind in the air is in your way and the faster you move, the harder it is to go through. Just like how it's harder to go through water at a fast speed unless you are shaped specifically." Christopher explained.

"So Sir, you want me to…?"

"Use your wind magic to get rid of the wind in front of you or your weapon as you move, effectively removing your wind resistance." Christopher said.

"But Sir… is the difference really that large?" Titus asked.

Christopher just smiled and created a flat earthen sheet. He then made it fly forward by the flat side at a speed at which Titus could clearly see the wind swirl around it as it resisted the sheet's advances.

"That was when there was wind resistance. " Then, Christopher waved his hand and the sheet returned. He then snapped his fingers and then shot the sheet out once more.

Titus was shocked when the sheet moved at an astounding speed and slammed into the wall with a loud bang.

"The speed of the sheet just now was the exact same." Christopher said and Titus' eyes widened.

"You mean…!"

"That's right. I eliminated the wind resistance. Thus the speed of the sheet was multiplied several times." He finished with a smile and he saw excitement bloom on Titus' face. Guess he was convinced of how useful such a technique was now.

'Hm. So this is how master's feel with their disciples. Not bad.' Christopher chuckled inwardly.