
Down Memory Lane

Ronald Bilius Weasley wasn't the happiest individual by far. To be fair, he had a lot to be unhappy about. From his dream job managing the Chudley Cannons never coming to fruition, to his actual job being a dead end minor position in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Games and Sports, to the problems in his marriage, Ron didn't have a lot of bright spots in his life. He and Hermione hadn't had sex in what felt like years at this point, truth be told.

And yet… right now, Ron was happy. For this fleeting moment, Ron Weasley was having a great time as he, his brothers, and even his father all flew around the Weasley Quidditch Pitch that had been installed at the Burrow just after the Dark Lord's second defeat. As a matter of fact, Ron was having the time of his life playing a quick pick up game with his brothers and father. Sure, they didn't have enough for two full teams, but that didn't matter, it was all for fun anyways, which was why Ron wasn't even currently playing Keeper, he was playing Chaser.

As he zooms about the pitch, he glances down where the female members of the Weasley Family are all watching from the stands, big smiles on their faces as they cheer their husbands, fathers, grandfathers, brothers-in-law and father-in-law on quite happily. The entire Weasley Extended family was out in force for the holidays, though not EVERYONE was out on the pitch. The Weasley Matriarch was of course inside, currently working on preparing dinner for everyone, even though the sun was still high in the sky. And Harry, after the Weasley men had unanimously decided to NOT play with a snitch for this practice game, had joined her, offering to help out.

Honestly, Ron couldn't help but think that Harry was being a bit of a sour apple, retreating into the house and not playing with them just because his chosen position had been made defunct by their ruling. It wasn't like he wasn't also a stellar Chaser after all, probably better than Ron was at it as well at any rate.

Regardless, as Ron zooms past the Burrow's kitchen window on his broom, he pays no mind to his mother standing at her stove. So, used to the sight of her there, toiling away for him and his brothers and father, Ron completely fails to notice the differences. Though to be fair, his mother, who had always been a little bit… rotund, had gotten a lot fitter in recent months, having really put a lot of work into making her body work for her instead of against her over the last year.

So really, was it any wonder that Ron's mind didn't notice the other differences, given that it was so easy for him to subconsciously pass off any strangeness as his mother suddenly being a total MILF? N-Not that Ron would ever even think about committing incest with his own mother. That was disgusting!

It was also not precisely likely to ever happen. What Ron missed, as he zoomed past the Burrow's kitchen window and focused back on the pickup game of Quidditch he and his brothers and father were playing, was Molly Weasley getting fucked silly, right before his eyes. Bent over her stove, clad only in an apron and absolutely nothing else, the Weasley Matriarch can only moan and scream helplessly as Harry takes her from behind.

His big fat cock pierces deep into Molly's core, punching past her cervix and into her womb with every thrust, and it's all Molly can do not to pass out from the pleasure on the spot, her eyes threatening to roll back in her skull and her tongue threatening to loll out of her mouth. Meanwhile, her bouncing jiggling tits are also lactating somewhat fiercely, soaking right through her apron as her beautiful, bountiful, buxom body is ruthlessly and mercilessly fucked senseless by Harry James Potter.

Molly isn't entirely gone though, no matter how much she's enjoying getting plowed silly by her son-in-law. Moaning and groaning, the Weasley Matriarch finally finds her voice, even as she squeezes her eyes shut and shakes her head, trying to deny the bliss threatening to overtake her.

"P-Please Harry… s-someone is going to see!"

A dark chuckle, followed by a smack across her fat jiggling ass is the first response she gets, as Molly squeals like a stuck pig, her pussy walls clenching and squeezing down around Harry's cock in an orgasm from the spanking.

"Your husband and your sons are far too focused on the game to notice a thing. Ron just passed by, and he was as happy as could be. Do you think he'd be even half that thrilled if he knew what I was doing with his mother at the moment?"

Molly whimpers, flushed red with both embarrassment and arousal, a deep sense of shame filling her being even as an overwhelming sense of pleasure does the same. Changing tact, the Weasley Matriarch doesn't give up quite yet.

"B-But what about dinner! Please, just grant me a reprieve so I can at least cook the family meal!"

For a moment, Harry almost seems to slow down, and she wonders if she might have gotten through to him. After all, Molly is fully aware that the true way to a man's heart is through his stomach. And just like everyone else, she's sure Harry loves her holiday feasts quite a lot, given how much love and care she puts into him. But no, in the end, Harry has other ideas. Grabbing her by her wrists he abruptly pulls her arms behind her back, locking them there as he continues to drive into her.

Without her arms on either side of her anymore, without her clutching at the edge of her stove for dear life… the apron she's wearing quickly proves unable to hold her absolutely massive milk-laden tits in alone. Her breasts bounce free of their confines in short order now that her arms aren't on either side of her chest to keep them contained.

Laughing, Harry fucks her all the harder as Molly shrieks in orgasmic bliss, her absolutely humungous tits swinging about all over the place, occasionally even smacking up into her own face now that the apron is scrunched up in her cleavage and no longer holding them back. As he plows her so fast and so deep that she can barely keep cognizant let alone keep up, Harry reaches out and grabs her by her hair, forcing her forward until her face is mere inches from the window.

"Look at the stands, Molly. Don't tell me you haven't noticed yet."

She had, but she'd been steadfastly ignoring it as best she could. Now though, now that he's brought it up and she's forced to stare in the direction he's guiding her towards, Molly can no longer ignore what's right in front of her. There, in the stands of the Weasley Quidditch Pitch, Molly can see the true degradation and humiliation of her family.

At first glance, it looks perfectly innocent and innocuous, like nothing at all is wrong. It's just the women of the Weasley Family, wives and daughters of her sons, cheering on their husbands and fathers after all. Or so it would look to any of the Weasley Men if they glanced down at their wives, at their daughters for a split second.

From the kitchen window however, Molly has a much clearer view. While it looks like the Weasley Women are all just cheering their men on and bouncing up and down in excitement… in reality, Molly can see the truth, that each of them are bouncing up and down on the massive magical dildoes attached to their seats. Each of them is gyrating along these sexual implements, cheering distractedly, their faces flushed not with excitement for the game, but with arousal and ecstasy.

It was definitely a boost to her boys' ego, having what seemed like the most raucous crowd of fans to ever grace a simple family pick up game, but in reality, each and every woman out in those stands was Harry's bitch, just as Molly had become, and they were all clearly thoroughly enjoying the replacement cocks he'd left them while he had his way with the Weasley matriarch.

As Molly is forced to watch, all while being fucked silly by Harry's big fat cock, Rose suddenly looks over at the window and, to Molly's horror and astonishment, grins a wicked, lecherous grin. She grabs her mother Hermione by the arm, and despite the brunette's whining, pulls the older witch off of her dildo and up to her feet. As the two witches stand, the magical dildoes they'd both been riding flow back into the bench like they were never there at all, gone by the time Rose and Hermione step away and reveal the bench to any wandering eyes from above.

Pulling her mother behind the stands, Rose is oh so quick to force Hermione into a lewd squat that causes the older witch's robes to split open and reveal she's wearing nothing beneath them. Not a shirt, not a pair of pants, and certainly not a bra or panties. Molly can only watch as the brunette she once considered one of the most prudish Weasley Family members is forced to eat out her own daughter.

Making eye contact with her grandmother, Rose smiles wickedly, even as she grips her mother's bushy hair, gyrating all over the older woman's face. As Molly watches on in despair and horror at the utter depravity she's witnessing, Harry leans forward over her, watching alongside her, another dark chuckle leaving her lips.

"Ah yes, Hermione and Rose. Hermione was so very resistant at first. Reluctant to the end. But ultimately, she wanted it just as much as the rest of them did. I was willing to let her go if she could convince me otherwise… but we both know she's carried a torch for me for a long time. In the end, she couldn't even convince me that Ron's cock was bigger, or that he'd ever managed to satisfy her sexually in their entire marriage. And she certainly couldn't convince me she didn't want it."

As Harry pounds into Molly's quim from behind, the Weasley Matriarch can even imagine the scene, and her heart goes out to her daughter-in-law. After all, she knows full well by this point how… persuasive Harry can be. She didn't want it at first either… but now she was pretty sure she couldn't ever live without it.

"I fucked her, Molly. I fucked her hard and I fucked her fast, until eventually she broke. She proclaimed her love for me right around the time I plowed her ass for the first time, you know. She even called me Master… ah, but she wasn't fully broken then. She still gave me some trouble down the road… tried to go to Minister Bones about what I was doing in fact. Unfortunately for her… I beat her to the punch. But that's how she ended up where you see her now, beneath her own daughter on the totem pole."

Molly bites her lower lip as she watches Rose continue to force her own mother deep into her cunt, grinding her pussy down on Hermione's face and tossing her head back in pleasure, making it VERY clear that Hermione wasn't fighting back, that she wasn't resisting… that she was actively engaging in the act of depravity.

The mere thought of Hermione actually fighting back fills Molly with a small bit of pride. She always knew the brilliant brunette was strong. She also knows she's not nearly as strong… and even still, it's clear that Hermione's attempt to bring Harry down failed spectacularly, and the brunette was still atoning for her sins. Harry's next words all but confirm it.

"She's worked hard to climb back up as best she can, but Rose… Rose is a good girl, always has been. Oh sure, she wasn't entirely on board at first… but she wasn't nearly as defiant as Hermione. Lily and Victoire helped me loosen up the young witch before I got my hands on her though, so I suppose you have them to thank."

For a moment, Molly feels a spark of anger towards her two granddaughters for what they must have done to her other granddaughter to turn Rose into the lecherous pervert she was seeing dominate her own mother now. But the anger is fleeting at best as Molly acknowledges that what it truly came back to was Harry. Whatever Harry had done to Victoire and Lily had been what caused them to do what they in turn did to Rose. He was the start of everything… and Molly couldn't even bring herself to be mad at him, not when he was constantly assaulting her mind with wave after wave of ecstasy and pleasure.

Behind the stands, Rose lets out what looks like a wanton cry of ecstasy, not that anyone, Molly included, hears it. Still, through the kitchen window, Molly definitely SEES the results of Rose's orgasm as the younger witch sprays her pussy juices all over her crouching mother's face. After squirting all over Hermione's face, she uses her grip on the older woman's hair to pull her to her feet, dragging Hermione's robes back together and then taking her back into the stands.

All the while, Hermione, her face covered in sexual fluids now, can only give small, disgraced glances towards the window, towards Molly. The two of them share a look of despair, knowing full well that there's no beating Harry… none of them ever stood a chance.

After Rose and Hermione are back in the stands and once again bouncing up and down on big, fat, magical dildoes while pretending to cheer on the Weasley Men, it's the Delacour Family that makes their way back behind the stands next. Like a well-practiced circus troupe, they quickly get into position, much to Molly's embarrassment on their behalf, even as Harry continues to plow her from behind over her sacred stove, fucking her in what should have been a safe space, her very own kitchen.

Apolline kneels down and accepts her daughter's gyrating ass with aplomb as Fleur sits on her face. Meanwhile, Fleur spreads her legs wide and accepts her own daughter's tongue into her cunt, all while leaning back against Gabrielle, who happily lays a flurry of kisses against her older sister's neck, flipping up Fleur's shirt and exposing her large, pierced titties, which Gabrielle proceeds to knead like dough.

In contrast to both Hermione and Rose, Fleur looks up at the kitchen window of the Burrow and into Molly's eyes without shame or even wickedness, happily flaunting her unnatural beauty, as well as the dog collar that shimmers into view around her neck, the words "Property of H. J. P." visible from where Molly is currently bent over, being fucked. Obviously, the dog collar had been disillusioned until now, just as obviously, it'd always been there…

"Ah yes… my veela pets. Now there's a story that goes rather far back. You see, all of this does have a beginning, Molly. I haven't been fucking your daughters-in-law for decades or anything like that. No, this all started when Astoria and Narcissa Malfoy of all people came into my office begging for leniency for Draco. I gave it to them… in exchange for their bodies."

Molly whimpers in confusion, even as she experiences another orgasm from Harry's incessant, never-ending thrusts with his bitch breaker of a cock.

"You might be wondering why I'm telling you about the Malfoy whores… well, shortly after they paid me off with their bodies, I received a visit from Fleur Weasley. Victoire had barely done anything wrong… and yet, Fleur used it as an excuse to give herself to me. I suppose Bill just wasn't satisfying her. You know how veela can be… like moths to a flame, they gravitate towards sources of great magic. It seems that the part veela witches are the exact same."

Molly feels a flush of anger again, though it's quickly fucked out of her as the pleasure of being Harry's current cum dump cocksleeve washes it away in no time at all. Still, to hear that Fleur had betrayed Bill for nothing, had effectively handed herself over to Harry and ultimately started the humiliation of the Weasley Men and degradation of the Weasley Women in the process… needless to say, it doesn't surprise Molly, what Harry says next.

"Victoire followed suit, of course. A young veela like her needs direction, she needs support. So, once Fleur had pledged herself to me, she brought me her daughter as well. And I turned Victoire into yet another one of my veela pets. Your granddaughter, enjoying my cock just as you are now."

It was more than that though, Molly could see it right in front of her very eyes as Victoire ate out her own mother down there, behind the stands. The power dynamic between Fleur and the other veela was obvious, just as it was clearly the exact opposite of the power dynamic between Rose and Hermione. Rose was in charge when it came to her and her mother… but Fleur was very clearly top bitch when it came to her daughter, sister, and her own mother.

Harry didn't just addict witches to his cock… he corrupted them with it, turning them all into wanton, ravenous little whores who were so desperate to please him, they were willing to debase themselves and each other, engaging in fragrant debauchery, all in an effort to draw his eye. That was what was happening now below, the veela foursome in full swing with Fleur at the center, but all of them were doing their best to wiggle and writhe about, posing for Harry, thrusting their body parts in his direction as best they can. Only Fleur and Gabrielle can actually look up to the kitchen window to meet Molly's eyes, but that doesn't stop Victoire and Apolline from thrusting their ass and cunt upwards respectively in that direction.

"After Fleur and Victoire, it was actually quite a long time before I finished the set. It might surprise you to learn that Apolline fell before Gabrielle. I found the perfect opportunity to take the GILF of a part veela during my sabbatical at Hogwarts, after all. She asked me to give a lecture on veela… so I did. I told her students what veela were really like. I exposed her body in front of them. I had Fleur and Victoire both act as lewd instruments for my lecture… and then I fucked and broke Apolline Delacour in front of all of those Seventh Years. I fucked the female Seventh Years as well, of course."

He's speaking so casually now, like he didn't corrupt an entire class of Seventh Years, like he didn't send them all out into the world with a ludicrous idea of what sex was supposed to be like. The boys would all end up chasing the high of fucking a veela, even a partial one, for the rest of their lives. And Molly knew firsthand that the girls would never find a man that could compare with the one who took their virginities that day. She knew, because not even her husband could compare with Harry James Potter… and she'd had seven children with the man!

Even as Molly stares down at the four veela currently engaging in such depraved debauchery behind the stands, all for her and Harry's viewing enjoyment, she can easily imagine the classroom that day, the students all frozen in their seats or even leaning forward in interest and anticipation as Harry built up towards stripping Apolline down and fucking her right in front of all of them.

But Harry isn't done quite yet… there's still one more veela, after all. Gabrielle Delacour, Fleur's sister who never married… and who is looking distinctly pregnant now, to Molly's trained eye.

"In the end, snapping up Gabrielle was a bit of… an afterthought, if I'm being honest. Or rather, she came to me. She never did quite get over me saving her back in my fourth year, I don't think. Hero worship can be rather dangerous if it becomes an obsession, and poor Gabrielle was never going to be able to progress in life without me finally giving her what she needed. In the end, she willingly became my filthy little cum dump whore… and I rewarded her with a child for it."

Molly licks her lips at that, only for a wanton moan to spill out of her throat. The thought crosses her mind that she could probably have another child or two, if Harry were so generous as to gift HER with a babe. But the thought is fleeting, and she knows that she can't let him impregnate her, she can't let him breed her… or else this entire house of cards will come crashing down. Not that it's really her choice, and that's only made all the clearer by what happens next.

The Weasley Matriarch can only shriek as Harry brings her to another orgasm in full view of his veela pets, but its what happens as she's recovering that makes a tiny spark of joy along with a sea of shame fill her being. A dog collar slides into place around her neck, and as Harry clasps it in place, Molly whimpers, knowing that it's likely the exact same sort of make as Fleur's dog collar is, with the exact same emblazoned "Property of H. J. P." on it as the part veela has on hers.

A moment later, the collar is disillusioned, but the weight of it is still there around Molly's neck, still ever present, even as the veela foursome, having finished up with one another while Molly was in the throes of ecstasy, vacate the 'stage' for the next group to come around.

Molly can only watch in building anticipation and horror as Angelina and Roxanne walk hand in hand down from the stands and back behind them. But as soon as they turn the corner into the blind spot, Molly sees how Roxanne gives a small shriek as her mother hoists her up by the thighs, at the same time splitting open her robes and revealing the massive strap-on she was currently wearing for the occasion.

As Angelina impales Roxanne on her cock in a V-shaped stance, holding her daughter so that they're both facing the window and Molly, the Weasley Matriarch can see just how tight her granddaughter is, even as she slides down Angelina's magical strap-on, only to be violently bounced up and down it, drawing squeals and screams from Roxanne that every woman in the stands can hear, but none of the Weasley Men notice over the sounds of the Quidditch Game they're playing.

"Ah yes, Angelina and Roxanne. They were just after Hermione and Rose, you know. It wasn't something I particularly planned to do at the time, but I was owed my due, you understand… and George's experiments had left their shop a little bit short on what they owed me for the month."

Molly understands immediately, and a fresh burst of horror fills the beleaguered Weasley Matriarch's heart. She can just picture it… she loved all of her sons, but George had never been the most fiscally savvy of her children. He was a prankster at heart, and after Fred's death, he'd all but thrown himself into his work… which of course happened to be making pranks.

All that was thanks to Harry, wasn't it? Belatedly, Molly remembers that Harry invested in George and Fred's joke shop all the way back in Fifth Year, giving them his winnings from the Triwizard Tournament that he'd taken part in a year prior. In return, her boys, with their good, honest hearts even if they were a pair of hellions, had happily made Harry a silent partner in their business venture, even making up the proper contracts and everything to reflect his enormous investment in their fledgling enterprise.

That had in turn entitled Harry to a share of their profits. Not so much that George couldn't provide for Angelina and Roxanne still or anything like that, especially not when the shop was such a hit with Hogwarts Students of all ages… but Molly could easily see George overextending on his experiments, putting too much of the shop's profits back into creating new pranks out of some misguided desire to do the work of two pranksters ever since he lost his twin.

"Angelina agreed that instead of gold, I'd take what I liked from the shop. I don't think she expected me to take HER… but by the time I was done with her, she didn't mind all that much. I vanished all of her clothing below her waist, and then I ate her out from behind while under my invisibility cloak as she stood at the counter, handling a customer. She did quite well all things considered, and in the end, she obeyed when I had her close up the shop so I could properly enjoy her body."

Once again, Molly finds it all too easy to picture. Angelina might have been on board now, considering what was happening down below, considering how the woman was currently fucking her own daughter with a strap-on… but Molly can fully imagine the moment of horror and despair that must have passed over her daughter-in-law as she realized there was nothing she could do to stop Harry from having his way with her.

After all, not only was he the shop's biggest investor, not only could he absolutely ruin their family's only source of income if she raised a fuss… he was the Head Auror of the DMLE. He was the primary law enforcement officer for all of Magical Britain. It just wasn't fair, the odds were stacked impossibly in Harry's favor from the very beginning, and there was nothing Angelina Weasley could have done to fight back.

Of course, that didn't change the fact that she was very much a depraved debauched lewd woman now, given what she was currently doing to her own daughter, but once again it was hard for Molly to sit in judgment of any of the other Weasley women who'd fallen under Harry's sway when she herself was being fucked from behind over her precious stove by the big-dicked man, his bitch breaker of a cock splitting her open time and time again.

Until suddenly, she's no longer bent over. Oh, Harry doesn't stop fucking her or anything like that… he just decides to change up positions on the fly and without warning. Molly's eyes widen and she hollers at the top of her lungs as the strong wizard abruptly picks her up, his hands gripping at her thighs and holding her in the exact same V-shaped position as Angelina is with Roxanne. Obviously mimicking the dark-skinned witch, he begins to fuck Molly in this new, much more revealing position, leaving the Weasley Matriarch unable to do anything but hope against all hope that none of her sons or her husband come flying by again.

Because this time, they won't just see their mother or wife slaving over the stove like they're used to, this time they won't just see the Weasley Matriarch making dinner as they expect… no, right now she's exposed in a full frontal manner, her ginormous tits bouncing all over the place, yes, but also her apron has flipped all the way to the side and over one of her raised thighs, leaving her cock-stuffed cunt on display, along with the bulge in her stomach as Harry impales her again and again.

Any thoughts left in Molly Weasley's mind are fully driven out by this new position as he mirrors Angelina's stance and begins to fuck her in earnest from below, almost seeming to compete with the black witch as the two fuck their respective partners harder and faster by the second. At the same time though, almost impossibly so, Harry somehow finds the breath to continue on with his story of her family's utter humiliation and degradation, finishing off with Roxanne.

"Now, Roxanne… Roxanne has always been a go-getter, as you well know. Her mother didn't want her daughter involved with me at first, of course. She wasn't like you were with Ginny, constantly throwing your only girl at me since practically the moment we met."

Harry's teasing causes a flush of fresh, new shame to wash over Molly. He was right. She'd been the one who wanted to be able to count Harry James Potter as her son-in-law. She'd filled Ginny's head with so much rubbish about the Boy-Who-Lived, even though she had no idea what he was like until he'd finally shown up that day at the Platform of Nine and Three Quarters, needing her help just like Dumbledore said he would.

All signs had pointed to Harry Potter being exactly the kind of young man she wanted for her Ginny though, so Molly had continued to pursue the match… and lo and behold, it'd worked! Harry and Ginny had married and had a beautiful daughter together! Oh, but what was Ginny's part in all of this? Did she know? Did she approve? Molly doesn't have much capacity to think about such things as she's driven down onto Harry's absolutely massive length again and again, her face an abject expression of fucked silly pleasure by now, her eyes fully rolled back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth. Meanwhile, Harry isn't quite done telling his story of her family's descent just yet.

"What Angelina wanted didn't really matter, in the end. Though, if she didn't want me to take her daughter and introduce the young chocolate honey to the pleasures of sex, she really shouldn't have cut that slit in the crotch of the poor girl's quidditch leathers. Perhaps even then, Angelina knew her daughter was destined to experience the joys of womanhood on my cock."

Harry's musings are mostly falling on deaf ears at this point. Molly hears what he's saying, of course… but she's pretty much all out of overly strong emotions beyond ecstasy around now. Anger, shame, horror… she's emotionally exhausted. Hell, she's physically exhausted as well. As Harry tells the story of Roxanne's conquest, of her breaking upon his bitch breaker of a cock, Molly… just isn't surprised anymore. If anything, she's surprised about how little surprise she feels by this point. Harry has taken her family and ruined them, turning the Weasley Women into his bitches and the Weasley Men into cuckolds. And there's absolutely nothing she can do about it.

With a flick of his hand, Harry finally awards Angelina for such a great show, and Molly gets to watch as the dark-skinned woman's eyes roll up in her head, both the butt-plug in her ass and the dual-sided strap-on in her cunt activating and spewing magical cum into both Angelina and Roxanne alike. The two orgasm explosively and Angelina all but collapses on top of her shaking, spasming daughter as both witches are left insensate on the ground behind the stands, unable to even muster the strength to return to their seats and the big fat magical dildoes that await them there.

At the same moment, Harry finally cums as well, something Molly has been trying to pretend she's not waiting for, for ages now. He cums, and Molly squeals, her tongue sticking straight out of her mouth even as he fills her womb with his seed, her taut belly soon bloated with cum. It's in the midst of this that the Weasley Matriarch finds her voice long enough to do a little begging.

"P-Please… please, I need r-rest Harry… I need to rest…"

She's not even trying to get him to stop so she can cook anymore. Her kitchen is desecrated, and for the first time in many, many decades, they're going to have to order takeout for the family holiday dinner. Molly is fully prepared to let Harry do the explaining of why that has to happen, as exhausted as she now is. All she wants is to sleep, all she wants is to rest and regain some of her strength.

… But Harry isn't done with her yet.

"Not quite, Molly. I have one last surprise for you."

Slowly, he turns them both, Molly still impaled on his cock, still held in that V-position, even as Harry snaps his fingers. Into the kitchen crawls the Weasley Matriarch's worst nightmare come to life. She'd very vaguely thought about her daughter and what Ginny knew of all of this just a little while ago. Truth be told, she wouldn't even recognize her daughter… if it wasn't for her granddaughter leading her in on a leash.

Ginny's entire head, from her bright red Weasley hair to her freckled cheeks and bright blue eyes is covered up in a leather gimp mask. Save for a drooling mouth and two little holes for her nostrils, her face is fully hidden. Meanwhile, the rest of her is completely naked, even as she crawls into the kitchen on all fours, right beside her equally naked daughter.

Grinning like the cat that caught the canary, Lily Luna Potter giggles as she presents her disgraced mother to her father and grandmother.

"Hello grandma! Daddy told me we were going to get to play, and I was just so excited~ Don't worry, I brought mommy along! She's going to be a good little bottom bitch, aren't you mommy?"

Lily yanks on Ginny's leash and Ginny, who obviously can't hear or see anything, can only choke a little, even as she instinctively moves into a kneeling position, her legs spread wide and her hands palm down on the ground between her thighs, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she takes a seated dog stance.

The power dynamic between Molly's granddaughter and her only daughter is clear. Not only is Ginny in collared and clad in that gimp mask… Lily is wearing what is obviously dominatrix gear. The girl clearly takes after her 'daddy' if the corset, the stiletto leather boots, and the elbow-length leather gloves are any indication.

Looking at all of this, what can Molly do but despair, even as Harry starts to bounce her up and down on his cock all over again. She gets why he's doing this, that's the worst part. She understands why he's not allowing her to rest. He's breaking her, wholly and utterly. Even though Molly already feels like she's broken, clearly Harry has learned his lesson from disobedient bitches like Hermione. He's not taking any chances with Molly.

In the end, there's nothing the Weasley Matriarch can do, as she's walked over to where her granddaughter is waiting, and slowly lowered forward. Lily giggles and spreads her slender legs wide, the much younger witch showing off her shaved, glistening pussy lips to Molly, even as Harry guides the GILF down to her granddaughter's cunt.

Ultimately, Lily takes over from her father, gripping Molly by her long red hair and forcing her face into her cunt. She grinds her pussy all over her grandmother's lips, until Molly ultimately begins to eat her out, knowing she has no choice in the matter. Meanwhile, Harry fucks her from behind, the two of them spit-roasting the Weasley Matriarch between them quite aggressively, his thrusts forcing Molly all the deeper into her granddaughter's cunt.

All the while, Molly's only daughter, the once proud, once stubborn and belligerent Ginny Weasley, who'd even gone so far as to create her own hex while at Hogwarts… kneels there beside the three of them, her gimp mask leaving her blind and deaf to the world, her tongue lolling out of her mouth as she pants like a bitch in heat, waiting for any sort of order or command. It'll be a long time coming, as the bottom bitch of Harry's collection of slutty witches is completely ignored in favor of the new hotness, her own mother.

Truly, Molly Weasley feels the depths of despair, even as she's forced to experience the heights of pleasure and ecstasy.


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