
The Aftermath of the Sydicate's Fall

Day 6 – 2:47 PM – Multi-Purpose Clubhouse, Citta Italia, Molino III, Bacoor City, Cavite

"Sir, is it really fine to let him do that?"

One of the younger soldiers asked Major Lopez after Mark and his group left leaving two trails of blood on their path from the two bodies Emika bound in her vines.

The Major on the other hand replied another question.

"What do you think Rael?"

"It's against the law?"

Private Rael replied.

To the young soldier's reply however, Major Lopez shook his head.

"If it was six days ago, you're right. Now however, the country's law could only apply inside the settlements the government founded. Here outside, we are all equals. Only those who have strength can dictate the rules here."

Not only Rael heard that but other soldiers too making them fall into contemplation. Major Lopez patted the young soldier's shoulder.