
Must be magic

Carly moves closer to the school where her dad used to work at and she finds out things she didn't know about him.was he then man the she used to know? find out in MUST BE MAGIC

Just_Mari · 奇幻言情
10 Chs

Must be magic episode 6

Jordan pov

Jordan and Nina: Carly wake up

[Nina starts to cry]

Nina: come on you have to get up

Jordan: I can call my dad and take her to my dad's house he knows a lot about witches

Nina: ok

[Jordan carries her down stairs]

[Carly's mom wakes up and sees Nina]

Carly's mom: what wrong honey?

Nina: umm i- Im fine just boyfriend problems

Nina: I think I'm just gonna go home

Carly's mom: is Carly in her room?

Nina: n-no she is at my house

Carly's mom: oh well tell her I love her and goodnight

Nina: ok bye

[Carly's mom closes her bedroom door and go back to sleep]

[Nina goes downstairs]

Jordan: ok my dad is here come on

[Jordan puts Carly in the car]

[they go to Jordan's dad house]

Jordan's dad: ok take her to the basement

[they get out the car and go to the basement]

Jordan's dad: ok what happened

Nina: I had a demon inside me and she used the dark magic book to get the demon out of me

Jordan's dad: ok it just might of been to much dark magic

Nina: so what are you going to do

Jordan's dad: we are going to do a spell

Nina: we? Your a witch

Jordan's dad: yes

Nina: so how do Jordan get his psychic powers

Jordan and his dad: grandma

Jordan's dad: ok get the spell book from that cabinet

[Nina gets the spell book]

[Jordan's dad open in turn to the pages]

Jordan's dad: say it with me "se que mucha magia obscure, así que haz que se vaya"

Nina and Jordan's dad: se que mucha magia obscure, así que haz que se vaya

Nina and Jordan's dad: se que mucha magia obscure, así que haz que se vaya

Nina and Jordan 's dad: se que mucha magia obscure, así que haz que se vaya!!

[Carly starts coughing]

Carly: Who are you?

Jordan: that's my dad he got you up

Carly: thanks

Carly: Nina are you ok

Nina: yes I'm fine are you

Carly : yes

[they hug]

Jordan: I guess you guys are getting used to this twin thing

Jordan's dad: wait twins? You guys are the sullen twins

Nina: yeah why

Jordan's dad: of course that's why it was to strong for you

Carly: what are you talking about?

Jordan's dad: they're here

Carly and Nina: who is here

Jordan's dad: the demon/witches hunters

Carly: the wha?

Jordan's dad: they are half human and half demon they hunt witches it's a bloodline thing the family name is Winfield

Nina: Winfield? That's Cole last name

Carly: I always knew he was a demon

Nina and Jordan: really Carly

Carly: what

Nina: so he is a witch hunter

Jordan's dad: he can be but be might not know about it

Carly: so what do they do

Jordan's dad: they release demons on you and that means you are marked

[Nina gets nervous]

Nina: Mark you? What?

Jordan's dad: if the demon gets inside you and you start to itch you are mark

Nina: so what if you are not itching

Jordan's dad: you are not marked

Carly: Are you itching?

[Nina get happy]

Nina: nope

Jordan: so who released the demon at the party?

Jordan's dad: it could've been Cole sense he is a beginner hunter and he don't know what he's doing so stay away from him

Nina: how? we go to the same school

Jordan's dad: well you have to try your best. Alright come on I'm taking you guys home

Carly: but we need to know more

Jordan's dad: your going to have to come back another time

[Jordan Nina and Carly go to the car]

Carly: Jordan did you know anything about this

Jordan: nope

Nin: we have to find out more

[they all go the their houses and go to sleep]

[the next morning]

Carly pov

[Carly calls Nina]

Carly: wanna walk to school?

Nina: sure

[ they both hangs up]

[Carly gets ready and go downstairs]

Carly's mom: I thought you was sleeping over Nina

Carly: changed my mind bye

Carly's mom: bye

[Carly go to Nina's house]

Carly: Nina come on

Nina: hold on ill be out in a min!

[ Nina comes outside]

Nina: ready?

Carly: wha I was waiting in you

[smacks teeth] Nina: to be in a school with a witch hunter/demon

Carly: no but we have to be careful because we both can't get possessed

Nina: yeah I know but you can't tell me to be careful I'm the oldest

[Carly laughs]Carly: you don't know I could be the oldest

[Nina also laughs] Nina: yeah right

[they get to school and go to their first class]

Nina: good it looks like Cole is not here

[Cole walks in angrily]

Carly: way to jinx it Nina

[Cole sits next to Carly]

Cole: What are we doing?

Carly: I don't know do it looks like class started

Cole: I just asked simple question

Carly: good to know

[time passes and Cole starts tapping his foot and shaking his leg]

Carly: could you stop I can't hear the teacher with all that tapping

[Cole walks out of class and Carly follows him into the hallway]

Carly: What is your problem?

Cole: I know what you are 

              to be continued....