

Another year has passed since I was reincarnated into this world, I am now 3 years old

My sword training should start soon since according to dad my body is ready after a whole year of training.

Obviously I'm tremendously excited about this.

Also a few months ago my mother started teaching me to read and write.

I think it was one of the hardest things I've ever done...

But I didn't give up! And so after 7 months of studying I was finally able to learn to read and write the local language!!!

For some this would be a mandatory requirement but for me it is an achievement that opened the doors to great things in that world!!

So today on my third birthday went like any other day, I did cardio, took a shower and locked myself in my room with an empty bucket of water.

I stood in the middle of the room with the bucket in front of me.

My performance in mana growth has also made progress, now I need forty minutes to get rid of all my mana.

I guess that's an acceptable amount, right?...

I reached my hand towards the bucket and closed my eyes.

"fiuuuu....come on Gino...focus..." I muttered to myself.

"Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing burbling stream here and now...Water Ball."

I murmured with my eyes closed, huh I immediately felt a warm sensation in my hand as if you were slowly bringing your hand closer to a campfire

Suddenly a small ball of water the size of a soccer ball formed in front of me.

"wa..aaa!!" I murmured in surprise, causing me to lose control of the spell and it to fall into the bucket of water...

"..."I looked at my hand with excitement...

"I did it...haha...I did it.." I murmured excitedly but then tiredness took over me

"What?...Seriously?... After all this time, that's my limit?" I muttered as I fell to the ground unconscious.


I woke up who knows how long later in my mother's arms.

I looked at her and she was gently stroking my hair and we were sitting on the couch.

"Hehe...have you woken up yet sleepyhead?" She said to me affectionately while hugging me.

Shit...I never had this kind of affection in my other life so I want to enjoy this as much as I can, I thought as I snuggled close to mom pressing my face into her modest chest.

"Aww...if you were that sleepy you would have laid down in your own bed, you know? It's not good to sleep on the floor, you'll get sick" Mom said while gently pulling my ear.

"Yes I know, sorry" I said apologetically.

"Hehe...it's okay, just don't do it again okay?" She replied with a warm smile.

I nodded at this with a smile "Mom, what time is it?" I asked her.

"Eh?, umm it's about noon dear" she replied.

Half a day, huh? I only cast a water ball and i was knocked out until half a day... I couldn't even cast the spell properly despite spending three years increasing my mana... that's... disappointing...

The rest of the day went by normally, I didn't try to do another spell until I thought of an idea of how to control it, plus I want to know if I can do the spells silently, at this age It's the best time to do it


The next day went the same way, I woke up, did my morning cardio, took a shower and locked myself back in my room.

Now I sat on my bed and put the empty bucket in a corner of they bed, if I fell unconscious again at least I would fall on the bed and mom wouldn't be upset...

I sat on the corner of the bed, raised my hand and closed my eyes with a deep sigh.

"fuuuuu...Okay, here we go again..." I murmured

"Let the great protection of water be on the place thou seekest. I call a refreshing burbling stream here and now water ball!"

I felt the warm sensation again and a ball of water formed in my hand, it was the same size as a soccer ball but now I tried to stay focused on it.

"Okay...now...how do I throw it?" I muttered to myself.

Shit! In the novel they never explain how spells are cast...

I started to worry and tried to cast the spell cutting off the mana flow In it

But that was a mistake as the spell wore off and he didn't even fall into the bucket.

"Shit..." I muttered as I felt extremely tired again.

I fell onto the bed with a thud and was knocked unconscious...again...

I woke up in my room, the sun was shining in my face through the window so it was Noon again...

I got out of bed lazily and looked at my hand...

After all this time my mana pool was barely enough for this and it doesn't seem to have increased at all since yesterday...

An intense feeling of disappointment washed over me as I threw myself onto the bed, face up.

I stayed in bed doing nothing until mom called me to dinner.

Dad arrived at that time as usual, took a shower and joined the dinner.

Dinners were a nice time for me as my dad would tell mom how his day was and she seemed genuinely interested in that.

On the other hand, my father told me that it was time to start my sword training, to which I responded with a "yes sir!" with genuine emotion.

My dad smiled at my conviction and my mom could only sigh in resignation.

The night went by normally except for my mother's moans, really...these guys look like Paul and Zenith in the night...

But that couldn't even distract me from the immense sense of disappointment that I I feel

With all this in mind I went to the bathroom to bring the bucket of water back to my room.

I stood back on the corner of the bed and reached my hand toward the bucket.

Now I would try to do the chant silently...

If I could achieve even this much...it would encourage me in ways you can't imagine...

"Fuu...aaaah..." I sighed deeply as I remembered the quality of the magic sensation.

Like Rudeus...imagine the spell in your mind...water, river, lake, sea, waves...water ball....

...I opened my eyes and in front of me was a ball of water

"I-I did it!" I said excitedly but as I lost concentration the spell broke again and I fell unconscious again...


I woke up at about 5am, that was my training time but...

I just made a water ball without any enchantment..

The mere thought of it made me regain all faith in myself and I started jumping for joy in my room.

(knock, knock, knock)

The door was knocked from outside

"What's all that noise? It's time for training," my father's voice came from outside.

"I was stretching!" I replied as I put on my workout clothes.

This would be the first day I would train with swords...

When I left the room my father was already in the backyard as always training with his sword with ease

As a Sword Emperor, his movements moved with infinite grace and i did not notice even a hint of effort, that was the result of years of training of my father.

When he noticed me he stopped moving with the sword and looked me up and down.

"Very well, your body now seems ready to begin your sword training," he said as he crouched down to be at my height.

"Shall I tell you a secret? Generally children do not begin to train with the sword until they are five years old, your cousin Nina and you are an exception, she is the daughter of the Sword God and he has expectations on her...and me...well you could say the same thing, you better not disappoint me you understand?" He said while looking me in the eyes

I nodded seriously at this.

My father stood up and handed me a wooden sword about 50 cm long.

It wasn't very heavy, I estimate it weighs about two kilos, but even so, if I swing it enough with my current body, it can exhaust me.

"We will start by practicing your sword swing, you will do this every day for the rest of your life, even if you become the Sword God you are obliged to do them daily, understood?" He said and I nodded fervently at this

"Very well, put the sword at the height of your head and let it falls to the height of your waist" he said

I got into position and raised the wooden sword to the height of my head and when I let it fall to my waist, the sword made a slight noise as the wind blew through.

"That's something, but get into this position he said as he repositioned me

He made me separate my legs slightly, straightened my sword and slightly raised my grip on the sword

"Don't forget this position because you will do it for the rest of your life" he said.

""It's okay dad.." I replied. "How many times do I have to do it?" I added

"Until you feel like you can't take it anymore" he replied.

"Ok..." I replied and started swinging the sword

One...two...three swings...it was easy for me

Four...five...six swings my arms feel uncomfortable..

Seven...eight...nine...my arms hurt and my breathing is slightly labored.

Ten...eleven...twelve...my arms hurt more and I start to lose my breath

Thirteen...fourteen...fifteen...I can't take it anymore and I drop the wooden sword while trying to catch my breath.

Fucking preschooler body...I cursed in my mind

I looked at my father who was looking at me with his arms crossed.

"Not bad, catch your breath and do it again, if you get tired rest for a while and do it again" he said as he continued with his training

I nodded at this and picked up my sword again.

In a total of one hour I did about 75 swings until I couldn't do it anymore.

My father congratulated me on my effort and left for the dojo.

I was totally exhausted but I knew this was nothing.

I took a bath and continued with my magical training.

There is still a very long way to go,huh?..



*insert comment begging for power stones and positive comments*

coment and give me power stones!!

Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts