
002 The mummy

Audrey is a 27yrs old brunette with shoulder length hair, 5'4inches tall slender young lady... 2months after the biggest betrayal of her 'life' as she claim, she decided to have a fresh start. Having spent weeks and days crying, regretting and cursing, after much advice from people around her, she was ready to move on...

She decided to leave everything in her apartment with Sophie in toronto and moved in with her Aunt in Pembroke Onatario. She remembered how it was really difficult from the onset especially when she found out she was pregnant with Nathan's child.

It was 6weeks after she left Toronto, swearing her mom and sisters to secrecy on her where about. One cool evening while Aunt Lucy was making dinner and contemplating on how to force Audrey to eat again. The smell of poutine filled the whole kitchen immediately, Audrey felt week to her stomach and rushed into the bathroom to throw up.

Aunt Lucy. Running after her, feeling concerned 'what's wrong child, are you feeling OK?'

Audrey. Rinsing her mouth, answered weakly 'I was feeling very ok I really don't know what happened next, I think I am coming down with something '

Aunt Lucy. Confused 'go get dressed, we should go see a doctor as this keeps happening.'

Audrey. Bothered... 'I really don't think it's necessary Aunt, I just need...'

Aunt Lucy. Loosing patient interrupted her 'go get ready right now girl!!!' 'I won't repeat myself again.'

Audrey reluctantly left to get ready. After series of tests in the clinic, Audrey was diagnosed to be 7weeks pregnant...

Aunt Lucy. Worried.. 'Dear child you really need to go back or at least let the father of this child know about this. It'll be a disaster later on.'

Audrey. Sad 'No Aunt, my telling would mean I have to face him and that backstabber I called my bestie' sobbed... 'I really don't want to meet them, i've made my peace with everything that happened, I definitely don't want to go back' crying out, she ran to her room...

Aunt Lucy. Confused, went after her.. 'I think it's time you tell me what transpired between the three of you so I'll understand.'

Audrey. Already in her bed. Between sobs 'I really can't say what happened right now without crying my heart out aunt, please give me time.'

Aunt Lucy. Sighed... 'ok child but you really need to put yourself and your act together and think about what you're going to do about this situation.'

Audrey. Stares blankly 'I don't know aunt but I think I'll have this child.'

Aunt Lucy. Surprised... 'are you sure Drey?'

Audrey. Sighs... 'yes aunt.'