
When A Dragon Just Wants To Sleep 1

You know how some people say you can become anything when you dream. I never thought it to be true, as after coming home from work and playing some Destiny 2, I fell asleep faster than you could say microtransactions. 

And as I dreamed, I saw a great dragon sleeping before me, and in his outstretched claw, I saw a vial of liquid and thinking that this was a dream, I climbed knot the claw, and mind you, his hand was the size of a small house if not larger.

Upon reaching the palm, I saw the vial simply lying there, and deciding to see what it was, I picked it up and inspected it, and within it, I saw outlines of draconic creatures, one white and one red. Reading the label, it said, "Essence Of The Heavenly Dragon Emperor."

"Well, that is some xianxia naming right there." I think to myself as I put it back down on the Dragon's palm and slowly make my way back down from the Dragon's hand. While I was tempted to drink it, I am no Thief unless I'm stealing things in the game when I play Thief build like in Skyrim because then the only consequence is getting dialogue and going to jail if you're caught.

So I simply explored the Dragon's cave and saw mountains of gold and jewels, wealth beyond measure, and endless seas of rare items. If this were a boss, this would be the end boss or even the secret one at the end of a game. 

Yet, as I sat there on top of a mountain of gold, I waited to wake up from the dream. I continued to look over everything in this horde, and wow, this guy or girl was a definite hoarder.

I could see items that looked older than dirt, and some seemed to glow with other strange powers, yet I simply waved them off as you do not listen to voices coming from creepy objects. Soon enough, I felt the gold beneath me undulate as the dragon woke up with its dragon eyes showing a barrage of colors.

As it awoke, it looked around its hoard as if making sure it was all there as I waited for it to notice me. That didn't take long as after it took away from its nose, it looked in my direction immediately, and I gave it a small bow and wave, to which it seemed confused.

"YOU HUMAN WHY HAVE YOU COME HERE!?" The dragon asks as its voice reverberates across the large cavern to which I shined off a piece of gold.

"Well, I actually found myself here after falling asleep, and I've mostly been spending the time cleaning your stuff. This place is a mess, and that's saying something is coming from me." This news makes her seem offended as she yells.

"HOW DARE YOU! I AM THURAX, THE DRAGON THAT WANDERS THE BLING ETERNITIES! I AM NOT SOME DIRTY PIG!" I could feel the lie coming off the Dragon as I sighed and shook my head.

"Well, Thurax, it's nice to meet you. I am Cal Costanzo, and it's okay to admit that you don't have time to clean this place, as sleep is important." This being then prepared to roar at me but then started coughing from all the dust it was kicking up.

"You see, this is what happens when you don't clean up a place. it gets moldy and dusty, and nothing has its old shine. I mean, look at these jewels. If they were clean, they would sparkle as if it was the first day they came out of the ground." I then grabbed a rather fancy rag and cleaned it off as the Dragon simply watched, flabbergasted.


"Well, I appreciate it, but would you happen to know how to get back to Lancaster, New York? I need to get up for work, and it seems like my dream is a bit more real than I thought it was." My words seem to confuse it as it says.

"WHAT IS THIS NEW YORK? I HAVE NOT HEARD OF THIS PLACE BEFORE, AND I HAVE WANDERED OVER A HUNDRED WORLDS. EXPLAIN THIS PLACE, HUMAN, AND I SHALL GRANT YOU A BOON." Well, the terror was now mounting as I tried to formulate a response and began to speak of my Earth's history.

Thankfully, I was a history major, so I can basically count off major events like people remembering weird facts about people they know on Twitter, but the hardest part came after explaining democracy.

"SO YOU HUMANS USE A REPRESENTATIVE SYSTEM? THAT IS FOLLY, AS IT ALLOWS LIARS AND WEAKLINGS TO INFECT THE POLITICAL SYSTEM! ONLY THE STRONGEST AND SMARTEST SHOULD RULE!" Great, now I had to try to explain the geopolitics relating to Revolutions and how people didn't exactly want a king or monarchies after the major world wars.

Yet after recounting history from the beginning of human civilization to the modern day, the Dragon seemed almost annoyed as he said, "IT IS ALMOST HILARIOUS HOW MUTED HUMAN POTENTIAL HAS COME IN YOUR WORLD. I WOULD GIVE YOUR WORLD 100 YEARS BEFORE IT COLLAPSES. AS A GOVERNMENT RULED BY WEAK MEN SHALL LEAD TO CHAOS!"

I would like to voice my thoughts on that, but I simultaneously don't want to get burned in a non-existence, so I remain quiet and wish I could go back to bed as this had been exhausting. So, as the Dragon mulled over my words, it rose and began to shuffle through its piles of junk and grabbed the small vial from before.

"HERE IS A REWARD FOR TELLING ME OF YOUR HISTORY. I DO NOT WISH TO USE THIS AS IT MAY BE POISONED. BUT I BELIEVE YOU CAN NOW DRINK IT AS I WISH TO SEE WHAT IT DOES." I then bow in thanks while thanking every god and goddess I could think of as I drink the potion, and as I feel the effects and begin to disintegrate, I say one last thing.

"Thanks for the memories, Thurax, and for dragons's sake, get a maid or something to clean this place up." The Dragon then laughs loudly as it believes that I am dying, which is technically right, and as my vision begins to fade, a portal forms beneath me, which I fall through.

"Truly, life is too troublesome." And my mind goes blank as I feel a new surge of power enter my veins.

- The Familiar Forest (DXD) Year 1349- (A year before the great war)

(Third Person POV)

Life in the Underworld was unsuited for continued existence as the very air was poisonous to those who wielded no magic nor had any protection from Supernatural corruption. There was no sun nor a moon to keep track of the time, and those who lived there were incredibly powerful.

This was a time of Angels, Devils, Fallen Angels, Gods, and Dragons, all beings of great and terrible power, yet few matched up to the dragons that made up the higher echelons of power. The Dream and The Infinite were still roaming the Dimensional Gap but The Dream had mostly made the interdimensional space its home as The Infinite found itself lost and without direction.

The Angels had been divided after Helel had convinced Lillith to eat from the Tree Of Knowledge, and they both were banished to Hell by God. After his banishment, many Angels, disillusioned by Helel's banishment, followed him, with Azazel, Shemazai, and Penemue being the first Cadre classes to fall.

And as Helel, the now first devil, tore away his Angel and Fallen Angel sides, he fully accepted his new identity as Lucifer and now, in his misshapen pride and envy, desired to take over Heaven to spite his father and prove that his creation of humanity was a mistake and that he could do so much better with his power.

So, desiring to create a race he believed would be superior to humanity, he, with the help of Lilith, who still retained the knowledge after eating from the Apple, used their combined essences to create the original Satans of Leviathan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, and their pillars. The years leading to the Great War ended with the world in turmoil.

 The Hundred Year War had just begun in Europe, which fueled the negative energy required for devils to manifest greater strength and fight against the Angels whom they were programmed to despise and reject at their very core. 

The pillars, though, were created with less foresight in mind and more for cannon fodder and to provide armies for the original Satan's to use.

Yet between an all of this, a lone dragon slept in what would later become the familiar forest, and as its eye opened slightly, it soon closed with a huff and a few words, "Blasted edge lords." The Dragon then fell back to sleep and enjoyed the silence while it lasted. 

(Cal Costanzo POV) (One Year Prior)

When people say that if they could choose to be anything, they would wish to be a dragon, I thought them to be liars and power fantasy enthusiasts, yet after drinking that vial and finding myself scratching through an egg, I knew what they had meant. The feeling of power and superiority was addicting as I felt my instincts nearly overcome my reasoning.

After a couple more scratches against the egg, I was able to form enough cracks to shatter it but not enough to make sure that I had something to eat for later. 

Looking at the nearby river, I looked into the calm waters and found a new face staring back at me. A gold luster lined my new form, and as I devoured the eggshell I was in, I found that my hunger was satiated for now.

So, as I investigated this new world I found myself in, I wondered how my life would have gone if I hadn't gone to sleep that day. A few tears fall off my face at the loss of my own life as well as my human form. There is a furries best-case scenario joke here, but I am too saddened by the possibility to laugh.

Even now, I can feel my mentality subtly shifting into a more Dragonic sense, and while my feelings for my old family shall remain, they are unreachable for now at least. 

I can feel whispers of power within me that lead to a supernova of massive proportions as the power threatens to almost overtake my mind, but I get control of myself and continue walking to find someplace to rest, as a young dragon needs a lot of sleep and a lot of food and battle.

I wonder if I would be able to create those Dragon apples from that one anime I watched?" I think to myself as when I try to speak, all that comes out is a chirp, which is too cute to be threatening and as I found myself next to a cave, I looked in slightly and tilted my head to get a better look, and as I saw that the cave was empty I walked in and layed down.

That was my first mistake in this new life.

(Tiamat POV)

"Someone is here," I think to myself as I return to my cave within one of the few forests in the underworld. If one could call a thicket of dead trees of the forest, that is, but regardless, this transgression cannot stand. And as I grow to my full height and walk into the cave, I see a sight that leaves me speechless.

A baby dragon barely a couple of hours old lying in the cave, sleeping peacefully as if it fears nothing. While my annoyance remains, it has calmed seeing the young age of the Dragon before me. 

It is known that very young dragons have yet to learn the meaning of danger quite and are only able to speak the common tongue once they are at least a couple of days old, yet where did he come from?

Walking over to him, I place my head closer to him yo, and he grabs onto my nose with his clawed appendages and wraps himself around as I simultaneously want to laugh and shake this kid off. This young child should be in the Dragon Mountains being raised by Tannin, yet he is here in this cave with me. 

I scan this young Dragon, and I almost reel back in shock as I sense the power this child is holding back. In comparison, my power would be like a forest fire, and this young child would be like an entire Mountain set ablaze. 

Common Dragon practice would be to send him back to his parents, or, in the case that he was formed via ambient Mana, would be sent to somewhere where he may grow somewhat safely.

 But even I fear with the coming conflict between those three new biblical factions, even dragons may be caught in the ensuing war. And with those heinous things beginning to populate the underworld, it would be dangerous for this young child to adventure to the dragon mountains alone, and he seems quite adorable.

As I bite him on his neck very lightly, I carry him to the inner part of my cave and lay down upon my treasures. Once it is safer, I will send him to the Dragon Mountains to be trained. Besides, I am not fit to take care of a child.

Yet as I lay next to him, the smile on his sleeping face made me feel things that I have not before. Like some kind of old feeling that I scarcely remember yet scratches on the edges of my mind.

"Who are you, young one?" I ask the world, yet it offers no answer, and as I sigh in frustration, I go to sleep and await the awakening of this young Dragon. Who knows what those upstarts Albion and Ddraig fighting each other over every little thing? Maybe this young Dragon can show us something new.